Sivut kuvina

Penn, William, expenditures of, i. 107. |
Pennsylvania, wages of early settlers in,
i. 52. Education in, ii. 196.
Permanent settlement of Bengal, ii. 94.
Personal services, claims of the commu-
nity for, in England and the United
States, ii. 29-in France, ii. 42.
taxes, injustice of, ii. 316.

Price, of, i. 16. Causes which tend to
produce changes of, i. 17. Effect of
improved machinery upon, i. 29. Fluc-
tuations of, i. 145. Of capital tends to
fall, i. 151.

Principle, great democratic, iii. 117.
Printers and butchers of Paris limited in
number, ii. 83.

Philadelphia, value of property in, i. 120. Privileges, insecurity produced by grant

banks of, ii. 242.

Pindarees of India, ii. 52.
Places of exchange, restrictions upon, in
England and United States, ii. 68.
Poland, influence of wealth upon the po-
litical condition of, iii. 167.

Police of United States and England, ii.

Political condition of man, influence of
wealth upon, iii. 95-in Greece, iii.
111-in Rome, iii. 118-in Lombardy,
iii. 126-in Spain, iii. 130-in France,
iii. 140-in Denmark, iii. 160-in Nor.
way, iii. 163-in Germany, iii. 166-
in Poland, iii. 167-in Holland, iii.
169-in England, iii. 172-in Scot-
land, iii. 181-in the United States,
iii. 182-in Asia, iii. 209.

influence of, upon the production
of wealth, iii. 212. In India, iii. 215
-in France, ibid.-in England, iii.216
-in the United States, iii. 218.
Political economist, duty of a, i. xiv.

freedom, what constitutes, iii. 96-
tends to increase with extension of cul-
tiyation, iii. 97.

science, definitions of, i. viii.
Poor-laws, in England, effect of, ii. 221.

tax, England, ii. 219. Massachu-
setts, ii. 110. New York, ii. 112.
Population, law of, iii. 3. Movement of,
in France, iii. 13-in the Netherlands,
iii. 14-in England, ibid.—in the
United States, iii. 16, 26—in Russia,
iii. 48-in Guanaxuato, iii. 49.

tends to increase with improvement
of physical and moral condition, iii. 12.
Measure of increase a measure of the
productive power, iii. 50. Malthus on,
reviewed, iii. 53. M'Culloch on, iii. 64.
Mill on, iii. 68. Scrope on, iii. 82.
Wakefield on, iii. 79. Chalmers on, iii.
80. Senior on, iii. 71. Greg on, iii. 83.
Quetelet on, iii. 86.
Poverty of new settlements, Virginia,
North Carolina, Canada, New South
Wales, &c., i. 49.
Precious metals, amount of, in France,
ii. 236.

of, ii. 32.

Producers of wealth, who are, i. 3.
Production, of, i. 2, ii. 280. How affected
by political condition, iii. 212.
Productive power of India, ii. 280. France,
ii. 282. Great Britain, ii. 283. United
States, ii. 284.

Productiveness of English and French
agriculture, ii. 134, 139.

Products, divided into material and im-
material, by Adam Smith, i. 3. Re-
marks upon this doctrine, by Mr. Se.
nior, ibid.

Profit, how influenced by extension of
cultivation, i. 73. Causes of low rate
of, in England, ibid., note. Definition
of, i. 321-by Mr. Malthus, i. 326-by
Mr. Mill, ibid.-Mr. M'Culloch, ibid.
-Mr. Senior, i. 328.

Profits in England, i. 90—in the United
States, i. 93-in Australia, i. 96.
Provisions, comparative view of prices of,
at different periods in England, i. 64.
Public libraries of Europe, ii. 198.
Prussia, population of, iii. 48.


Quality of labour, India, France, Eng-
land, and the United States, ii. 126.
Every improvement therein diminishes
the severity of labour, ii. 273.
Quantity of labour diminishes with im-
provement of its quality, ibid.
Quetelet on Population, review of, iii. 86.


Rail-roads in France, ii. 174. England,
ii. 176. United States, ii. 177.
Ramsay on Distribution of Wealth, re-
viewed, i. 295, note.

Relics of serfdom in England, ii. 277.
Religious instruction in France, ii. 199.
England, ii. 201. United States, ii.

Rent, cause of, i. 27.

Not due to mono-
poly, i. 273. Increase of, always ac-
companies improved condition of the
labourer, i. 251. Mr. Senior's views
of the difference between profit and

rent, i. 333. Malthus on, reviewed, i.
158. Ricardo on, i. 187. Mill on, i.
213. Say on, i. 217. Torrens on,
218. Wakefield on, i. 223. Chalmers
on, i. 224.
M'Culloch on, i. 227.
Scrope on, i. 236. Senior on, i. 238.

