Sivut kuvina


Arguelles, Señor, ii. 48
Argyll, Duke of, i. 35; ii. 174, 200;
quoted, 243; letter to Lord John
respecting the detention of the
Alabama,' 355 n

Armagh, Archbishop of, consulted by
Lord John on reforms in the Irish
Church, i. 299

Arms Bill, the, i. 388, 431, 467-469
Arnould, Sir J., quoted, i. 479
Arrouca, convent of, i. 60

'Arrow' question, the, ii. 286
Ashley, Lord (afterwards Shaftesbury,
Earl of), his diary quoted, i. 399;
letter to Lord John, 455

Ashley, Mr. E., his publication of Lord
Palmerston's letters, ii. 158
Atherton, Sir William, his advice soli-
cited on the Alabama' question, ii.

Atkin, Mr., i. 5

Attwood, Mr., i. 173 n

Auckland, Lord, i. 411; ii. 16; his
measures of national defence, 21;
letter from Lord John on the naval
estimates, 28; death of, 80, 97
Augustenburg, Prince, his claim to the
duchy of Holstein, ii. 386
Australia, i. 338; French plan for in-
vading and holding, ii. 176
Austria, loses Milan, ii. 38-40; sug-
gested transfer of Ionian Islands to,
41; seeks a compromise with the
Italians, 45; refuses a conference on
Italian affairs, 49; suppresses the
Hungarian rebellion and demands
the extradition of Hungarian refu-
gees from Turkey, 54; action in the
Montenegrin difficulty, 177; propo-
sition to subsidise, in the Russian
war, 217, 219

Austria, Emperor of, his abdication, ii.
25; a fugitive, 49

Austrian alliance with England, pro-
posals of an, in the Russian war, ii.
213, 218

Aylmer, Lord, i. 268 n, 269
Azeglio, Signor, ii. 277

BALACLAVA, ii. 228

Ball, John, quoted, i. 233, 234 n
Ballot, the, i. 286, 295, 325
Bandon Bridge, borough of, i. 132
Bank of England charter revised, i.
193; in the crisis of 1847, 459
Bank Restriction Act of 1797, i. 82
Bannister (actor), i. 7

Barillon, M., despatches of, i. 103,


Baring, Sir Francis, i. 178; in the
Cabinet, 335; at the Exchequer, 365;
Budget proposals of, 368, 369; asks
for a committee on the sugar duties,
374; succeeds Lord Auckland in the
Cabinet, ii. 80; relationship to Sir
Charles Wood and the Greys, 80;
a stern economist, 80; accepts the
Admiralty, 98; votes for the Militia
Bill, 150 n; protests against Lord
John's supersession in the leader-
ship, 159; quoted, 210; consulted
by Lord John on a ministerial crisis,

Barker, Russell, quoted, i. 10

Barnes, Mr. (editor of the Times '), i.

Barnstaple, writ suspended, i. 119
Barrymore (actor), i. 8

Bath, Lady, i. 27

Bath, Lord (uncle by marriage of Lord
John), i. 27

Bathurst, Lord, i. 133

Baxter, Sir David, ii. 402
Baynes, Sir Christopher, i. 30
Beaumont, M. de (French minister in
London), ii. 46
Beauvale, Lord, i. 425

Bedford, Duchess of (Georgiana, mother
of Lord John), letters of, i. 2, 4;
chronic ill health, 2, 3; death
of, 4

Bedford, Duchess of (Georgiana, step-
mother of Lord John), i. 5, 10, 113;
ii. 113; death of, 174

Bedford, Duchess of (Lord Tavistock's
wife); see under Stanhope, Lady
Bedford, fourth Duke of, i. 2
Bedford, Francis, fifth Duke of, i. 2, 3
Bedford, Francis, seventh Duke of; see
under Tavistock, Lord

Bedford, John, sixth Duke of, i. 2;
death of his wife (a daughter of Lord
Torrington), 4; second marriage to
a daughter of the Duke of Gordon,
5; made Viceroy of Ireland, 18;
his part in the fall of the Talents
Administration, 28; retirement from
the Viceroyalty, 28; on tour in Eng-
land, 30; visits Sir Walter Scott in
Selkirkshire, 31; opinion of English
universities, 44; pleasure at Lord
John's début at the Speculative
Society, 47; encourages him to con-
tinue the Whig Register,' 49; sug-
gests to Lord John a tour through the
English manufacturing towns, 54;
discourages Lord John's going to Cam-
bridge University, 57; on the riots
and discontent in 1816, 88; continen-

