Sivut kuvina

A. parviflora. Mich. fl. amer. 2. p. 160.
Icon. Pluk. mant. 1. 348. f. 6.

In shady woods, round the roots of beech-trees: New
York to Kentucky. 4. July. v. v. Not above
three or four inches high; flowers pale purple, small.

5. A. foliis quinis oblongo-lanceolatis verticillatis, caule uni- verticillata. floro, petalis tribus exterioribus longissimis linearibus, interioribus lanceolatis, labello trilobo, lacinia media undulata. Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 81.

Icon. Pluk. mant. t. 348. f. 1. bona.

In shady woods, near the banks of rivulets : Pensylvania to Virginia. 4. July. v. v. A very scarce and handsome species; flowers, the size and shape of A. divaricata, of a dull purple mixed with yellow. It has sometimes two or three flowers.

6. A. foliis verticillatis oblongis acuminatis, caule unifloro, medeoloides. flore subsessili, petalis tribus exterioribus linearibus, interioribus brevioribus oblongis obtusis, labello petalis consimile.

In shady woods on the Blue-mountains. Vanvleck. 2. July. v. s. in Herb. Vanvleck. Resembles the preceding in general habit.

674. EPIPACTIS. Swartz. act. holm. 1800. p. 231.
1. E. foliis radicalibus ovatis acutis, scapo aphyllo pubes-
cente laxifloro, floribus pedicellatis, labello bilobo
vix petalis conniventibus longiore, capsulis clavatis,
radice palmato.

Ophrys pubera. Mich. fl. amer. 2. p. 158.
Arethusa racemosa. Walt. fl. car. 222.

Serapias foliis ovatis radicalibus, scapo nudo multifloro.
Gron. fl. virg. 137.

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In pine-barrens of Carolina and Georgia, . June. v. s. in Herb. Gronov. et Walter. Flowers small, greenish-white.



2. E. caule bifolio, foliis oppositis cordato-subrotundis acu- convallarioitis, spica parviflora, labello oblongo apice dilatato obtuse bilobo, germine subgloboso, radice fibrosa.-Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 88.

Ophrys cordata. Mich. fl. amer. 2. p. 158.

In shady cedar-swamps and sphagnous woods: Canada
to New Jersey; rare. 2. May. v. v.
A very
small plant; flowers dark-brown, mixed with green.






675. MALAXIS. Swartz. act. holm. 1800. p. 233. 1. M. folio solitario ovato amplexicauli, scapo pentagono, labello apice bifido. Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 90.

M. unifolia. Mich. fl. amer. 2. p. 157.

In shady woods: Pensylvania to Florida. . May,
June. v. v.

2. M. foliis binis ovato-lanceolatis, scapo triquetro, petalis
interioribus filiformibus reflexis discoloribus, labello
concavo obovato apice acuto.-Willd. sp. pl. 4.
p. 92.

Ophrys trifolia. Walt. fl. car. 221.

Ophrys scapo nudo, foliis radicalibus, &c. Gron. virg. p. 138.

Epidendrum caule erecto simplicissimo nudo, racemo simplici erecto. Gron. virg. p. 140.

Icon. Bot. rep. 65.

In shady wet woods, round the roots of trees: Canada to Virginia. 2. June, July. v. v. The three outside petals are sharp-pointed, white; the two inside ones thread-shaped, yellowish, and reflex; the lower lip broad-obovate with an abrupt point of a pale olive colour.

676. CYMBIDIUM. Swartz. nov. act. ups. 6. p. 70.
1. C. foliis radicalibus ensiformibus nervosis, scapo pauci-
floro, labello erecto basi attenuato, lamina expansa,
disco concavo barbato.- Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 105.
Limodorum tuberosum. Syst. veg. 680. Mich. fl. a-
mer. 2. p. 159.

Limodorum pulchellum. Salisb. prodr. 8.

Ophrys barbata. Walt. A. car. 221.

Icon. Bot. mag. 116.

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In sphagnous swamps: Canada to Florida. 4. July. ບ. ບ. Flowers purple, very handsɔme.

2. C. foliis radicalibus lato-lanceolatis plicato-nervosis, scapo multifloro, petalis interioribus conniventibus, labello ventricoso, lamina emarginata crispa sulcata. Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 105.

Limodorum verecundum. Salisb. prodr. 9.

Limodorum tuberosum. Jacq. collect. 4. p. 108.

Limodorum altum. Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t. 602.

Limodorum trifidum. Mich. fl. amer. 2. p. 159.

Icon. Mart. cent. t. 50. Mill, ic. 145.

In Carolina and Florida. 4. July, Aug. v. v. Resembles the preceding, but is larger.

3. C. foliis radicalibus geminis ovatis multinervibus, scapo simplici vaginato erecto, petalis erectis, tribus exterioribus lanceolatis, interioribus oblongis, labello obo. vato margine undulato-crenato.-Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 107.

Arethusa spicata. Walt. fl. car. 222.

On the side of fertile hills, under the shade of trees: Pensylvania to Carolina. 2. May. v. v. Flowers greenish-purple. It is known among the inhabitants by the name of Adam and Eve. The roots bruised, with a small addition of water, give a strong cement, which when applied to broken china and glass is exceedingly durable.

