The Works of President Edwards: With a Memoir of His Life ...G. & C. & H. Carvill, 1830 |
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Sivu 23
... give creatures existence in order to it . This may be called benevolence , or love , because it is the same good disposition that is exercised in love . It is the very fountain from whence love originally proceeds , when taken in the ...
... give creatures existence in order to it . This may be called benevolence , or love , because it is the same good disposition that is exercised in love . It is the very fountain from whence love originally proceeds , when taken in the ...
Sivu 41
... give the least intimation of any such thing . Therefore , what divine effect , or what in re- lation to God is that which the scripture teacheth us to be the end he aimed at , in his works of creation , and in designing which he makes ...
... give the least intimation of any such thing . Therefore , what divine effect , or what in re- lation to God is that which the scripture teacheth us to be the end he aimed at , in his works of creation , and in designing which he makes ...
Sivu 45
... give my glory to another . " Which is as much as to say , I will obtain my end ; I will not forego my glory ; ano- ther shall not take this prize from me . It is pretty evident here , that God's name and his glory , which seem to intend ...
... give my glory to another . " Which is as much as to say , I will obtain my end ; I will not forego my glory ; ano- ther shall not take this prize from me . It is pretty evident here , that God's name and his glory , which seem to intend ...
Sivu 46
... give men for thee , and people for thy life . Fear not , I am with thee .--- I will bring my sons from far , and my daughters from the ends of the earth ; every one that it called by my name : for I have created him for my glory . So ...
... give men for thee , and people for thy life . Fear not , I am with thee .--- I will bring my sons from far , and my daughters from the ends of the earth ; every one that it called by my name : for I have created him for my glory . So ...
Sivu 48
... give glory to him . " As though this were the sum and end of that virtue and religion , which was the grand design of preaching the gos- pel , every where through the world . Rev. xvi . 9. " And repent- ed not to give him glory ...
... give glory to him . " As though this were the sum and end of that virtue and religion , which was the grand design of preaching the gos- pel , every where through the world . Rev. xvi . 9. " And repent- ed not to give him glory ...
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Abraham affection agreeable angels Antichrist apostle appears Babylon beauty benevolence blessed brought called Canaan captivity chap children of Israel Christ's coming Christian Christian church church of Christ church of Rome consists covenant creation creature David destroyed destruction devil divine dominion earth Egypt empire enemies eternal excellent exercise extraordinary Father foretold fulness Gentiles give glorified glorious gospel grace happiness hath heart Heathen heaven holy idolatry infinite Isai Israel Jerusalem Jews Judah king kingdom land last end light Lord manifest mankind manner mercy mind moral Moses nations nature observed Old Testament particular persecution persons praise prayer prophecy prophets Psal reason Redeemer redemption reign respect righteousness Roman empire saints salvation Satan scripture self-love sense shew signify soul Spirit spoken suffered suppose thee things thou tion tribe of Judah true virtue ultimate end unto virtuous visible wherein whole wicked wonderful word worship