Sivut kuvina

to consult with the Rajah, in concert with whom he had gone into rebellion, or to allow of his coming in person to treat with me under the guarantee of being allowed to return, should terms not be agreed on between us. A proposition of the same nature had been made in the morning, and I perceived that procrastination was the object, I therefore returned for answer, that I did not object to receiving him on the terms he proposed, and that his brother should be permitted to go to Bate, if he wished it, but that I would not suspend operations one minute.

Deeming it a matter of some importance on account of the effect it might have on the minds of the other rebel chieftains, who had taken up positions in the different jungles as well as on that of the Rajah of Bate, that a protracted system of warfare should not be adopted; I caused the field artillery from the east side, and the Nautilus cruizer under the command of Lieutenant Middleton, on the west, to fire into the town, more under the hope of hastening Mooro Monack's decision than with the expectation of making any serious impression on the place, the walls of which are of stone masonry,, with numerous towers at the angles and projecting in the faces, and much too strong to be affected otherwise than by battering guns, of which I possessed but two, which were on board the boats, and in the landing of which there would have been some delay.

This object was partially gained in as much as it brought out several persons successively, amongst whom was the chief of Wassaye, and the head. Brahmin of the Pagoda, and at last Mooro Monach himself, who however would accede to nothing short of having a provision made for him and being allowed to remain in Okamundel.

Having thus failed in the way of negotiation I determined on endeavouring to cut off the retreat of the garrison and to take the place by escalade. T 2 Have

Having this in view I strengthened and advanced the picquets which I had posted, and the morning gun served as the signal for the advance of three columns of attack, each consisting of 70 of the 65th, and 150 sepoys of the 2d battalion of the 3d, and 1st battalion of the 5th regiments of native infantry, and each party leaving 50 sepoys in reserve.

The storming parties moved to the points of attack, observing the greatest order, silence and regularity, which was not in the least discomposed by the sharp fire from the walls and towers on their near approach, and during an interval of some minutes, owing to the height of the walls, while adjusting the ladders.

The ladders being raised, nothing could exceed the ardour of the troops, which soon cleared the ramparts, notwithstanding the desperate resistance of the Arabs and Scindians, who, after discharging their matchlocks, fought sword in hand, but who being once dislodged, were at length, with the greatest impetuosity, driven along the ramparts. through the town into the Pagoda, in which, and its inclosures, I expected the main resistance, having even taken it into my calculation (from a personal knowledge of the means of defence), that I should be obliged to breach the walk ere it could be carried; but the gallantry of Lieutenant Faden of His Majesty's 65th regiment, and Majors Digby and Stannus, and the ardour of the troops surmounted this difficulty by gaining the summit of a lofty house, through intricate passages leading to a trap-door, from whence a descent was made into the area of the Pagoda.

The garrison now endeavoured to effect its retreat into the adjoining jungles to the southward and eastward of the town, but were met by the different picquets I had posted, and, hemmed in as they were, a dreadful scene of carnage ensued. A large body of them were first met by one of the


two troops of the 1st native cavalry under Captain Soilleux, by whom they were charged in a most brilliant manner: being near the shore of a back water, the bed of which is deep and muddy (and which passing under the south wall of the town, winds to the southward, parallel to the sea beach), they retreated through it, and were followed by the eavalry, but made a stand on the bank, where they were again attacked, though under great disadvantage, as it was with difficulty the horses couldstruggle through the mud, and it was here that the gallant Captain Soilleux received two wounds, one of which deprived the service of the right hand of a brave and excellent Officer.

From this position the enemy again threw themselves into the water, where it became deeper, and widened into a sort of lake; two large bodies of them got into clusters, and the rest of the expanse of water was studded with them, and they defended themselves for, I should think, an hour between two bodies of infantry, which I before alluded to, under Lieutenants Levery and Parry. At length, after great numbers had been killed, I caused our parties to cease firing, and after long persuasion the few that remained of one party were induced to surrender. Endeavours were then made to save the other in the same way, but they continued to fire, and it was not until two six pounders had been brought against them with grape that they could be induced to give in. Almost every one of the few remaining were badly wounded, and the whole, after collecting all that could be found alive, amounted only to fifty or sixty, and I have reason to feel confident that with the exception of those and fifty which were found in the Pagoda, none of the garrison escaped alive out of 550, of which is is supposed to have consisted.

The women and children and peaceable inbabitants had some days before gone off into the jungles,

jungles, or into Kattywar, and the brahmins had, with my knowledge and approbation, retired to the inclosure of a pagoda outside the town, so that retribution has fallen alone on that class which never gave, and consequently never expected to receive quarter.

His Excellency will, I am sure, derive satisfaction from this report of the good conduct of the troops, all of whom admirably performed their duty, and owing to the peculiar character of the operations, nearly the whole were engaged. It must however always happen that some are more, brilliantly engaged than the rest, and on this occasion His Majesty's 65th regiment and the detachment of the 1st cavalry were fortunate in the opportunity of displaying that high courage, tempered with coolness and discipline, which cannot be too much admired, and reflects the greatest credit on Major Digby and Captain Soilleux, commanding the detachment of these regiments.

Nothing could however be better than the conduct of the second battalion of the 3d and the first battalion of the 5th native infantry, which, although much divided, shewed that zeal and gallantry which my knowledge of their excellent discipline would have led me to expect.

The detachment of artillery maintained during the affair of yesterday and in that of this day, during the short time they were engaged, that gallantry for which that corps has so long been celebrated.

Nor could any thing be better than the conduct of Lieutenant Hart and the pioneers, in carrying and adjusting the ladders, under a galling fire.

To Lieutenant-Colonel Gilbert of the 5th, and Turner of the 3d Bombay regiment native infantry, and to Major Digby of His Majesty's 65th regiment, for their coolness and gallantry in leading the storming parties, I am greatly indebted.

I also feel greatly indebted to Captain Soilleux, who,

who commanded the detachment of the 1st cavalry, to Captain Manson, who commanded the artillery, to Lieutenant Remon, of the engineers, to Major Staunus, my Assistant Adjutant-General, to Captain Wilson, my Assistant Quarter-Master-General, to Lieutenant Wilkinson, my Assistant CommissaryGeneral, who acted as my personal staff, and to Lieutenant Marriott, my personal Brigade-Major, whose numerous wounds however put him hors de combat at the first moment of the assault, and now render him incapable of becoming the bearer of my dispatches, but whom I most earnestly beg to recommend to the notice of His Excellency the Cominander in Chief as an Officer of great merit, whose exceeding gallantry has on many occasions brought him to public notice.

I do myself the honour to forward a return of the killed and wounded, and also a copy of my order issued on the occasion.

I have the honour to be, &c.

L. STANHOPE. Lieutenant-Colonel.

Return of Casualties in the Field Detachment under the Command of Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable L. Stanhope, at the Capture of Dwarka, on the 26th November 1820.


1st Regiment of Light Cavalry-3 Regimental Horses.

Artillery-1 Gun Lascar.

Detachment of His Majesty's 65th Regiment-1 Rank and File, I Bhustee.

2d Battalion 3d Regiment-1 Rank and File. Total killed-2 Rank and File, 1 Gun Lascar, Bhustee, and 3 Regimental Horses.


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