PREFACE. THE following work appeared to evince such depth of research, and such evident talent in the selection of its materials, that, backed as it was by manuscript notes of great merit, with a very considerable increase of fresh matter, collected with difficulty and judgment; the present editor, into whose hands it fell by chance purchase, thought it too rare a jewel, in times like the present, to be passed by unheeded, or consigned (almost as hard a fate) to the shelf of the book collector. To prevent such from being its fate, he undertook to revise and arrange for the press the manuscript notes, fresh matter, and explanations of its late indefatigable owner; in the doing of which, he got so warmed and interested in the subject, as to venture to add some few explanations of his own on recent events. He has, therefore, to hope that the goodness of his intentions may plead his excuse, and that he may be pardoned for thus intruding his humble efforts upon the more valuable materials of its former patrons. Those efforts consist chiefly in drawing the attention to such parts as appear either to have been fulfilled, or are at the present moment in the act of being realized. Where various writers, at different periods of time, have predicted the same events, he has, by marginal notes, marked out such concordance. And he has likewise ventured to add, as confirming the many respectable authorities who have explained the Revelations of St. John, an extract from the Sermons of Archbishop Tillotson. He now concludes by an extract from Bishop Newton's Prophecies: "Alas! if you reject the evidence of prophecy, neither would you be persuaded though one should rise from the dead. What can be plainer? You see, or may see, with your own eyes, the Scripture prophecies accomplished: and if the Scripture prophecies are accomplished, the Scripture must be the word of God, the Christian religion must be true." Vol. III. page 442, of Newton on the Prophecies, 1760. READER, if the opinion of an individual, no clearer sighted than thyself, is worthy of being recorded, 'tis frankly given, sincerely felt, but still modestly laid down; rather courting investigation from the learned and industrious, than venturing to lead thee to a dependence on the judgment of a fallible human being, in the summing up the fulfilment of prophecies, predictions, and revelations, which have led the clearest judgments astray, and baffled the most discerning. In the common walks of life, a letter, an agreement or transaction of business, nay, even a legal deed for a specific purpose, can hardly be drawn out, but it will bear, on minute examination, one, two, or perhaps more, interpretations. If such is the case, and if oracular and prophetic language is still more obscure, and more difficult of comprehension till its fulfilment, no charge of imbecility can attach to an ignorance of, or misapprehension of, its true and literal meaning: such must plead my excuse, and I hope, in this instance, clear me from the charges of vanity or folly. With respect to the French revolution, and the overthrow of the papal authority, I look upon them clearly foretold by St. Cesaire and others. The subversion of the papal authority has taken place under Napoleon, as predicted in Bishop Newton's Prophecies; but the destruction of Rome I do not expect will be realized before 1847-8: prior to which time a general attempt will be made to restore the papal authority throughout all countries that have acknowledged its supremacy; and which, I am fearful, will cause much massacre and bloodshed in Great Britain, the catholic cause being assisted by interests of great weight and authority. This attempt will bring forward a mighty character, who is to conquer as much by the tongue as by the sword: he will restore the Jewish nation, and overthrow Mahometanism; making the name of England greater, and more worthy of being termed Great, than it has ever yet been. The foundation-stone of this greatness, planted on a rock, is already laid: and at the time her rulers were priding themselves on their triumphs by land and by sea, their control over foreign cabinets, and the lead they were allowed to take in the affairs of the world, their false vanity was to work its own downfall, by the display of such gross imbecility, as will make them the laughing-stock of the world; and finally, by the exposure of the want of those resources, by which the system of false greatness was upheld, make way for that great and rational system of real glory, founded on the circulation of the Gospel, the general diffusion of knowledge, the overthrow of despotism, and destruction of bigotry, which England, and the world through her, have already commenced; and which I trust will be effected without the effusion of blood, except as far as regards the attempt to restore papacy. Twenty-eight years are still allowed to effect these great and mighty events, and the total destruction and burning of Rome, in |