Jones on, i. 281.

Republicans of Florence, Genoa and Ve-
nice, desired subjects, not fellow citi.
zens, iii. 130.

Restrictions upon exchanges, England
and United States, ii. 69. Upon trade
and agriculture, France, ii. 80. China,
ii. 450.

Revenue, definition of, i. 292.

-, public, restraints produced by the
necessity for raising, ii. 65.

of the United States, losses in col-
lection of, ii. 247.

system of India, ii. 348. France, ii.
355. England, ii. 364. United States,
ii. 378.

Revolutions in India, iii. 215.

iii. 216. England, iii. 217. United
States, iii. 218.

Ricardo, Mr., review of his doctrine of
rent, i. 187.

Roads in India, ii. 171.

and canals of France, ii. 173. Eng.
land, ii. 176. United States, ibid.
Rome, influence of wealth on the politi.
cal condition of, iii. 118.

-, poverty and idleness in, increase
with extension of dominion, iii. 123.
Russia, population of, iii. 48.
Ryotwar settlement in India, ii. 93.


Salt monopoly of India, ii. 103.
Savings' banks of France, ii. 237. Of
England, ii. 239.

States, France, and India, compared,
ii. 22.

property, England, United States,
France, and India, ii. 57.
Senior, Mr., his definition of political
science, i. viii. On the cause of value,
i. 20. Review of the same, i. 238. On
population, reviewed, iii. 71.
Silk culture in France, product of, ii.
134. Improvements in, ii. 135. Infe-
riority of, ibid. Heavy burthens borne
by, ii. 87.

United States, ii. 141.
Slavery, disappears with the growth of
wealth, iii. 101. In the United States,
iii. 196. Scotland and England, iii.
197. France and India, ibid. Jamaica,
iii. 200.

Slaves, condition of, in the United States,
iii. 201. Gradual improvement of, ibid.
Smuggling in France, ii. 84.
Spain, insecurity of person and property
in, ii. 438. Absence of capital in, ii.
439. Influence of wealth upon the
political condition of, iii. 130.

State of manufactures in France, ii. 143.
States general of France, last appearance
of, iii. 151.

Steam vessels of France, England, and
United States, ii. 163.
Suicides in France, ii. 217.
Swan river, early settlement upon, i. 49.
Value of land at, i. 50.

Sweden, restrictions upon trade of, ii.
440. Slow growth of population in,
ibid. Absence of capital in, ii. 441.
Imports and exports of, ibid. Wages
of, ii. 442.


Taxes on consumption, injustice of, ii.

capital, disadvantage of, ibid.
income, advantages of, ii. 321.
Taxation, Massachusetts, ii. 110. New
York, ii. 112. Ohio, ii. 113. Virginia,
ii. 114. South Carolina, ibid. United
States, ibid. Great Britain, ii. 117.
France, ii. 121. India, ii. 124. Malabar,
ii. 97. Various modes of, ii. 316. Mr.
M'Culloch's views of the advantages
of, ii. 340.

Say, Mr., review of his doctrines, i. 217.
School fund of Massachusetts, ii. 110.
Scotland, condition of, in the 17th and
18th centurics, 65.
Effect of in-
creased security in, ii. 412. Wages
in, ii. 413. Influence of wealth on the
political condition of, iii. 181.
Scottish banks, system of, ii. 260.
Scrope, Mr. P., on rent, reviewed, i. 236.
On population, reviewed, iii. 82.
Security of person and property, the ob-
ject of government, ii. 11. Increases
with extension of cultivation upon in-
ferior soils, ii. 15. And with increase
of population, ii. 55. Is also obtained
at constantly diminishing cost, ii. 124.
Security of person, England, the United United States, value of real estate in, i.

Tithes, effect of, i. 264, ii. 370.
Tocqueville, M. de, review of, iii. 231.
Torrens on Value, i. 20. Reviewed, i.