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tal trips of, 113; opposes the Canning
Ministry of 1827, 134; renounces a
political career, 134, 135; illness of,
163 ; on Triennial Parliaments,
194; deprecates Lord John's assump-
tion of the Opposition leadership,
214; approves of Lord John's mar-
riage to Lady Ribblesdale, 231;
paralytic seizure, 251; death of, 340
Bedford citizens' contribution to Lord
John's expenses at the Devonshire
election, i. 234

Belcher, Young (pugilist), i. 10
Belgium, fears of its incorporation in
the French Empire, ii. 42; revolt
of, from Holland, 48; letter of the
King of, to Lord John, 441
Bennet, Mr., i. 5

Bennett, Mr., ii. 119

Bentinck, Lord Frederick, i. 71
Bentinck, Lord George, i. 371, 423,
440; scheme for Irish railways, 443,
444; ii. 12; proposal on the in-
come-tax, 27; 79; obtains a com-
mittee on the sugar colonies, 94
Beresford, Marshal, i. 61
Berkeley, ii. 29

Berlin, on the eve of a revolution, ii.

Bernal Osborne, Mr., ridicules the
idea of Lord John waiting for a
breeze,' ii. 103

Bernstorff, Count (German minister
to England), thanks Lord John for
his sympathies in the Franco-German
War, ii. 442

Berry, Miss, her introduction to Lord
John, i. 55; quoted, 95 n
Bessborough, Lord (Irish Viceroy), i.
422, 430; on the employment of
Irish poor in the potato famine,
435; 438, 440, 447; dying advice to
Lord John, 451, 452; death of, 453
Betty, Master (actor), i. 18
Bexley, Lord, i. 133

Bickersteth, Mr. (afterwards Lord

Langdale; Master of the Rolls), i. 253
Birmingham, i. 136; great Reform
meeting at, 172; Political Union,
172, 173; Chartist riots in the Bull-
ring, 332; constabulary for, 333
Bismarck, Count, willing to accept the
mediation of Great Britain in the
Danish question, ii. 383; supports the
claim of the Prince of Augustenburg
to the duchy of Holstein, 386; in-
structs the German Emperor's thanks
to be given to Lord John for his
sympathies in the Franco-German
war, 442


Blackburne (Attorney-General), i. 206
Blackfeet and Whitefeet, i. 185
Blake, General, i. 39

Blake, Mr. (Remembrancer), i. 220 #
Blakeney, Sir E., i. 332, 333, 460,

Blandford, Lord, scheme for disfran-
chisement of rotten boroughs, i. 154
Blennerhasset, Sir R., on Orangeism,
i. 264 n

Blomfield, Dr. (Bishop of London), i.

Bolingbroke, Lord, i. 127 n

Bonaparte, Joseph, made king of Spain,
i. 37

Bourbon dynasty expelled from Sicily,
ii. 323
Bourqueney, M., French ambassador
at Vienna, ii. 213; proposes the
neutralisation of the Black Sea, 253,


Bowring, Sir John (British consul at
Canton), ii. 286

Bowyer, Sir J., remonstrates with Lord
John on his action in the religious
struggle between the Pope and the
German Emperor, ii. 446, 447
Boyne, battle of the, anniversary of,
in 1849, and its results, ii. 84
Bradford, Lord (uncle by marriage to
Lord John), i. 23, 27, 36
Brand, Mr., i. 85

Breadalbane, Lord, ii. 112
Brent (Westminster scholar), i. 7
Bribery Bill, i. 119, 124, 128, 144
Bridgeman, George (afterwards Earl of
Bradford), i. 4 n, 27, 58, 59n, 60,
65, 66, 68, 69 n, 71
Bridgeman, Lady Lucy, i. 74
Bright, Rt. Hon. J., i. 410; condemns
Lord John's speech on the Iris
Church, ii. 173; the Cave of Adul-
lam, 411; his letter to Lady Russell
on the death of her husband, 453
Bristol, riots in, on the Lords' rejection
of the Reform Bill, i. 172; testimo-
nial of the Reformers of, to Lord
John, 250

British and Foreign School Society, i.

