Sivut kuvina

Sir Paul. I will, I will, I'll go and look for him

on purpose.

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Sportunity to practife, Ah! My dear Lady O now they are all gone, and I have an OpFroth! She's a moft engaging Creature, if the were not fo fond of that damn'd coxcombly Lord of hers; and yet I am forced to allow him Wit too, to keep in with him. -No matter, fhe's a Woman of Parts, and I'gad Parts will carry her. She faid fhe would follow me into the Gallery Now to make my Approaches-Hem hem! Ah Ma- (Bows.) dam! Pox on't, why fhould I difparage my Parts by thinking what to fay; None but dull Rogues think; witty Men, like rich Fellows, are always ready for all Expences; while your Blockheads, like poor needy Scoundrels, are forced to examine their Stock, and forecaft the Charges of the Day. Here the comes, I'll feem not to fee her, and try to win her with a new airy Invention of my own; hem ↓

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[To him] Lady FROTH,

BRISK Sings, walking about.

M fick with Love ha, ha, ha, prithee come cute I'm fick with, &c.



Oye Pow'rs! O my Lady Froth, my Lady Frothi My Lady Froth! Heigho! Break heart; Gods I thank you.

[Stands mufing with his Arms a-cross.

L. Froth. O Heav'ns, Mr. Brisk! What's the Matter?

Brisk. My Lady Froth! Your Ladyfhips most humble Servant;-The Matter, Madam, nothing Ma dam, nothing at all I'gad. I was fallen into the moft agreeable Amusement in the whole Province of Contemplation: That's all-(I'll feem to conceal my Paffion, and that will look like Refpect. [Afide. L. Froth. Blefs me, why did you call out upon me fo loud?

Brisk. O Lord I Madam! I beseech your Ladyfhip- - when?

L. Froth. Juft now as I came in, bless me, why don't you know it!

Brisk. Not I, let me perifh But did I! Strange! I confess your Ladyfhip was in my Thoughts; and I was in a fort of Dream that did in a manner represent a very pleafing Object to my Imagination but- but did I indeed? To fee how Love and Murder will out. But did I really name my Lady Froth?

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L. Froth. Three times aloud, as I love Letters But did you talk of Love? O Parnaffus! Who would have thought Mr. Brisk could have been in Love, ha, ha, ha. O Heav'ns, I thought you cou'd have no Miftrefs but the Niné Muses.

Brisk. No more I have l'gad, for I adore 'em all in your Ladyfhip- Let me perish, I don't know whether to be fplenatick, or airy upon't; the Deuce take me if I can tell whether I am glad or forry that your Ladyfhip has made the Discovery. L. Froth. O be merry by all means Volfcius in Love! Ha, ha, ha.


Brisk. O barbarous, to turn me into Ridicule ! Yet, ha, ha, ha. The Deuce take me, I can't help laughing my self, ha, ha, ha; yet by Heav'ns I have a violent Paffion for your Ladyship, feriously. L. Froth. Seriously? Ha, ha, ha.

Brisk. Seriously, ha, ha, ha. Gad I have, for all I laugh.

L. Froth. Ha, ha, ha! What d'ye think I laugh at? Ha, ha, ha.

Brisk. Me l'gad, ha, ha.

L. Froth. No the Deuce take me if I don't laugh at my felf; for hang me if I have not a violent Paffion for Mr. Brisk, ha, ha, ha.

Brisk. Serionfly?

L. Froth. Seriously, ha, ha, ha.

Brisk. That's well enough; let me perish, ha, ha, ha. O miraculous, what a happy Discovery. Ah my dear charming Lady Froth!

L. Froth. Oh my adored Mr. Brisk!





[To them] Lord FROTH.


HE Company are all ready How now
Brisk, Zoons, Madam, there's my Lord.

[Softly to her! L. Froth. Take no notice -but obferve meNow caft off, and meet me at the lower end of the Room, and then join Hands again: I could teach my Lord this Dance purely, but I vow, Mr. Brisk, I can't tell how to come fo near any other Man. Oh here's my Lord, now you fhall fee me do it with him.

[They pretend to practife part of a Country Dance. Ld. Froth. Oh I fee there's no harm yet But I don't like this Familiarity.

[Afide. L. Froth. Shall you and I do our clofe Dance, to fhow Mr. Brisk?

Ld. Froth. No, my Dear, do it with him. L. Froth. I'll do it with him, my Lord, when you are out of the way.

Brisk. That's good l'gad, that's good: Deuce take me I can hardly hold laughing in his Face. [Afide. Ld. Froth. Any other time, my Dear, or we'll dance it below.

L. Froth. With all my Heart.

Brisk. Come my Lord, I'll wait on you- My charming witty Angel!

[To her.

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L. Froth. We fhall have whispering time enough, know, fince we are Partners.




Mr. Careless, Mr. Careless, I'm ruin'd,


Care. What's the Matter, Madam?

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L. P. Othe unlucky'ft Accident I'm afraid I fhan't live to tell it you.

Care. Heav'n forbid! What is it?

L. P. I'm in fuch a Fright; the ftrangest Quandary and Premunire! I'm all over in a Univerfal Agitation; I dare (wear every Circumstance of me trembles. O your Letter, your Letter! By an unfortunate Miftake, I have given Sir Paul your Letter inftead of his own.

Care. That was unlucky.

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L. P. O yonder he comes reading of it for Heav'ns fake ftep in here and advife me quickly, before he fees.

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