International Shipping & Shipbuilding DirectoryShipping World & Shipbuilder, 1943 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 78
Sivu 262
... L.W. and 5 ft . adjacent fish quay's with 15 ft . at H.W.S.T. North Quay dry at L.W. One 15 - cwt . crane . D. at entrance 15 to 17 ft . at L.W. Used by coasters of up to 150 tons carrying coal and country produce and fishing boats ...
... L.W. and 5 ft . adjacent fish quay's with 15 ft . at H.W.S.T. North Quay dry at L.W. One 15 - cwt . crane . D. at entrance 15 to 17 ft . at L.W. Used by coasters of up to 150 tons carrying coal and country produce and fishing boats ...
Sivu 262
... low water ; tide recedes about 40 ft . from entrance . Shoal rock 1 mile E. of quay . 3 fms . at L.W. at three - quarter distance between Shoal Rock and Innyard by the Rock . Dry Dock . Charges . No dues at present . FINDHORN ...
... low water ; tide recedes about 40 ft . from entrance . Shoal rock 1 mile E. of quay . 3 fms . at L.W. at three - quarter distance between Shoal Rock and Innyard by the Rock . Dry Dock . Charges . No dues at present . FINDHORN ...
Sivu 262
... L.W. 3 ft . , H.W. 30 ft .; T.H.W. same as Liverpool . LV . s.s. The Earl . Steam cranes . Charges . Anchorage , 4d ... dry at L.W .; at H.W.S.T. 26 ft . Used by vessels of up to 300 tons . T.H.W. f . and c . 6 hr . 24 min . W ...
... L.W. 3 ft . , H.W. 30 ft .; T.H.W. same as Liverpool . LV . s.s. The Earl . Steam cranes . Charges . Anchorage , 4d ... dry at L.W .; at H.W.S.T. 26 ft . Used by vessels of up to 300 tons . T.H.W. f . and c . 6 hr . 24 min . W ...
Golden Number | 2 |
Cable Rates | 5 |
The Year 5704 of the Jewish Era commences on September 30 1943 | 8 |
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
Accn Acen acres anchorage Auth ballast basin berths Board born breakwater buoys Business Address Canal capacity Capt Cardiff cargo vessels cement cent Chairman channel Charges Club coal coasting cotton depth dry docks electric cranes Engineer entrance exceeding fish Fleet floating floating dock Glasgow grain graving dock Harb Harbour Home Address iron Island jetty Leadenhall Street length Light dues lighters Line Liverpool Lloyd's Agent Loading and discharging London Managing Director Marine Master metres miles mooring Navigation Newcastle-on-Tyne Number Officials outwards passengers patent slip patent slipway pier pilot Pilotage Port prev ptas quayage Railway rates River sailing vessels Shipbrokers Shipbuilding Shipping Company SHIPPING WORLD sill South steam cranes steamers Steamship Steamship Company Street sugar Telegraphic Address Telephone timber Tonnage dues tons gross tons reg Towage Vessels drawing vice versa wharf Wharfage wharves width wood wood pulp