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temptations and impediments. The Lord teach us to use this tranfitory world as not overufing it, that we may never hear, Remember that thon in thy life time receivedst thy good things,] Luke 16.25. How fhortly will they find themselves everlastingly undone, that made not fare of a more enduring portion! Reader, that thou mayft favingly remember these combut neceffary, though much neglected truths, is the end of these endeavours, and fhall be the matter of my hearts defire and prayers, while the Lord continneth me


His fervant for the promoting the increafe and edification of his Church,

Nov. 15. 1660,

R. Baxter.


REaders, meeting in his confideration of the Liturgy) with thefe following words of Reverend D. Gauden [I cannot but commend the Candor, Juftice,and Integrity of M. Baxter, who lately profeffed to me, that he faw nothing in the Liturgy, which might not well bear a good construction, if men looked upon it as became Chriftians, with eyes of Charity,] I was fenfible of the great - refpects of this Learned and Reverend man; but left you mifunderstand both him and me, Ithink it beft to tell you more fully what

what were my words. Speaking for reformation of the Common prayer Book, and an addition of other forms in Scripture phrafe, with liberty of choice, &c. faid, That for the Doctrine of the Common prayer Book though I had read exceptions against divers paffages, I remembred not any thing that might not receive a good conftruction, if it were read with the fame candour and allowance, as we read the writings of other men.] So that it was only the Truth of the Doctrine that I fpoke of; against which I hate to be peevishly quarrelsome, when God hath bleft this Church fo wonderfully, with a moderate and cautelous, yet effectual Reformation in matter of Do

Arine: The more pitty is it, that the very modes of Worship and Difcipline fhould be the matter of fuck harp and uncharitable difcords, which must one day prove the grief of these that are found to have been the causes of it, and of the fufferings of the Church on that occafion.


The Contents.

THe Introduction. Page 1. &c. Doct. There is a feeming Religiousness which is but selfdeceiving, and will prove in Vain.

Ten particulars that conftitute the Hypocrites Vain Religion II.

to 20.

Ten things that are yet wanting to the Hypocrite, that prove his Religion Vain.

20. to 34.

By what means and method the Hy

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to deceive Religion.

34. to 49.

What moveth the Hypocrite to this felf-deceit, and what are the reafons and nfes of his Vain Religion.



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