ΤΟ CHARLES SHAW LEFEVRE, Esq. M. P. THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE, WITH HIS PERMISSION, DEDICATED BY THE EDITOR. PREFACE. By the 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50, (which will come into operation on the 20th of March, 1836,) the whole of the Statutes relating to the highways in England, have been repealed; and the provisions contained therein have been consolidated and amended. By this Statute the mode of appointment of the surveyor is altered, who is to be elected by the parishioners in vestry, without being subject to the approval of Justices; the previous provisions respecting the statute labour and composition in lieu thereof have been repealed, and a rate substituted instead; which rate is to be made and recovered, &c. in the same way as a poor-rate. With respect also to the turning and diverting |