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Mr. JOHNSON. We do about $12,500,000 worth of business. Senator LA FOLLETTE. I would like to make the same request of Mr. McElroy and Mr. Johnson that I made of Mr. D'Oench.

Mr. JOHNSON. I want to say that we make 700 different styles, and we are willing to submit types of our various shoes. We could give types of shoes and what it cost to produce and what our profit is. We will give you the cost, the absolute cost, of each, showing every item that goes into it. There are 100 different items of cost entering into it.

Senator HEYBURN. It would be well to indicate the dutiable leather, because upon certain classes of leather you know there is no duty.

Mr. JOHNSON. That is true. I do not think that would mean very much, because leather is made in this country very largely and more largely than in any other country. We export a great deal.

The CHAIRMAN. You will file your statement. The hearing is closed. The chairman is not advised of any other requests for hearings during this week. Therefore, the committee will stand adjourned, unless otherwise ordered, until half past 10 o'clock Monday morning, May 8.

(Thereupon, at 1.45 o'clock p. m., the committee adjourned to meet at 10.30 o'clock Monday, May 8, 1911.)



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