ΤΟ HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY, CAROLINE, QUEEN OF GREAT BRITAIN, &c. &c. &c. PERMIT me to approach the footstool of your Majesty's throne, not merely with the respect and duty of a loyal and affectionate subject, to a dignified, merciful, and beneficent Sovereign, but with that awe and deference impressed by a sense of the peculiar care and guardianship Divine Providence has vouchsafed to your Majesty in those visitations of trouble and affliction, with which earthly power has endeavoured to overwhelm you; but, as has been most truly said, " Providence tempers the wind to the new-shorn lamb," and puts not more upon us than we ought to bear; so knowing that your Majesty, although a female, possessed all the noble daring, all the high-wrought courage of a Brunswick's spirit, and that as gold, thrice passing the refiner's fire, shines brighter, and is still more pure, that your Majesty would only rise higher in public estimation from each attack to which you was exposed, permitted traitors to conspire against you. 'Twas only done, believe me, gracious Queen, to gain you that firm seat in every brave and loyal British heart, which your adored, your ever to be regretted daughter, the Princess Charlotte, had possessed. The noble spirit to resist injustice which you have evinced has roused the dormant spark of patriotism in every British breast, unmasked the vile depravity of courts, and done away with that tame, base, subservient spirit that for so long a time had taken all for granted that came from ministerial mouths. The mighty Ruler of the universe, to whose divine decrees sovereigns as well as slaves must bow, has, for his own wise ends and purposes, decreed the great and arduous trials you have undergone. So on our late revered and worthy King his visitations wère severe; his chastening hand fell heavy on his aged head; still are we bound to think, from his known virtues, his piety, strict justice, love of truth, his solemn firm abidance by his coronation oath, domestic cares, nay, all that made a king or man revered, that he was only chastened to be loved: and that, like another Saviour, he bore the Almighty's wrath to save his people from the blow. If such his lot, if such the love divine, may we not hope the trials you have undergone in these eventful times, replete with danger to the royal power, not only will remove you from all risk of harm or insult, but give you sway to rule the storm, to stem the torrent of a nation's wrath, and show the world, 'tis easier far to govern British hearts by love than arms. Then shall you not repine at these the trials you have undergone; but think, as England's greatest poet nobly has expressed, that " all that is, is |