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Spirit sanctify our souls. Quicken us to thy work, and assist us in the performance of all our duties; which of ourselves thou knowest we are unable to perform. Work in us to will and to do of thy good pleasure: establish the things, O God, which thou hast already wrought for us; and continue to aid us by thy grace, till our souls are fitted for the enjoyment of thy glory.

Gracious Lord, thy mercies are fresh and new to us every morning. We have laid us down and slept, and awaked again, for thou hast sustained us; thou hast kept us from the terrors of the night, and from all evil accidents, so that we are once more risen in peace and safety. Glory be to thee, O God of our salvation, who art still so mindful of us, so merciful to us. Continue, we pray thee, thy goodness to us this day; and teach us to conduct ourselves aright, and to order our affairs to thy glory. Direct our undertakings, and prosper our endeavours. Rule our hearts in thy fear and love, that we may live to thy praise and honour.

We humbly commit ourselves to thy most gracious protection this day. Keep us, we beseech thee, from all evil, and help us to do that which is good and pleasing to thee, through Jesus Christ. Hear us, O Lord, we humbly beseech thee, for His sake; forgive what we have asked amiss; and

bestow upon us all things which thou seest needful for us, and which we continue to ask in the comprehensive words of thy dear Son.

Our Father, &c.

The grace of our Lord, &c.


Let us Pray.

O LORD, thou great and glorious God, infinite in power, wisdom, and goodness, who hast created all things, and sustainest and orderest all things by thy wise providence, thy mercy is over all thy works. In what a plentiful measure have thy bounties been poured out upon us thy sinful creatures! This day, and every day of our lives, O Lord, we have partaken largely of thy mercy, and been altogether preserved by thy fatherly care.

But, O heavenly Father, what unsuitable returns have we made for all thy great and continued goodness to us! Besides the guilt of our inbred corruption, many and great are the sins that we have committed against thee, against the light and


teaching of thy Gospel, the strivings of thy Spirit, the love and sufferings of thy Son, against all the patience and forbearance which thou hast exercised toward us. And what would we now expect from thee, O Lord, but judgment, were it not that thy mercy rejoiceth over judgment; and that thy word assures us that thou delightest not in the death of sinners, but rather that they should turn to thee and live. We plead, therefore, thy mercy, and thine exceeding great and precious promises made to returning sinners in thine only Son our Almighty Saviour. For His sake be pleased to pity us, to spare us, to forgive us: receive us to thy blessed favour, and comfort us with the assured hope that our iniquities are forgiven.

And because such is the infirmity of our nature, that without thy grace we have not power to keep ourselves even from the greatest sins, grant us, we beseech thee, the increase of thy grace, and the help of thy good Spirit, that we may be strengthened against all temptations, and be made thy willing and faithful servants. Teach us that we may know aright thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent: and give us power from on high, that we may be able to live according to that knowledge which thou art pleased to impart unto us. Make us true penitents, sincere converts, sound

believers. And, oh! Thou that workest all in all, perfect in us the work of thy grace, that we may have cause to give thee praise and glory to all eternity.

These things, O Lord, we beg, not only for ourselves, but for all who partake of our nature. More especially we pray for thy whole Church, for the King's Majesty, and all our rulers and magistrates; for our spiritual pastors and teachers, for our relations and friends, our benefactors and neighbours, and for all that are in any affliction and trouble. Supply, we beseech thee, all their wants, and fulfil all their desires, in such a manner as thy wisdom seest best, for thy mercy's sake in Jesus Christ.

Thou, Lord, art the great preserver of men, who hast kept and blessed us this day, and all our days. Praised be thy name for all thy goodness. Oh! make us sensible of thy kindness, and thankful for it, as we ought to be.

Take us under thy care, O Lord, and be gracious to us this night. Give us not only bodily rest in our beds, but rest for our souls in thy love and mercy. And be thou our God, our hope, our joy and comfort, this night and for evermore, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Our Father, &c.

The grace of our Lord, &c.


Let us Pray.

O LORD GOD, the giver of life and strength, and of all grace and goodness, we humbly pray thee to be graciously present with us this day, to direct and quicken us in all the duties of thy holy service. Forgive us, we beseech thee, our iniquities; and remember not against us the sins which may justly provoke thee to hide thy face from us: but according to thy mercy remember thou us, O Lord, and accept us, and our imperfect services, through the mediation of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Leave us not, we beseech thee, to the dullness and hardness, the vanity and deceitfulness, of our own hearts; but grant us, of thy heavenly grace, that preparation of heart without which we cannot serve thee acceptably, and keep us in a devout and heavenly frame of mind. Help us so to sanctify this thy day, that it may be a means of promoting the sanctification of our souls. May we abound in thy work; and rest for ever from all our sinful ways, as well as on this day from all our common labours.

Bless to us, O gracious Father, thy word, and all

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