British North America, i. 338
Broome, Mr., i. 35
Brougham, Lord, views on Parliamen
tary Reform, i. 116; his sneer at
Lord John's phrase, New lamps for
old,' 119; one of a little faction
at Brooks's,' 135; motion for Par-
liamentary Reform, 158; stands
between Lord Grey and rest,' 160;
excluded from the Melbourne Cabi-

net, 233; made chairman of the
Commission on educational endow-
ments, 252; on the ballot, 286;
attacks Lord Melbourne for not
giving him the Chancellorship, 290;
defends Lord John's attitude towards
Reform, 291; his measure of indemni-
fication to Lord Durham, 306; pro-
cures a grant for the National and
British and Foreign School Societies,
328; urges Lord John to write on
the constitution of England, 386;
opposes the Bill for repealing the
Navigation Acts, ii. 99
Brown, Dr. Thomas, i. 45
Brown, Mrs., i. 40
Browning, J. F., i. 223

Bruce, John (Professor of Logic), i. 25,

Brunnow, Baron, i. 355; recalled, ii.

203; his description of Lord John's
famous despatch on Italian affairs, 327
Brunswick Clubs, i. 146

Buccleuch, Duchess of, i. 344, 379 n
Buchanan, Mr. (President of the
United States), his declaration on
the question of secession, ii. 340
Buchanan, Sir A., ii. 423 n
Buller, Charles, i. 285, 289, 387, 395;
death of, ii. 97

Buller, Sir John (afterwards Lord
Churston), i. 213, 216, 341
Bulteel, John Croker (Lord Grey's son-
in-law), i. 183 n, 213

Bulwer, Mr. (afterwards Sir H.),
British minister at the court of
Madrid, connives at the selection
of Prince Leopold for the hand of
the Queen of Spain, ii. 1-3; de-
spatches from Lord Palmerston, 6,
7n; instructions in the Portuguese
rebellion, 9; his procedure in Spanish
affairs, 42-44; requested to quit
Spain, 43; sent to Washington, 45;
424 n

Bulwer, Sir E. Lytton, his motion that

Lord John's conduct at Vienna has
shaken the confidence of the House
in the Ministry, ii. 266
Buol, Count, interviewed by Lord
John in Vienna, ii. 249; declares
the Black Sea neutralisation beyond
the scope of the Vienna Conference,
254; his scheme regarding the Black
Sea, 258; his version of interviews
with English and French ministers
regarding the termination of the war,

Burdett, Sir Francis, on Lord John's
speech against the suspension of the

[blocks in formation]

CAMELFORD, writ suspended, i. 119
Camp, Miss de (actress), i. 8
Campbell, Sir J. (afterwards Lord;
Attorney-General), i. 252, 253; his
analysis of Lord John's character,
433; proposal for dealing with disturb-
ances in Ireland, 472, 473; ii. 67, 73
Canada, origin of the rebellion in,
i. 293; Lord Durham's mission and
line of action, 306, 307; proposed
loan to, for railway building, ii. 78;
proposed removal of the differential
duties on timber in, 79

Canning, Lord, ii. 221, 222
Canning, Rt. Hon. G., speech against

Lord John's proposals on Parliament-
ary Reform, i. 127; forms a Minis-
try, 133; death of, 134; 135, 136;
references to, ii. 135; quoted, 428
Canning, Sir Stratford (afterwards Lord
Stratford de Redcliffe, minister at
the Porte), urges the Porte not to
give up the Hungarian refugees, ii.
54; further action therein, 135;
returns to Constantinople, 178;
settles the Holy Places dispute, 179;
189; on the exclusion of Russia
from the Principalities, 192; warn-
ing to the Porte of Mussulman out-
rages, 193; authorised to make use
of the British fleet in any defensive
operations in the Euxine, 195; not
in favour of Austria acting against
the Greek insurgents, 218; his per-
verse action at the opening of the
Vienna Conference, 251

Canrobert, General, ii. 235
Canterbury, Archbishop of, letter from
Lord John to, on the Gorham case,
ii. 118
Capponi, Marquis Gino, ii. 277, 278

