Sivut kuvina

they may consider well the Allegations thereof, and both instruct and send over in the space of [ ] monethes, some Agents sufficiently impowered to answer for them, and to receive your Majesties Determinacion in this matter, depending for judgment before you.

All which is most humbly submitted. Whitehall, 20th Decemb. 1675.

His Majesty in Councill was pleased to approve of the said report And it is hereby Ordered, that one of the principall Secretarys of State doe prepare a letter for his Majesties signature, willing and requiring the present Governour and Magistrates of the said towne of Boston and Massatusets Colony, to Send over their Agent or Agents fully instructed, within the space of six monethes from the receipt thereof, to answer the Peticions and Complaints of the said Mr Mason & Mr Gorges, Copyes whereof are to bee transmitted unto them, That soe his Majesty may put an end to this matter, which hath soe long depended for judgment before him. - [Charles II. Vol. XII., 77-8.]

At Whitehall, February the 11th 1675. Present, The Kings most excellent Majesty.

The Bostoners in
New England to

plaint of the
Dutch Ambr.

Upon the memoriall of the Ambassador Exanswer the Com- traordinary of the States Generall of the United Provinces, representing that Capt Jurian Arenson, Commander of the Shipp, Flying Horse of Curassao, having received a Commission from the Governor of that Island, made himselfe Master of the Forts of Penatscop, and St John, belonging to the French, situated upon the river of Pountegolt in the North of America in New France, and having left part of his men there, for the defence of the said places, and to trade with the Inhabitants thereabouts, the English of Boston did by force of armes attack the men left in Garrison in the said places, made them Prisoners, and razed the Fortifications, upon no other consideration but because they would not suffer any Hollanders there; Praying his Majestie to cause exemplary punishment to be inflicted upon the Offenders, and to send requisitt Orders for the speedy setting at liberty the Pris

oners, and restitucion of the said Forts, with satisfaccion for damages. It is this day Ordered, that a Copie of the said Memoriall be sent unto the Magistrats of Boston in New England who are hereby required to return their answer to the said Complaint, That so his Majestie understanding the nature of the Fact may give such order as is agreeable to Justice therein. And the Right Honble Mr Secretary Williamson is to prepare a letter for his Majesties Signature accordingly. - [Charles II. Vol. XII., 119.]

At Whitehall, June the eighth, 1677. Present, The King's most excellent Majesty.

Mr Randolph's about New Engand referred to



Upon reading this day at the Board a Representacion from Edward Randolph, employed by his Majesty concerning severall Matters relating to the State of New England, and the Government thereof, His Majesty was pleased to Order in Councell, That the said representacion bee referred to the Right Honble the Lords Committees of this Board for Trade & Plantations, to consider of the same, and to take the Opinion of such of his Majesties Judges as they shall thinke fit concerning such Heads of the said Representacion as relate to matters of law, And it was further Ordered, That his Majesties learned Councell in the Law doe attend their Lordships about this Affayre. [Charles II. Vol. XIII., 40.]

At Whitehall, this 9th of Aprill, 1678. Present, The King's most excellent Ma'


Upon reading this day at the Board the Pe- The Agents of ticion of St Edmond Andros, Knight, Seigneur Answer Sr Ed Anof Someres, L' and Gouernour of New Yorke, dros his Peticion. and other Territoryes in America, under his royall Highness, Complaining that notwithstanding his great proffers and Services done to the neighbouring Colonyes of New England, in the late Indyan Warr, and his subjection of the Eastward Indyans, at his royall Hyghnesses great charge, and particularly in his strict prohibition of the Sale of Powder, and other ammunition, Yet the Colony of Massachuset's Bay, in their Declaration of Warr there,

printed in 1675; and in Bookes of the sayd Warr printed since doe declare and asperse all his Majestyes subjects in Albany, with having recruited Philip, and other their Indyan enemyes, with ammunition from that place, and haue since refused to alledge the least colour for this thing, or give satisfaction (tho' required) for this publique imputation, and still allow and countenance the vending the sayd bookes amongst them, And therefore for Secureing the sayd people from the penaltyes which may be inflicted on them by the sayd Massechusetts for this imputed crime (If found amongst them) humbly prayd his Majesty to cause Inquiry to be made of the truth of this matter, while the Agents of the sayd Colony are yet here, And thereupon to give such Order for the punishment of the Offenders, as to his Majesty should seeme meete, His Majesty was pleased to Order, And it is accordingly Ordered, That a Copy of the said Peticion be given to the sayd Agents of the Massachusetts, who are required forthwith to returne their answer to this Complaint unto this Board, That thereupon his Majesty may declare his further pleasure. [Charles II. Vol. XIII., 285.]