4. C. scapo vaginato aphyllo, floribus pedicellatis, petalis lanceolatis æqualibus, labello ovato obtuso. Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 110.

Ophrys corallorhiza. Mich. fl. amer. 2. p. 158.

Icon. Pluk. alm. t. 211. f. 1 & 2.

In shady woods, about the roots of trees: Canada to Virginia. Flowers small, dark purple mixed with yellow.

677. CALYPSO. Salisb. in parad. lond. 1.89.

1. C. folio radicali unico subrotundo-ovato nervoso, scapo
unifloro vaginato.—Salisb. I. c.

Limodorum boreale. Willd. sp pl. 123.
Cypripedium bulbosum. Sp. pl. 1347.

Cymbidium boreale. Swartz. nov. act. ups. 6, p. 76.
Icon. Parad. lond. 89. Smith spicil. t. 11. Gmel. fl.
sib. 1. t. 2. f. 5.

In Nova Scotia. Menzies. On the Columbia river.
M. Lewis. 4. May, June. v. s. in Herb. Lewis.
Flower large, purplish rose-coloured; the lower lip
resembling Cypripedium.

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678. CYPRIPEDIUM. Swartz. act. holm, 1800, p. 250. 1. C. caule folioso, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis, lobo styli lanceolato obtusiusculo, labello petalis lanceolatis breviore compresso.-Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 142.

In Pensylvania. Muhlenberg. 4.+. Resembles C. Calceolus; but the flowers are white, and not half the size the form of the leaves and lobe of the style distinguish it sufficiently.

parviflorum. 2. C. caule folioso, lobo styli triangulari acuto, petalis exterioribus ovato-oblongis acuminatis, interioribus linearibus contortis, labello petalis breviore compresso. Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 143.



C. Calceolus. Mich. fl. amer. 2. p. 161.

Icon. Salisb. in linn. trans. 1. p. 77. t. 2. f. 2. Pluk.
mant. t. 418. f. 2.

In shady fertile woods: New Jersey to Carolina. .
May, June. v. v. Petals greenish-brown; lower

lip yellow, with brown spots.

3. C. caule folioso, lobo styli triangulari-oblongo obtuso, petalis exterioribus ovato-oblongis acuminatis, interioribus longissimis linearibus contortis, labello petalis breviore compresso. Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 143.

C. flavescens. Redout. pl. liliac.

C. Calceolus. B. Sp. pl. 1346.

Icon. Willd. hort, berol. 1. t. 13. Moris. hist. 3. s. 12. t. 11. f. 15.

C. Calceolus Walt. fl. car. 222.

On sunny fertile hills, among small trees and bushes, generally in rocky situations: Pensylvania to Carolina. 2. May. v. v. Petals greenish-yellow with red spots; lower lip yellow. It approaches near to the preceding. Sometimes it is found with two or three flowers.

4. C. caule folioso, lobo styli elliptico-cordato obtuso, petalis exterioribus lato-ovalibus obtusis, labello petalis longiore antice fisso.—Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 143.

C. album. Ait. kew. 3. p. 303.

C. canadense. Mich. fl. amer. 2. p. 161.
C. reginæ. Walt. fl. car. 222.

C. Calceolus y. Sp. pl. 1346.

Icon. Bot. mag. 216. Pluk. mant. t. 418. f. 3. Moris. hist. 3. s. 12. t. 11. f. 17.

In low meadows and bogs, particularly in the mountain-
ous tracts: Canada to Carolina. 2. May, June. v. v.
From eighteen inches to three feet high. The plant in
its foliage resembles Helleborus viridis; the flowers
are generally by two, sometimes three, very large, the
lower lip white with red veins, and crimson spots in-

5. C. caule folioso, lobo styli orbiculato obtusiusculo, peta-
lis 5. duobus inferioribus lineari-lanceolatis deflexis,
lateralibus linearibus horizontalibus, supremo ovato-
oblongo acuto, labello longitudine petalorum an-
tice obverse-conico saccato.-Ait. kew. ed. 2. tom. 5.
In shady sphagnous woods, about Montreal, Canada.
M'Kenzie. 4. May. v. v. Flower small, petals
greenish-brown; lower lip white, with crimson
veins; of a very singular structure, resembling at a
front view a sheep's head, the two lateral petals form-
ing the horns. The stem is pubescent, not a span
high; leaves smooth, in general alternately by four.
It distinguishes itself very strongly from all the rest
by having five petals, and by the singular structure of
its lower lip.

6. C. scapo aphyllo unifloro, foliis radicalibus geminis ob-
longis obtusis, lobo styli subrotundo-rhombeo acumi-
nato deflexo, labello petalis lanceolatis longiore antice
fisso. Willd. sp. pl. 4. p. 144.

C. acaule. Ait. kew. 3. p. 161.


Icon. Bot. mag. 192. Salisb. in linn. trans. 1. t. 3. f. 4.
Catesb. car. app. t. 3. Pluk. mani. t. 418. f. 1.
In shady rocky situations and on dry mountain bogs:
Canada to Carolina. 2. May, June. V. V.
much above a span high; flower purple, large. I have
observed a white variety on the Broad-mountains,
Pensylvania. The whole of this genus is known
among the inhabitants by the name of Mocassim
Flower, or sometimes Ladies Slippers.



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