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The trial of Grain Reapers during the summer, together with Mowing Machines, Cultivators, Drills and Horse Powers, &c., was decided upon. The particulars of the trial, with the requirements will be given at an early day.

The Board then proceeded with the list, and having settled the advances to be made in the different divisions, &c., directed the Secretary to prepare the list, with the alterations and additions, to be submitted to the Board at their next meeting, to be held on Thurday, February 5th, at 10 A. M.

Mr. Prentice, Mr. Tucker, and Mr. Corning were appointed a committee to loan such portion of the surplus funds as are unnecessary for current expenses of the Society. Adjourned.

B. P. JOHNSON, Secretary.

Monthly Meetings.-The Executive Committee will hold their monthly meetings on the first Thursday of each month, at the Agricultural Rooms.



The Committee on the management of farms after a careful examination of the reports presented to them, award,

The first premium, a silver cup, value $50, to Messrs N. & E. S. Hayward, of Brighton, Monroe county.

The second premium, a silver cup, value $30, to McCulloch & Kirtland, Greenbush, Rensselaer county.

The third premium, silver cup, value $20, to Albert G. Ford, Rockton, Herkimer county.

Sherman L. Wattles, Sidney Centre, Delaware co., 6 vols. Transactions.

Joseph B. Morse, Cazenovia, Madison co., 6 vols. Transactions.

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The committee would call the attention of the Society to the statement of the Messrs Hayward, as showing the careful and thorough system of cultivation pursued by them, and also the successful introduction of the raising of seeds for market, a business of importance to the farmer, and requiring more than ordinary care and attention on the part of the cultivator.

The method of reclamation of a comparatively worn out farm, and its present state of productiveness, as shown by the statement of Messrs McCulloch & Kirtland are convincing proofs of the excellent manner in which their farm is managed, and well worthy of attentive examination.

Mr. Ford's farm has been in his possession about three years. He is a young enterprising farmer, and deserves much credit for the manner in which his farm has been managed. His object has been improvement, and returns that will repay his efforts, in which he has been entirely successful. His attention mainly is devoted to the dairy, and his yield per cow, is very large, far exceeding that of the dairy districts at large, and entitles him to very great credit.

Sherman S. Wattles of Delaware county, presented a statement of his farm, containing 125 acres ; Mr. Wattles' farm is devoted to grain, to the dairy, and to butter, and appears to be systematically managed. Mr. Wattles has been in the practice of keeping regular accounts of the receipts and expenditures of his farm, from which he derives great satisfaction, as well as advantage. He is not favored with a near market, being about 22 miles from the Erie railroad. His statement is interesting, and he deserves much credit for bringing up his farm to its present condition, from what it was a few years since.

Joseph B. Morse, of Madison county, has 156 acres ; 114 acres improved. Mr. Morse has devoted his farm mainly to the dairy; has realized from his cows, 355 lb. cheese, and 42 lb. butter per Mr. Morse has not kept regular farm accounts, but says,


"that he has become so thorougly convinced, since he commenced to write his statement, of the benefit as well as pleasure to be derived from the practice, that he has purchased a set of books and intends to commence with the year systematically." Although he has been farming, he states, " for nearly 20 years, he is but just waking up to a sense of the necessity of system in all the departments of business." We have no doubt Mr. Morse, as well as every other farmer, will find advantage in this systematic course, and system in the management of the farm is indispensable to success. We shall be greatly disappointed if Mr. Morse is not heard from again before the Society.


SOILS, &c.

1. Of how much land does your farm consist? and how much wood, waste and improved land, respectively?

2. What is the nature of your soil and sub-soil? Is there limestone in it? What rocks are found in it?

3. What do you consider the best mode of improving the different kinds of soil on your farm? Of clay soil, if you have it— of sandy soil, and of gravelly soil? Answer separately.

4. What depth do you plow?

had on various soils?

What effect has deep plowing

5. Have you made any experiments to test the difference in a succeeding crop, between shallow, common or deep plowing?

6. Have you used the subsoil plow? and what has been its effect on different soils and crops? Have you drained any of your lands? If so, what soils, and with what results?

7. What trees and plants were indigenous to your soil? Give the names of each?


8. How many loads of manure (30 bushels per load) do you usually apply per acre? How do you manage your manure? Is it kept under cover? or are there cellars under your barns or stables, for receiving it?

9. What are your means and what your manner of making and collecting manure? How many loads of manure do you manufacture annually? How many do you apply?

10. How is your manure applied; whether in its long or green state or in compost? For what crops, or under what circumstances, do you prefer using it, either in a fresh or in a rotten state?

11. Could you not cheaply, essentially increase your supply of manure by a little extra labor?

12. Have you used lime, plaster, guano, salt, or any substance not in common use as manure? In what manner were they used, and with what results?


13. How many acres of land do you till? and with what crops are they occupied, and how much of each crop?

14. What is the amount of seed planted or sown for each cropthe time of sowing-the mode of cultivating and of harvesting— and the product per acre? Have any insects been found injurious to your crops? if so, describe them and the remedies adopted. Have you made or can you give an estimate of the value of fertilizing matter taken from the soil by an acre of wheat, estimating 20 bushels per acre?

15. What kind and quantity of manure do you prefer for each, and at what times, and in what manner do you apply it?

16. How deep do you have manure covered in the earth, for dif ferent crops and different soils?'

17. Have your potatoes been affected with any peculiar defect or disease, and have you been able to discover any clearly proved cause for it, or found any remedy?


18. What kind of grasses do you use? How much seed of clover, or the various kinds of grass do you sow to the acre? At what season of the year do you sow-and what is the manner of seeding? What kinds of grass are best adapted to lands used for dairy purposes?

19. How many acres do you mow for hay, and what is the average product? At what stage do you cut grass, and what is your mode of making hay?

20. Is any of your mowing land unsuitable for the plow, and what is your mode of managing such land?

21. Have you practiced irrigating or watering meadows or other lands, and with what effect? What is your particular mode of irrigation and how is it performed?

22. Have you reclaimed any low, bog or peat lands? What was the mode pursued, the crops raised, and what the success? 23. Have you succeeded in eradicating the weeds from your farm, if so, by what methods and what weeds are most troublesome?


24. How many oxen, cows, young cattle and horses do you keep, and of what breeds are they?

25. Have you made any experiments to show the relative value of different breeds of cattle or other animals, for particular purposes, and with what results?

26. What do you consider the best and cheapest manner of wintering your cattle; as to feed, watering and shelter?

27. How much butter and cheese do you make annually, from what number of cows, and what is your mode of manufacture?

28. How many sheep do you keep? Of what breed or breeds are they? How much do they yield per fleece, and what price does the wool bring? How many of your sheep usually produce lambs, and what number of lambs are annually reared? How much will your sheep or lambs sell per head to the butcher?

29. What do you consider the best and cheapest manner of wintering your sheep, as to food, watering and shelter? How many in proportion to your flock (if any) do you lose during the winter? What difference, if any, between the fine and coarse wooled sheep, in these respects?

30. How many swine do you keep, of what breed are they, how do you feed them, at what age do you kill them, and what do they weigh when dressed?

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