At Whitehall, this 24th of Aprill, 1678. Present, The Kings most excellent Majesty.

The Oath of Allegiance to be ad

Agents of New

It was this day Ordered, by his Majesty in ministred to the Councill, That the Right Honble the Lords of the England. Committee for Trade and Plantations, doe administer the Oath of Allegiance to the two Agents from New England now here. [Charles II. Vol. XIII., 307.]

At Whitehall, this 4th of December, 1678. Present, The Kings most excellent Majesty.

The Agents of


Whereas Randall Holden and John Green, New England to Deputyes for the towne of Warwick and Colony in Road Island, did this day represent unto his Majesty in Councill, that some persons within the Corporation of the Massachusetts Bay, had by a printed paper affixed in publique places in New England, layd claime to a Tract of Land, called the King's Province, which of right belongs to his Majesty, and to

the Jurisdiction of Road Island. And the sayd printed Paper having been also read at the Board, His Majesty was pleased to Order That a copy of the sayd paper be sent unto William Stoughton and Peter Bulkely, Agents for the Massachusetts Colony, who are hereby directed to attend his Majesty in Councill on Friday the 6th instant, and there to show by what authority or title the sayd claymants pretend unto the sayd lands, mentioned in the sayd Paper, and the sayd Agents are likewise Ordered at the same time to informe the Board what obedience has been rendred within the Massachusetts Colony to his Majestyes letters of the 27 of Aprill 1678. enjoyning the Magistrates and other inhabitants thereof to take the Oath of Allegiance unto his Majesty, according to the forme there enclosed.[Charles II. Vol. XIII., 464.]

At Whitehall, the 20th of June, 1679.

Present, The

King's most excellent Majestie.

The Right Honble the Lords of the Commit

Letter to the Col

chusetts in New

tee of Trade and Forreigne Plantacions did this ony of the Massaday present to his Majestie in Councell a Re- England. port in the words following,

May it please your Majestie.

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Wee having taken the busines of New England, as it concernes the Colony of the Massachusetts, into our Consideration, and finding the present conjuncture is not very favourable for settling and establishing what concerns your Majestie's service there in such method as were to be wish't and towards which worke we haue prepared and are preparing many Materialls now under the care of S Robert Southwell, and finding the Agents, after a long attendance here, very impatient to return home, Wee presume to offer your Matie for your approbation, such a Draught of a Letter to be writ unto that Colony, as may keep things in a fair and probable way of amendment, untill a fitter season shall present more effectually to reassume the care of this whole matter. And the said Letter is as followeth,

* We omit this letter, as it is printed in Hutchinson's Collection of Papers, pp. 519-522.- EDS.

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His Majestie having taken into consideration the said report is graciously pleased to approve the same, and One of his Majesties Principall Secretaryes of State is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a Letter for his Majesties Royall Signature accordingly. — [Charles II. Vol. XV., 293-6.]

A letter to be writ to New Eng

At Whitehall the 2a of July, 1679.

There being this day presented to the Board land in favour of a Report from the R Honble the Lords of the Committee for Trade & Plantations in these

William Harris of

words following, viz.

May it please your Majesty

Wee haue receiued your Majesties Reference in Councill of the 23d of May last concerning the pretensions of William Harris of Patuxet in New England and Partners, — And in obedience thereunto, Wee humbly report, That the Petitioner did by his Petition presented to your Majesty in Council on the 11th of June 1675, set forth the great wrong done him and his partners by severall Persons who deteyned the Lands which they had purchased from the Indians, Whereupon your Majesty was pleased to command by your Royall Letters, the Governors of the severall Colonies in New England to appoint some honest, able and indifferent Persons to be joyned together, with full and sufficient authority to cause the differences and troubles arising to the Petitioner and his Partners, concerning the lands of Patuxet, to be brought to a fair Tryall, and that by an indifferent and upright Jury all might be finally determined according to Justice. In pursuance whereof the said Commissioners having met and the Jury appointed by them having given five Verdicts in favour of the Petitioner and his partners, a state of those proceedings signed by severall of the Commissioners was returned to your Majesty, by the Governors of your Colonies of the Massachusets & Rhode Island, for your Majesties determination upon that whole affair; but at the same time a Petition was offered unto your Majesty by Randall Holden & John Green in behalf of themselves and other your Subjects, the Inhabitants of the towne of Warwick, and other adja

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