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cing all classes, ages and conditions. The exhibition in all its branches, was in the highest degree satisfactory and creditable to the county.

We have repeatedly adverted, among the essential elements of our agricultural wealth to the Black Hawk breed of horses which are very extensively propagated throughout the county. Their high reputation was amply sustained on this occasion. These horses, it is believed, originated in Western Vermont and possess only a slight and remote infusion of foreign thorough breed stock. They are all distinguished by the peculiar characteristics of the breed and are pre-eminent for beauty, action, docility and endurance. They are in the most active requisition, at exorbitant prices, ranging from $100 the sucking colts, to $500, and in some instances far higher for the choicest animals. The rearing of these horses has become a very prominent and valuable branch of our husbandry.

Specimens of both Durham and Devon cattle of purest blood and very superior qualities, were exhibited at the fair. The public attention has been strongly attracted to these animals by the exhibitions of our society, and many very rare and splendid individuals have been already introduced into different districts of the county.

The display of fine wooled sheep was excellent, and we think could scarcely be exceeded. The wool growing interest of the county has received the close and persevering attention of many of our most intelligent and observing farmers, which has resulted in the formation of numerous flocks embracing almost every desirable excellence. Most of the prominent and sagacious wool growers do not incline to the opinion that their flocks would be improved by a cross of the recent European importations. The county of Essex is peculiarly appropriate to sheep husbandry, and is now receiving an impulse which will place it among the most conspicuous wool growing districts of the State. We are happy to report that the notice of our farmers has been directed to South Down, Cotswold, Lincoln, and other varieties of sheep, particularly adapted for mutton, and

that many fine animals of these breeds have been introduced into the county.

The department of female industry was well sustained at the fair; but that of the mechanic arts, in which we are supposed particularly to excel, did not meet the expectations of the society. We were alike surprised and gratified among the miscellaneous articles to receive entries of several exceedingly chaste and beautiful paintings, executed by young ladies, in some of our secluded valleys. The performances of one of the exhibitors, particularly the painting on ivory by Miss Bishop, manifested a high degree of taste and genius. Such is the powerful and salutary influence of these societies, evoking effort, cherishing improvement, and developing the latent intellectual, as well as physical resources of the county. We were only able to recognize these claimants upon our patronage by gratuities, but propose in future to embrace the fine arts in our programme of premiums. We were gratified by the appearance at our fair, of a delegate from Washington county; we regard these interchanges of civility and intercourse as highly important and desirable, and shall be happy to reciprocate the courtesy with other societies. The tendency of this intercourse will be the promotion of a mutual acquaintance and understanding in our farming communities, and a concert and harmony of action in advancing our common agricultural interests. It enables each to examine the .practices of other sections of the State, their modes of culture, their management of stock and the qualities and varieties of their animals, and is calculated to excite an emulation and generous rivalry, not only in the success of our fairs but in all the pursuits of our agriculture.

The exhibition and practical operation of the Michigan sub-soil plow, in connection with other plows, was among the most important and attractive incidents of the fair. The novelty of its construction, and the vast power of execution it possesses, excited universal interest and attention, and we trust the event will lead to the immediate introduction among our farmers, of this most

valuable and efficient implement. The society intend to urge by premiums, and all its influence, the introduction into the county of improved and labor-saving utensils.

On the second day of the fair, Amos Dean, Esq., delivered before a very large and highly interested and attentive audience, an eloquent address distinguished by a wide range of scientific and philosophical research, and replete with sound and judicious practical suggestions. The advance and prosperity of the society is illustrated by the annexed table, exhibiting its progress during the three years of its existence:

[blocks in formation]

The officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows: Winslow C. Watson, Chesterfield, President; Levi D. Brown, Elizabethtown, Treasurer; Robert S. Hale, Elizabethtown, Secretary, and 18 Vice-Presidents.

The financial condition of the Society as exhibited by the Treasurer's report to the Comptroller for the past year, is as follows: Cash received from State fund,....

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

$71 00

273 00

109 00

147 00

$600 00

$291 00

[blocks in formation]

145 32


157 68

$600 00

[blocks in formation]

The Annual Exhibition of this Society was held at Syracuse on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 1st and 2d, 1851. The attendance was very large, and the competition quite spirited. There was an unusual display of live stock, larger probably than at any previous year of the Society's existence. The exhibition of this class took place on the grounds of Stephen Bastible, about half a mile east of the city, and when the next State fair is held here I hope you will be able to secure them for your use, and that they will then give all concerned as much satisfaction as their great adaptation gave both exhibitors and spectators at our own fair

The plowing match took place upon the same grounds, and though the committee selected a place that offered a severe test, yet quite a number of competitors entered their names, and much difficulty was experienced in awarding the respective premiums in this important branch of our annual exhibition. The double plow manufactured by L. Higley & Co., of Fayetteville, elicited the warm approbation of all who saw the work done by it.

The exhibition of fancy work, domestic manufactures, products of the dairy, and of most other articles that are usually exhibited on such occasions, took place in the large and spacious rooms of the Bastible block, directly in the heart of the city. The building was thronged by thousands and a charge of one shilling for admittance to all who were not members of the society, materially added to the receipts of the Treasurer. On the evening of the first day of the fair a large crowd was attracted to the spacious area of the Bastible block to hear speeches from the Hon. Caleb Lyon, D. D. Hillis, Esq., and other gentlemen. This new feature of the Society met with universal approval. On the following day the annual address was delivered before the Society by the Hon. Caleb Lyon, of Lyonsdale. The enthusiastic applause received during its delivery, was the best evidence to the orator of the appreciation of his elegant production.

The following persons were chosen officers of the Society for the ensuing year:

Seth Hutchinson, Onondaga, President; David S. Earll, Salina, 1st Vice-President; Julius C. Kinne, De Witt, 2d Vice-President; Davis Cossit, Onondaga, Corresponding Secretary; E. J. Foster, Syracuse, Recording Secretary; L. W. Hall, Syracuse, Treasurer.

The premium list for the ensuing year has been increased about two hundred and fifty dollars, and every thing connected with the Society wears a favorable aspect.



The Annual Exhibition was held on the 7th of October, and the show was in the highest degree creditable to the farmers and mechanics of the county. The exhibition of stock, dairy products, domestic manufactures, fruits and flowers, showed the interest which is taken in each department.

The receipts of the society including balance on hand from previous years, was,......

Disbursements, premiums, and miscellaneous expenses,

Leaving balance,

$181 74

159 17

$22 62

This shows an increase of about 25 per cent over the preceding year.

Some fine samples of butter were exhibited. Lucius F. Potter of Kingsboro, made in June, from the milk of three cows, 621 lbs. of butter in addition to butter for the use of his family. Matthew Potter made 110 lbs of butter from the milk of twenty cows, in 31 days, or seven milkings. No substance is used but pure salt in the manufacture, by the above persons; using from 1 to 1 oz., Liverpool salt, to the pound of butter.

Mr. Mathew Potter's method of making butter:-The cows were fed on pasture only, and were milked about six o'clock in the morning, and about the same hour in the afternoon. The milk

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