Sivut kuvina
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and to whom the rest of the calamities they had suffered were owing. "However," added Lycortas, "it is pretended that 've cannot but own, that we were the cause of the abolition of Lycurgus's laws, and the demolition of the walls of Sparta. This, indeed, is a real fact; but then, how can this double objection be made to us at the same time? The walls in question were not built by Lycurgus, but by tyrants, who erected them some few years ago, not for the security of the city, but for their own safety; and, to enable themselves to abolish, with impunity, the discipline and regulation so happily established by that wise legislator. Were it possible for him to rise now from the grave, he would be overjoyed to see those walls destroyed, and say, that he now knows and owns his native country and ancient Sparta. You should not, O citizens of Sparta, have waited for Philopemen or the Acheans; but ought, yourselves, to have pulled down those walls with your own hands, and destroyed even the slightest trace of tyranny. These were a kind of ignominious scars of your slavery; and, after having maintained your liberties and privileges, during almost eight hundred years, and been for some time the sovereigns of Greece, without the support and assistance of walls; they, within these hundred years, have · become the instruments of your slavery, and, in a manner, your shackles and fetters. With respect to the ancient laws of Lycurgus, they were suppressed by the tyrants; and we have only substituted our own, by putting you upon a level with us in all things."

Addressing himself afterwards to Appius, "I cannot forbear owning," says he, "that the words I have

hitherto spoken, were not as from one ally to another; nor of a free nation, but as slaves who speak to their master. For, in fine, if the voice of the herald, who proclaimed us to be free, in the front of the Grecian states, was not a vain and empty ceremony; if the treaty concluded at that time be real and solid; if you are desirous of sincerely preserving an alliance and friendship with us; on what can that infinite disparity, which you suppose to be between you Romans, and we Acheans, be grounded? I do not inquire into the treatment which Capua met with, after you had taken that city; why, then, do you examine into our usage of the Lacedemonians, after we had conquered them ? Some of them were killed; and I will suppose that it was by us. But, did you not strike off the heads of several Campanian senators? We levelled the walls of Sparta with the ground; but, as for you, Romans, you not only dispossessed the Campanians of their walls, but of their city and lands. To this, I know you will reply, that the equality expressed in the treaties between the Romans and Acheans, is merely specious, and a bare form of words; that we really have but a precarious and derivative liberty; but, that the Romans are possessed of authority and empire. This, Appias, I am but too sensible of. However, since we must be forced to submit to this, I entreat you, at least, how wide a difference soever you may set between yourselves and us, not to put your enemies and our own upon a level with us, who are your allies ; especially, not to show them better treatment. They require us, by forswearing ourselves, to dissolve and annul all we have enacted by oath; and, to revoke

that, which, by being written in our records, and engraved on marble, in order to preserve the remembrance of it eternally, is become a sacred monument, which it is not lawful for us to violate. We revere you, O Romans; and, if you will have it so, we also fear ryou; but then, we think it glorious to have a greater reverence and fear for the immortal gods."

The greatest part of the assembly applauded this speech, and all were unanimous in their opinion, that he had spoken like a true magistrate; it was, therefore, necessary for the Romans to act with vigor, or resolve to lose their authority. Appias, without descending to particulars, advised them, whilst they still enjoyed their freedom, and had not received any orders, to make a merit with regard to the Romans, of making that their own decree, which might afterwards be enjoined them. They were grieved at these words; but were instructed by them, not to persist obstinately in the refusal of what should be demanded. All they therefore desired, was, that the Romans would decree whatever they pleased, with regard to Sparta ; but not oblige the Acheans to break their oath, by annulling their decree themselves. As to the sentence that was just before passed against Areus and Alcibiades, it was immediately repealed.

The Romans pronounced judgment the year following. The chief articles of the ordinance were, that those persons, who had been condemned by the Acheans, should be recalled and restored; that all sentences. relating to this affair should be repealed, and that Sparta should continue a member of the Achean league.

Liv. 1. xxxi. n. 48.

› Pausanias adds an article, not taken notice of by Livy; that the walls, which had been demolished, should be rebuilt. Q. Marcius was appointed commissary, to set:le the affairs of Macedon, and those of Peloponnesus, where great feuds and disturbances subsisted, especially, between the Acheans on one side, and the Messenians and Lacedemonians on the other. They all had sent ambassadors to Rome; but, it does not appear that the senate was in any great haste to put an end to their differences. The answer they made to the Lacedemonians was, that the Romans were determined not to trouble themselves any further about their affairs. The Acheans demanded aid of the Romans against the Messenians, pursuant to the treaty ; or, at least, not to suffer arms or provisions to be transported out of Italy, to the latter people. It was answered them, that when any cities broke their alliance with the Acheans, the senate did not think itself obliged to enter into those disputes; for, that this would open a door to ruptures and divisions, and even, in some measure, give a sanction to them.

In these proceedings appears the artful and jealous policy of the Romans; which tended solely to weaken Philip, and the Acheans, of whose power they were jealous; and who covered their ambitious designs, with the specious pretence of succouring the weak and oppressed.

In Achais. p. 414.


Polyb. in Leg. c. 51.




DINOCRATES, the Messenian, who had a particular enmity to Philopemen, had drawn off Messene from the Achean league, and was meditating how he might best seize upon a considerable post, called Corone, near that city. Philopemen, then seventy years of age, and generalissimo of the Acheans for the eighth time, lay sick. However, the instant the news of this was brought him, he set out, notwithstanding his indisposition; made a countermarch, and advanced towards Messene, with a small body of forces, consisting of the flower of the Megalopolitan youth. Dinocrates, who had marched out against him, was soon put to flight; but, five hundred troopers, who guarded the open country of Messene, happening to come up and reinforce him, he faced about, and routed Philopemen. This general, who was solicitous of nothing but to save the gallant youths, who had followed him in this expedition, performed the most extraordinary acts of bravery; but, happening to fall from his horse, and receiving a deep wound in his head, he was taken prisoner by the enemy, who carried him to Messene. Plutarch considers this ill fortune of Philopemen, as the punishment for some rash and arrogant words, that had escaped him, upon his hearing a certain general applauded. "Ought that man," says he, "to be valued, who suffers

d A. M. 3821. Ant. J. C. 183. Liv. l. xxxix. n. 48. Plut. in Philop: p. 366-368. Polyb. in Leg. c. 52, 53.

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