The Double-dealer: A ComedyT. Johnson, 1711 - 119 sivua |
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Sivu 16
... me . Spite , proud Spite , by the Gods ! and burning En- I'll be judg'd by Mellefont here , who gives and takes Raillery better , you or I. Phaw , Man , when I fay you fpoil Company by leaving it , I mean you leave ... let me perish , if ...
... me . Spite , proud Spite , by the Gods ! and burning En- I'll be judg'd by Mellefont here , who gives and takes Raillery better , you or I. Phaw , Man , when I fay you fpoil Company by leaving it , I mean you leave ... let me perish , if ...
Sivu 23
... my Lord , as well as malicious to them . Ld . Froth . I confefs I did my self some Violence at first ; but now , I think I have conquer'd it . Brisk . Let me perish , my Lord , but there is fome- thing very particular in the Humour ...
... my Lord , as well as malicious to them . Ld . Froth . I confefs I did my self some Violence at first ; but now , I think I have conquer'd it . Brisk . Let me perish , my Lord , but there is fome- thing very particular in the Humour ...
Sivu 32
... my Lord ? Brisk . Never any thing ; but your Ladyship , let me perish . L. Froth . O prettily turn'd again ; let me die but you have a great deal of Wit . Mr. Mellefont , don't you think Mr. Brisk has a World of Wit ? Mel . O , yes ...
... my Lord ? Brisk . Never any thing ; but your Ladyship , let me perish . L. Froth . O prettily turn'd again ; let me die but you have a great deal of Wit . Mr. Mellefont , don't you think Mr. Brisk has a World of Wit ? Mel . O , yes ...
Sivu 49
... Death , I'll have him ftripp'd and turn'd naked out of my Doors this Moment , and let him rot and perish , incestuous Brute ! L. T. O for Heav'ns fake , my Lord , you'll ruin me if you take fuch publick Notice of it ; it will be a Town ...
... Death , I'll have him ftripp'd and turn'd naked out of my Doors this Moment , and let him rot and perish , incestuous Brute ! L. T. O for Heav'ns fake , my Lord , you'll ruin me if you take fuch publick Notice of it ; it will be a Town ...
Sivu 65
... me extreamly to write Notes to the whole Poem . > Brisk . With all my Heart and Soul and proud of the vaft Honour , let me perish . Ld . Froth . Hee , hee , hee , my Dear , have you won't you join with us , we were laughing done at my ...
... me extreamly to write Notes to the whole Poem . > Brisk . With all my Heart and Soul and proud of the vaft Honour , let me perish . Ld . Froth . Hee , hee , hee , my Dear , have you won't you join with us , we were laughing done at my ...
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Afide Anſwer Aunt becauſe beſeech better Bleſs Brisk Careless cauſe confeſs Conſent Cynt Cynthia d'ye dear Deſign Deſpair Devil diſſemble duce take elſe ev'ry excuſe fake falſe felf firſt fome Fool Friendſhip fure Gads-bud give hear Heart Heav'n Honour hope Houſe I'gad Igad impoſſible Intereſt Jeſt juſt Lady Froth Lady PLYANT Lady Touchwood Ladyſhip laſt laugh let me periſh Lord FROTH Lord TOUCHWOOD Lordſhip loſe Love Madam Mask Maskwell Mellefont moſt muſt never Paffion Perſon pleaſe Pleaſure Pray preſently prithee promiſed purpoſe racter Reaſon Reſpect ſaid ſay Saygrace SCENE VIII ſee ſeen ſelf Senſe ſhall ſhan't ſhe ſhe's ſhould Sir Paul Sir PAUL PLYANT ſome ſpeak ſtay ſtill Succeſs ſuch ſuppoſe ſure ſuſpect ſwear tell thee there's theſe thing thoſe thou thought Touch tranſported Treachery Villain what's Wife Woman World