106. Freedom of action in, ii. 33.
Freedom of thought, ii. 36. In the
expression of opinion, ii. 38. Combi-
nations in, ii. 31. Security of person,
ii. 26. Crimes against the person, ibid.
Security of property, ii. 58. Absti-
nence from war, by the, ii. 28. Ab.
sence of privileges in, ii. 63. Inspec-
tions in, ii. 67. Restrictions upon ex-
changes with foreign nations, ii. 69.
Police of New York, ii. 109. Ex-
penditure of Massachusetts, ii. 110.
School fund of Massachusetts, ibid.
Expenditure of New York, ii. 112.
Value of property in Massachusetts,
ii. 110. New.York, ii. 112. Ohio, ii.
113. Expenditure of United States,
ii. 114. Relative increase of popula-
tion and expenditure, ii. 115. State
of agriculture in, ii. 140. Invention
of cotton-gin in, ibid. Quantity of wool
raised, ibid. Silk culture in, ii. 141.
Improvement in breed of cattle, ibid.
Extensive flour mills in, ii. 142. Agri-
cultural wages in, ibid. Cotton manu.
facture, number of persons employed
in, ii. 148. Iron manufacture, ii. 158.
Application of machinery to the pro-
duction of houses, ibid. Navigation
of, ii. 160. Fisheries of, ii. 163. Wha-
ling trade of, ii. 164. Exports of, ii.
168. Imports, ii. 169. Roads and
canals of, ii. 176. Bridges in, ii. 177.
Facilities of correspondence, ii. 180.
State of education in, ii. 194. Col-
leges in, ii. 197. Medical and theo-
logical institutions in, ii. 198. Ap-
prentices' libraries in, ibid. School
district libraries in, ibid. Religious
instruction in, ii. 203. Rapid increase
of church accommodation in, ii. 204.
Theological schools in, ibid. Habit of
industry in, ii. 226. Bastardy in, ii. 229.
Credit in, ii. 241. State banks in, ii.
242. Bank of United States, ii. 243.
Growth of banking system, ii. 245.
Failures of banks, ii. 246. Revenue
of, ii. 247. Universal confidence in
bank notes as a medium of circulation,
ii. 247. Bankruptcies in, ibid. Cur-
rency of, ii. 259. Superior quality of
labour of the people of the, ii. 265.
Production of, ii. 284. Revenue sys-
tem of, ii. 378. Distribution of public
revenue of, ii. 393. Distribution of
private revenue of, ii. 403. Movement
of population in, iii. 17, 26. Immi-
gration, iii. 18. Duration of life, iii.

22. Premium of insurance upon lives,
iii. 37. Ratio of marriages to popula-
tion, iii. 36. Fecundity of marriages,
iii. 40. Illegitimate births, iii. 41.
Chastity, ibid. Emigration, ii. 43.
Efficiency of labour, iii. 45. Influence
of wealth upon the political condition
of, iii. 182.

Universal poverty of India, ii. 128.
Unproductive expenditure, United States,
England, France, and India, ii. 107.


Value, cause of, i. 18. Nature and mea-
sure of, ibid.

Malthus, M'Culloch, Senior, and
others, on, i. 20.

in land, of, i. 27. Cause of, i. 48.
Not the result of monopoly, i. 271.

in Swan river settlement, i. 50.
Van Dieman's land settlement, i. 54.
Value of land in, i. 55. Slow sale of
land in, i. 119.

Vineyards of France, increase of, ii.


Wages, how influenced by extension of
cultivation, i. 49. Definition of the
term, i. 321. Of Europeans, Hindoos,
and Chinese, compared, ii. 129. Of
agricultural labour in France, ii. 137.
In England, ii. 139. Of manufacturing
labour in India, ii. 143. In France,
ii. 144. Of Greenwich hospital, ii.
158. In India, never paid in money,
except when grain is dear, ii. 129.
In Sweden, ii. 442. In Norway, ii.
448. The rise of, when preceded by
a rise in the price of commodities, is
temporary, i. 157. When preceded or
accompanied by a fall in the price of
commodities, is permanent, ibid.
Wakefield on Rent, reviewed, i. 223.

Population, reviewed, iii. 79.
Want of facilities for transportation in
France, ii. 175.

Waste lands of France, great extent of,
ii. 136.

Wealth, of the production of, i. 2. Who
are the producers of, i. 3. Distribu-
tion of, i. 19. Increase of, tends to the
promotion of physical, moral, and po-
litical condition, iii. 100. Decrease, to
physical, moral, and political deterio-
ration, ibid. Influence of, upon the po-
litical condition of Greece, iii. 109.
Rome, iii. 118. Italy, iii. 126. Spain,

France, iii. 140.

iii. 130.
iii. 160. Norway, iii. 163. Germany,
iii. 166. Holland, iii. 169. England,
iii. 172. Scotland, iii. 181.
States, iii. 182. Hindostan, iii. 209.
Western Australia, condition of settlers


United States, ii. 164.

Whately, Archbishop, his definition of
political science, i. viii.
Whitney's cotton-gin, effect of, i. 205


in, i. 68. Value of property in, i. 112. Zemindary settlement in India, ii. 95:
Whaling trade of France, England and

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