Sivut kuvina

grænlandica. 10. P. caule simplici, foliis profunde pinnatifidis, pinnis lanceolatis acuminatis serratis, calycibus glabris 5-dentatis, corollis clausis, galea uncinato-subulata. Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 212.

Icon. Fl. dan. 1166. Retz. obs. 4. t. 1.


In low plains of the Columbia. M. Lewis. . July. v. s. in Herb. Lewis. nec non Lambert.



verticillata. 11. P. caule simplici, foliis caulinis profunde pinnatifidis quaternis, pinnis linearibus acute dentatis, spica capitata involucrata, calycibus villosis 5-fidis, corollæ galea obtusissima.





P. verticillata B. Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 214.

P. lanata. Pallas in Herb. Lambert.

On the north-west coast. Nelson. Y. v. s. in Herb, Banks. nec non Lambert. Not above two inches high; flowers purple.

12. P. caule simplici, foliis pinnatis, pinnis imbricatis ovatis obtusis duplicato-dentatis, calycibus 5-dentatis, corollæ galea obtusa. Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 215.

Icon. Fl. dan. 30. Fl. lapp. t. 4. f. 2. Hall. fl. helv. t. 8. f. 3.

In Labrador. Colmaster. 4. v. s. in Herb. Dickson. Not above three inches high; flowers yellow, with a scarlet helmet.

509. MIMULUS. Gen. pl. 1049.

1. M. erectus, glaber; foliis sessilibus lanceolatis acuminatis serratis, pedunculis axillaribus oppositis flore longioribus, dentibus calycis oblongis acuminatis.—Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 360.

Icon. Bot. mag. 283.

Pluk. amalth. t. 393. f. 3.

In low grounds, on clay soil: Pensylvania to Carolina. 4. July, Aug. v. v. Flowers pale blue, large. 2. M. erectus, glaber; foliis petiolatis ovatis acuminatis serratis, pedunculis axillaribus oppositis flore brevioribus, dentibus calycis rotundatis mucronatis, caule tetragono alato.- Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 361.

In ditches and on the borders of ponds: Pensylvania to Carolina. . July, Aug. v. v. Flowers the size and colour of the foregoing.

3. M. erectus, glaber, stoloniferus; foliis subrotundo-ovatis nervosis dentatis, inferioribus obtusis petiolatis, superioribus acutis arcte sessilibus, racemo terminali,

Tab. 20. p. 427.

Mimulus Lewisi.

Drawn & Engraved by W.

pedunculis axillaribus oppositis elongatis, calyce inæquali, dentibus acutiusculis.-Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 361. Icon. Feuill. peruv. 2. t. 34.

On the banks of Clarck's river. M. Lewis. On the north-west coast. Pallas. 2. July, Aug. v. s. in Herb. Lewis. nec non Lambert. Flowers golden-yel. low. It has lately beeu introduced into the gardens, and will be a fine addition to our hardy perennial plants.

4. M. erectus, pusillus, pubescens ; foliis sessilibus oblongolanceolatis acutis nervosis mucronato-denticulatis, foribus paucis terminalibus longissime pedunculatis, dentibus calycis acuminatis.

On the head springs of the Missouri, at the foot of Portage hill. M. Lewis. 4. Aug. v. s. in. Herb. Lewis. Not above eight inches high; flowers two or three, larger than any other known species, of a beautiful pale purple.

510. CHELONE. Gen. pl. 1005.

1. C. foliis oppositis lanceolato-oblongis acuminatis serratis, spicis terminalibus densifloris.-Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 225.

a. C. foliis subsessilibus, floribus albis.

B. C. foliis brevi-petiolatis, floribus purpureis.

C. obliqua. Willd. sp pl. 3. p. 225.

C. purpurea. Mill. dict. n. 2.

Icon. Schkuhr handb. 172. Mill. ic. 93. Pluk, mant. t. 348. f.3.

On the banks of rivers, ponds, and swamps: New En. gland to Carolina. 6 In rivulets on the high mountains of Virginia and Carolina. 2. July, Aug. v. v. Flowers large, in close spikes, in var. a. white; purple in var. B. I have not been able to find sufficient distinctions between C. glabra and C. obliqua, so as to consider them distinct species.

511. PENTSTEMON. Gen. pl. 1758,

[ocr errors]

1. P. caule glabro, foliis lævigatis ovato-oblongis basi am-
plexicaulibus tenuissime denticulatis, inferioribus in-
tegerrimis, floribus paniculatis, filamento sterili su-
perne barbato.-Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 228.
Chelone Penstemon. J. F. Miller. ic. 4.

Icon. Lam. illustr.528. Arduin. spec. t. 5. Moris. hist. 2.
s. 5. t. 8. f. 6.








[blocks in formation]

In stony low grounds: Pensylvania to Carolina. 4. July-Sept. v. v. From one to two feet high; flowers pale purple.

2. P. caule pubescente, foliis serrulatis lanceolato-oblongis sessilibus, floribus paniculatis, filamento sterili ab apice infra medietatem barbato.-Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 227. Chelone Pentstemon. Mant. 415.

a. P. foliis lævigatis serratis latioribus.

Icon. Moris. hist. 3. s. 11. t. 21. f. 2.

angustifolia. B. P. foliis pubescentibus obscure denticulatis angustis.
P. hirsuta. Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 227.
Chelone hirsuta. Mill. dict. n. 3.
Icon. Moris. hist. 3. s. 11. t. 21. f. 3.




On the side of hills and in dry meadows: New York to Virginia. 2. July-Sept. v. v. About a foot high; flowers pale purple, longer than the foregoing species. 3. P. caule fruticoso, ramis angulatis superne pubescentibus, foliis lanceolatis obsolete denticulatis sessilibus glabriusculis, racemis terminalibus subcorymbosis, filamento sterili longitudinaliter barbato.-Lambert in linh. trans. 10. p. 259.

Icon. Linn. trans. 10. t. 6.

On the north-west coast. M. Lewis. Unalashka. Pallas. h. v. s. in Herb. Lambert, nec non Lewis. A small shrub, about a foot or more high; flowers purple.

512. MARTYNIA. Gen. pl. 1010.

1. M. caule ramoso, foliis alternis cordatis integerrimis vil-
losis.-Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 264.

M. alternifolia. Lam. encycl 2. p. 112.
M. aunua. Sp. pl. 862.

Icon. Bot. mag. 1056.

Mill. ic. 286.

On the banks of the Mississippi. O. July. v. v. Flowers large, white, speckled with purple and yellow. The singular shape of its fruit, connected with the beauty of its flowers, makes this annual a desirable plant in all collections.

513. SCHWALBEA. Gen. pl. 1001.

1. S. simplex, pubescens; foliis lanceolatis, racemo termi-
nali, floribus alternis.— Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 201.
Icon. Lam. iliustr. 520. Pluk. mant. t. 348. f. 2.
In pine-barrens: New Jersey to Carolina.
June, July. v. v. Flowers yellowish-brown.


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