Sivut kuvina

Philosophical Writings.

Phädon, oder über die Unsterblichkeit der Seele.

Phædon, or the Immortality of the Soul. (Has been translated in English.)

Johann Jacob Rousseaus Abhandlung von dem Ursprung der Ungleicheit der Menschen.

Jean Jacques Rousseau's Treatise on the Origin of the Inequality of Mankind.

Schreiben an Herrn Johann Casper Lavater, Diaconus zu Zürch.

Letter to the Rev. John Casper Lavater, at Zurich. Antwort an den Herrn Moses Mendelsohn von J. C. Lavater, nebst einer Nacherrinerung von Moses Mendelsohn.

J. C. Lavater's Answer, with Supplementary Remarks by Moses Mendelsohn.

Anmerkung zu Abbts Freundschaftlicher Correspondenz.

Remarks on the Correspondence with Abbt. Jerusalem, oder über religiöse Macht und Judenthum.

Jerusalem, or Ecclesiastical Authority and Judaism.

Morgenstunden, oder Vorlesungen über das Daseyn


Aurora. Lectures on the Existence of God. Von der Unkörperlichkeit der menschlichen Seele.

On the Immateriality of the human Soul. (Published surreptitiously at Vienna, without the author's knowledge.)

An die Freunde Lessings; ein Anhang zu Herrn Jacobis Briefwechsel über die Lehre des Spinoza.

To the Friends of Lessing; an Appendix to Mr. Jacobi's Correspondence on the Doctrine of Spinoza.

Pope ein Metaphisicker!

Pope (Alexander) a Metaphysician!

Ueber die Evidenz in Metaphisischen Wissen


On Evidence in Metaphysics.

Die Psalmen.

The Psalms of David.

Manasseh Ben Israels Rettung der Juden.

Manasseh Ben Israel's Apology for the Jews. (From the English.)

Uebersetzung der fünf Bücher Moses, zum Gebrauch der Jüdisch-Deutschen Nation.

Translation of the five Books of Moses for the Use of the German Jews.

Ritual-gesetze der Juden, betreffend Erbschaften, Vormundssachen, Testamente und Ehesachen, in so weit sie das Mein und Dein angehen.

Ritual Laws of the Jews concerning Inheritance, Guardianship, Last Wills, Marriages, &c. as affecting Property only.

In addition to the above, Mendelsohn wrote several letters and articles in Abbt's friendly correspondence; in the letters "On the newest Contemporary Literature;" in "The Library of the Liberal Sciences;" and in "The Universal German Library."-Besides several fugitive pieces; as a

metrical translation of the most beautiful elegy, "Zion hallo tishalli," by Rabbi Jehuda Halevi. The triumphant Song of Deborah, (Judges v.) and some chapters of Rabbi Jedaja Hapnini Badrashi's Bechinath Olam, (Test of the Universe.)


Page 56. The religion of the Patriarchs.

THE seven chief precepts of the Nouchides which comprise, nearly, the essentials of the law of nature; viz. forbidding 1. idolatry; 2. blasphemy; 3. murder; 4. theft; 5. incest; and enjoining, 6. the administration of justice. (These, it is supposed, were promulgated already to Adam.) Finally, 7. the prohibition of eating off a live animal, imparted to Noah. See Talmud on Idolatry, page 64. Maimonides on the Book of Kings, cap. 8. sect. 10.

חסידי אומות העולם

Page 56: Virtuous men of other nations. Maimonides adds the clause, "Provided they do not observe them, as mere precepts of nature, but as laws specially revealed by God." The Talmud, however, does not sanction this addition,

Page 56. Children of eternal salvation.

Maimonides on Penitence, cap. iii. sect. 5; and on the book of Kings, cap. viii. sect. 11. In an epistle to Rabbi Hasdi Halevi, this doctor expresses

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himself thus: "As to what regards the other nations, know, my beloved! that God looks only to the heart of men, and judges their deeds by their consciences. Hence, our sages teach, that the virtuous of other nations will participate in eternal salvation, in proportion as they are advanced in the knowledge of God, and the practice of virtue." Manasseh Ben Israel quotes, in his treatise Nishmath Hajim, (the Breath of Life,) decisive passages from the Talmud, the Sohar, and other authoritative books, which place this doctrine beyond all question. "We will not withhold from any human being his well-earned reward," says the author of Cozri.Rabbi Jacob Hirschel, one of the most erudite rabbins of our days, treats very largely of this in several of his writings.

Extract from Mendelsohn's Remarks on J. B. Kölbele's coarse Pamphlet, mentioned page


**** "In my letter to Mr. J. C. Lavater, I alleged from the Talmud, and from Maimonides, that we Jews are not to seek to convert any one who is not born conformable to the principles of our religion. Whoever has the least knowledge of Judaism need not be told that those authorities are peremptorily ecisive with us.* Mr. Kölbele owns

* Talmud est opus doctrinale, sive corpus doctrinæ magnum, a variis ac doctissimis quibusque Rabbinis compilatum, multiplicem omnium scientiarum doctrinam continens, et potissi mum jus civile ac canonicum Judæorum plenissime ac perfec

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