peace a manner as complete as that of Jerusalem. Then shall the world enjoy uninterrupted and tranquillity for 500 years. Happy are those who may live to see these days! But still more happy those nations and those individuals, who have softened rather than increased the infliction of the divine wrath upon his elect people, the Jews! CONTENTS. True Causes of the decline of the French Empire, from the Complete Magazine, October, 1761 Prediction of St. Cesaire, Bishop of Arles, in 542, taken from a book entitled, Liber Marabilis, which has been verified at the King's Library at Paris, where Extracts from the celebrated prophetical Discourse on The Visions and Predictions of J. Daut, delivered be- fore the Senate at Frankfort. Extracted from a copy translated from the Dutch, printed 1711. Extract from Dr. John Gill's Sermon, preached The learned Alstedius, his Speculum Mundi, and Chronology of the Prophetic Numbers. -Extracted from a work entitled "Catastrophe Mundi," printed 1683 Page 22 The Cry of a Stone; or a relation of something Arcana Coleste Mr. Turien on Revelations, chap. xi. ver. 13. Extract from John Wilson's Sermon Extracted from 52 57 Nixon's Cheshire Prophecy, at large; published from Prophecy of the French Revolution, from a publication Anne; with historical and political remarks; and several instances wherein it has been fulfilled. his life. By John Oldmixon, Esq. Also 61 84 95 Extract from Tillotson's Sermons; edited by Doctor Note of the Original Editor, to Part the Second A remarkable Prophecy found in the Library of Salizarius of Heidelburgh. Extracted from Moore's Prophecy of Paul Grebnar, delivered by him to Queen Extracts from Doctor Hartley's Observations on Man. Prediction of the learned and pious Archbishop Usher. Mundi, page 86 Prophecy of Malachy, a popish saint, declaring the Extracts from a Work entitled A Cry from the Desert. Page 97 99 101 106 109 115 119 124 125 Visions of Christopher Kotterus, compiled by Johannes 133 136 prophecies. Daniel's description of the four monarchies, in four A Warning to the World; or prophetical numbers, cal culated by the Rev. Mr. Clarke, 1769 Fatality of Rome, by Dr. John Pell Page 143 154 161 Introductory address to the prediction of Mr. W. B. Amongst numerous other curious articles included in Prophecy of Hildegardis, in 1146, as approved and Protestants massacred in France, in 1570-72 and 168 176 Signs of the present and future times, by Dr. Porteus, Bishop of London Universal extent of the Grand Apostacy. By Sir Isaac Universal War; Discharges to Priests; and Lessons to Fatal difference between the French and English mode of carrying on Commerce, &c. By Dr. Samuel Johnson M. d'Archenholtz: 1789---On armed Commerce, and Extract from a Sermon preached at Oxford, Nov. 209 213 214 215 |