Cardwell, Rt. Hon. E., ii. 221, 222;
enters the Cabinet, 408

Carey, Dr. (head-master of West-
minster School), made bishop of
Exeter, i. 6, 7

Carignan, Prince, and Central Italy,
ii. 314

Carleton, Mr. (Irish novelist), pension
to, ii. 146

Carlisle, Lord, ii. 166

Carlist insurrection in Spain, ii. 9
Carlos, Don, ii. 9

Caroline, Queen, i. 121
Cartwright, Dr., tutor to Lord John,
i. 10; inventor of the power loom,
&c., II; his volume of letters and
sonnets, II; on the Bedford county
election in 1807, 29
Cartwright, Major (the reformer), i. 10
Cartwright, Mr., i. 16

Castlereagh, Lord, i. 110; agrees to
the disfranchisement of Granpound,
119; accepts Lord John's proposals
of Reform, 119, 120; death of, 127;
references to, ii. 10, 12
Catholic Association, the, ii. 196
Cato Street conspiracy, i. 119
Cator (Westminster scholar), i. 7
Cavaignac, General, at the head of
affairs in France, ii. 46, 49
Cavour, Count, meets Lord John, ii.
277, 278, and n; returns to office,
316; his interview with Sir James
Hudson regarding Savoy, 319; de-
fends the annexation of Savoy and
Nice, 320; thanks Lord John for
the immense service' rendered to
Italy, 328, 423 n, 438

Cayley, Mr., on Lord John's leadership
of the House, ii. 170
Census of 1831, i. 31, 32

Chalmers, Mrs., pension to, ii. 146
Chandos Clause, the, i. 165 n; ii. 155
Charles Albert, King of Sardinia, ii.

41, 48, 50; defeat at Novara, 50 n
Charles X. of France, i. 155, 156
Chartists, riots of, i. 88, 332; monster
procession of, ii. 68
Chatham, Lord, i. 160

Christian I. of Denmark and the
Schleswig-Holstein question, ii. 372
Christian VII. of Denmark formally
incorporates the duchies of Schleswig
and Holstein into his kingdom, ii. 373
Christian VIII. of Denmark and the
Schleswig-Holstein question, ii. 373
Christian IX. of Denmark (Prince of
Glücksburg) and the Schleswig-
Holstein question, ii. 374; succeeds
Frederick VII., 380


Church of England, legislative reform
for the, i. 261; Temporalities Bill,
246; Rate Bill, 273, 277, 278; ex-
citement in, over the Gorham case,
ii. 117-119; indignation with the
Pope's division of England into
twelve sees, 119; discontent with
the Durham Letter, 121
Churchill (at Dr. Moore's school), i. 4 #
Cintra, convention of, i. 38
Clanricarde, Lord, i. 422

Clare, Lord, i. 13, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43.
Clarendon, Lord, made Privy Seal, i.
337; opposes the treaty of the four
Great Powers in the Turko-Egyptian
war, 346; at Holland House, 348;
letter to Lord John, 358; on Irish
reforms, 396; on the formation of a
Ministry, 411; letter to Lord John,
with enclosure from Mr. C. P.
Villiers, 440; on loans to Irish rail-
ways, 444; made Viceroy of Ireland,
453; propositions for dealing with
Irish discontent, 460; advises the
suspension of Habeas Corpus, 464;
his Arms Bill, 467-469; proclaims
disturbed districts in Ireland, 469;
on Palmerston's action in the Foreign
Office, ii. 5; declares civil war in
Ireland to be imminent, 64; again
proposes the suspension of Habeas
Corpus in Ireland, 66; thanks Lord
John for his stout declaration,' 67 ;
threatening nature of his position in
Ireland, 70 n; process against John
Mitchel, 71; proceedings against
editors of Irish journals, 72; favours
Irish emigration, 76; devises a mea-
sure for such emigration, 78; believes
in martial law for Ireland, 81; and
prefers machinery for preserving order
to remedial legislation, 81; asks for
the renewal of the Habeas Corpus
Suspension Act, 81; delighted with
Lord John's speech on his Irish
policy, 84; promise of support from
Lord John, in his action towards Lord
Roden, 85; inquires into the Orange-
Riband screed at Dolly's Brae, and
dismisses Lord Roden from the com-
mission of the peace, 85; is of
opinion that the Lord-Lieutenancy
cannot be permanently retained, 86;
agrees with the proposal to substitute
a fourth Secretary of State for the
Lord-Lieutenant, 87; congratulates
Lord John on his approaching fall,
94; desires to subsidise a new spaper
in his party's interests, 97; 98; dis-
approves of Lord John's policy in the


