Laws of the State of New York1937 |
Kirjan sisältä
Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 88
Sivu 74
... amount of interest on unpaid taxes to be included as revenue in the budget for each year and amending section one hundred and nineteen - a of the charter by omitting the reference to interest collected and amending section one hundred ...
... amount of interest on unpaid taxes to be included as revenue in the budget for each year and amending section one hundred and nineteen - a of the charter by omitting the reference to interest collected and amending section one hundred ...
Sivu 150
... amount of any tax sought to be reviewed , with penalties thereon , if any , shall be first deposited with the comptroller and an undertaking filed with the comptroller , in such amount and with such sureties as a justice of the supreme ...
... amount of any tax sought to be reviewed , with penalties thereon , if any , shall be first deposited with the comptroller and an undertaking filed with the comptroller , in such amount and with such sureties as a justice of the supreme ...
Sivu 198
... amount of such lien . A certificate in writing signed by him shall be filed in his office setting forth the amount so determined . The comptroller shall forthwith cause to be advertised the sale at public auction of the transfer of ...
... amount of such lien . A certificate in writing signed by him shall be filed in his office setting forth the amount so determined . The comptroller shall forthwith cause to be advertised the sale at public auction of the transfer of ...
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aforesaid amended to read amount approval area of assessment assessment as reduced assessment for benefit avenue Became a law board of estimate borough of Queens boulevard cent centum certificate City Home Rule city of Hudson city of Niagara city of Plattsburgh city treasurer common council comptroller cost and expense dollars dred duties enacted entered for collection entitled An act estimate and apportionment filed final decree Greater New York hereby amended hereby authorized Home Rule Law improvement Interborough parkway Ithaca city law number law shall take law to amend laws of nineteen legislative body levied and collected local law number lot or parcel lots and parcels Mayor municipal assembly Niagara Falls nineteen hundred thirty-six North Tonawanda parcels of real payment police proceeding re-assessment read as follows real property respective lots Rockaway boulevard section one hundred sinking fund street take effect immediately tax lien thereof York as follows York charter