CONTRIBUTORS TO THE EIGHTEENTH VOLUME OF THE MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE. J. BALESTIER, United States Consul at Singapore. R. BURN, Esq., Editor of the "Commercial Glance," England. Hon. THOMAS G. CARY, Merchant, of Massachusetts. E. HASKET DERBY, Esq., President of the Old Colony Railroad Co. Lieut. CHARLES HENRY DAVIS, of the United States Navy. CHARLES H. GLOVER, Esq., of the New York Bar. SAMUEL HARRIS, Esq., of Maine. L. A. HINE, Esq., Editor of the "Herald of Truth," Ohio. EDWARD KELLOGG, Esq., author of "Labor and Other Capital," etc. JOHN AMORY LOWELL, Esq., Merchant, of Massachusetts. Lieut. M. F. MAURY, of the U. States Naval Observatory, Washington. C. F. M'CAY, Esq., Professor in the University of Georgia. ALANSON NASH, Esq., of the New York Bar. Hon. F. O. J. SMITH, of Maine. Hon. GEORGE TUCKER, Author of "The Progress of the United States in Wealth and Population," "Life of Jefferson," etc., etc. J. B. VARNUM, Esq., of the New York Bar. JOHN WILKINSON, Esq., President of the Syracuse and Utica Railroad Company. E. B. WASHBURN, Esq., of Illinois; and FREEMAN HUNT, the Editor and Proprietor. The names of the contributors are appended to the titles of the several articles, in the table of contents on the first page of each number, except such as have been prepared or adopted by the Editor. INDEX TO VOL. XVIII., FROM JANUARY TO JUNE, INCLUSIVE, 1848. America, metals and ores of.... 115 Banvard's panorama of the Mississippi River... 232 American cheese trade, progress of the......... 85 Beacon light on Tampico bar....... 319 563 Beet-root sugar in Germany...... 325 562 Belgium, commerce of......... 339 china-ware manufactory.. 114 Bills of lading, advances upon..... 631 sterling, rates of, in New York... 530 Anecdotes of bankruptcy......... 455 Birmingham, (Conn.,) chair manufacture. 661 Attachment, foreign..... 66 Boddy's Island light-house... 447 Attica and Buffalo railroad, statistics of........ 542 Bohemia glass manufacture..... 325 Atlantic railroad, where shall it begin?........ 592 Book trade, notices of... 121, 234, 352, 457, 569, 671 Mercantile Library Association of... 230 Borneo, Mr. Brooke of...... and Susquehannah Railroad... 220 Boston and Providence Railroad. of England, condition of...........409, 636 314 bank and brokers of..... 381 309 44 ships destined for....... 424 56 103 654 imports and exports of specie from 1828 to 1847.......... 202 Brest, light-house of the main channel of....... 446 Coffee mills, manufacture of... 560 " mail steamers, sailing of, in 1848........ 546 Coke, diamond converted to....... 229 Camden and Amboy Railroad Statistics.... 431, 331 Consuls, British.. 429 Capital, investments at different rates of....... 642 Corn and corn meal exported from U. States.... 208 Mercantile Library Association of... 338 United States National, in 1847......... 301 450 427 Debt, United States, payments of interest of.... 426 French issue of assignats from 1790 to 1796..... 634 391 Flour trade of Rochester. adulteration of.... 455 " and American shipmasters, rights of... 424 101 664 306 233 list of failures in.. Entrepot at port of Cuba.... Endorsing, consequences of........ 80, 191, 300 Guaranty, a law decision. commercial cities of.. 43, 279, 376, 510, 601 Glasgow, cash price of pig iron at..... Erie railroad, sales of New York stocks for.... 248 Gold, increase in the quantity of........ 293 312 651 Glass, British duty on.... 650 manufacture of Bohemia. 325 455 444, 329 vi India, export of metals to....... Illinois, minerals and mines in......... 225 " commercial statistics of....... 515 Ireland, elaborate paper on.. bank, insurance of 515 " historical notices of.. 580 geographical description of.... 587 works of South Carolina.... Iron, export from G. Britain to U. States of.... 641 M. 228 MACASSAR, regulations for trade and harbor of. 87 "furnace at Chikiswalungo.. 443 Manufactures, journal of 108, 225, 320, 438, 560, 656 pig, price of, at Glasgow...... 312 in South Carolina........ 227 manufacture in Alabama.. 656 Marseilles, description of .... 279 trade of Philadelphia with the interior..... 311 tonnage and navigation of....... 281 manufacture of Great Britain.... " 659, 559 imports and exports of..... 283 improvement in the manufacture of... 323, 443 trade of United States with..... 283 new process for making of.. 558 coasting and transit trade of ...... 283 Invention for file cutting... manufactures and fisheries of ....... 284 Insurance companies of Boston. commercial institutions of.. 284 against perils of the sea... 186 Massachusetts railroads, description of......... 381 Italy, new customs union of.. 317 in 1840....... 662 Imports of the U. S. from 1790 to 1847..... 206, 304 condition of the banks of........ 107 320 increase of railroad capital in.... 438 Insolvent, honest.... Ithaca, lights at entrance of harbor of......... 447 455 Matanzas, exports of sugar, coffee, etc..... 313 313 J. JA MAICA, tariff of......... Maury's wind and current chart.. 516 442 66, 186, 293, 403, 520, 629 90 Jackson, memoir of Patrick Tracy............. 355 library association of Baltimore..... 230 566 K. KELLOGG'S, EDW., work on labor and capital 65, 625 associations, usefulness of... 619 miscellanies.. 116, 229, 335, 448, 565, 666 670 and western waters, commerce of..... 488 biography..... 335 Lake superior copper mines...... 228 men, maxims for..... 567 Lead, chromates of.. 320 Merchant, the accomplished 453 region of the upper Mississippi.. 285 Merchants, maxims for..... 670 shipments of....... Light-house at Cape Agulhas... Lights at Trevose head..... for steamers. Liverpool, commerce of 292 Mexico, position and resources of ....... 131 446 her relations to the United States...... 132 British trade with.. 216 46 method of approaches to port of..... 104 Michigan central railroad..... 94 commerce of... 492 discovery of a gold mine in.......... 107 London, proceeds of American produce in...... 646 " prices of Virginia and Kentucky tob. at 310 Royal exchange of 341 " 341 by the British North American Co...... 113 and North-western railway, expenses of 547 Mines of Mexico.... Labor and other capital. Law merchant... Louisiana, law of, relating to pilots.. Laguna port regulations.. Leather trade...... Lumber trade of Maine.... 14 trade of Quebec. Limitations, statute of Libel in admiralty... 134 65, 625 in Missouri and Illinois. 225 66 Measures, useful tables of dry.. 113 551 Mail-packet route to China. 467 648 Metals and ores of America...... 115 lead region and lead trade of....... 285 |