slave trade, 107; willingness to re-
linquish the Irish Viceroyship, 139;
his policy defended by Lord John,
143, 144; suggested as Prime Minis-
ter, 152; letter to Lord John on the
statement that there was an intrigue
against the latter's leadership, 152;
157; on Lord John's leadership of
the House, 170; his comment on
Colonel Rose's summons of the
British fleet, 179; opinion of Lord
Stratford de Redcliffe, 179; 185;
agrees with Lord John's estimate of
the situation before the Crimean war,
182; Lord John's memorandum on
the Eastern question laid before
him, 186; 200; quoted, 210; ap-
proves of the subsidising of Sweden
in the war with Russia, 218; letter
to Lord John on the latter's con-
templated resignation, 227; Lord
John's letter to him on the Vienna
Conference, 242; letters to Lord
John as to the latter taking
office, 246; 247; on the action of
Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 251;
explains the new neutralisation pro-
ject to the Vienna Conference, 257;
appeals to Lord John not to resign,
262; strained relations between him
and Lord John 297; invited to take
the Foreign Office by Lord John,
407; his death, 441 n

Clarke, Mary Anne (trafficker in com-
missions), ii. 108

Clive, Mr. (son of Earl Powis), i. 5, 8,
66, 68

Cobden, Mr., national testimonial to,
i. 425; declines Lord John's offer
of office, 426; his pamphlet 'The
Three Panics,' ii. 18, 30; on the
ministry of 1851, 129n; quoted,
144; 152-154; introduces the motion
which secured Lord Palmerston's
defeat, 286

Cockburn, Lord, i. 44
Coercion Bills, i. 202, 204, 422, 465
Collier, Mr. (afterwards Sir J.), and
the question of the Alabama,' ii.

Collier, Sir G., i. 72


[blocks in formation]


Corbett, Mr. (British minister at
Florence), ii. 311

Corn Laws, the, i. 407, 417
Corporation Bill, i. 140, 243-245, 266
Cottenham, Lord (Chancellor), i. 290
Coup d'état, the, ii. 138

Courvoisier, murderer of Lord William
Russell, i. 2

Cowley, Lord, despatch to, from Lord
John, on the Holy Places dispute, ii.
177; 236; writes to Lord John on the
Italian question, 313 n; 324, 394,

Lady (afterwards Lady
Palmerston), i. 155; see under
Crabbe, i. 131 n

Cracow, suppression of the republic of,

ii. 8, 37

Cradock's (Mrs. Grove)
Nature,' ii. 272

Calendar of

Crampton, Judge, i. 206, 207, 452
Crampton, Sir John, ii. 423 n
Cranworth, Lord, ii. 165
Crawford, Mr., ii. 150 n

Creed, William (bookseller), i. 46
Cremorne, Lord, created a peer, i.

457, 458

Crimean War, causes of the, ii. 176;
protocol defining its object, 248
Croft, Mr., i. 61; illegally imprisoned
at Lisbon, ii. 11 n

Croker, Rt. Hon. J. W., i. 166, 167;
his article in the Quarterly' on Lord
John's speech at Stroud, 289; attack
on Sir J. Stephen, 337 #; references
to, in Moore's diaries, ii. 149 n
Crown and Government Security Bill,
ii. 67, 70

Cumberland, Duke of, sanctions the
promotion of Orange lodges in the
army, i. 262, 264

Currie, Mr. Raikes, and Lord John's
seat in the City, ii. 289
Curwen, Mr., i. 30
Customs tariff, i. 365

DALHOUSIE, Lord, i. 424
Dalling, Lord, quoted, i. 216
Darlington, Lord, i. 374

Davy, Sir H., his disbelief in lighting
London with gas, i. 35 n

De Grey, Lord (afterwards Lord
Ripon), ii. 408, 409

Demont, Louise (Queen Caroline's
Swiss maid), i. 124

Denison, Dr. (Bishop of Salisbury), i.
478 n

Denmark, in the Schleswig-Holstein
dispute, ii. 132

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