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from prevailing under the christian profession, and in the very bosom of this corrupt church?

25. These corruptions, we learn from the most authentic history, continued to increase from this time forth, and paved the way for that cruel and bloody tyrant Constantine, under a Christian profession, to fight his way to the imperial throne, through scenes of blood and carnage, shocking to humanity, and then to be acknowledged, with all his cruelty, the head of the Christian Church, so called. Then agreeable to the designs of Antichrist, he set about remodeling the government of the church, to correspond with the secular government of the empire. And this order has been handed down and maintained by nearly all the great branches of the Christian world, so called, both catholics and protestants."


26. It is evident that after the above mentioned establishment, and the corresponding creeds and systems of faith, adopted by the self-styled orthodox councils, very little of the pure principles of the gospel had an abiding place on earth; tho' there were for a time, some honest souls in the great body of the church, who labored hard to support a good degree of the primitive principles in the church at large. But Antichrist soon began to reject such intermeddlers from his dominions; and he soon overcame them, so that they were either compelled to submit to the popular religion, or be driven out as heretics and troublers of the will and arbitrary power of this hierarchy, falsely styled the Church of Christ.

27. This was the origin of those scattered denominations which have been handed down through succeeding ages, by ecclesiastical writers as heretics, and their names and characters treated with infamy. After this motley combination of Heathen, Jewish, and Christian doctrines and principles, was established in the Catholic Church, and those called heretics driven out. The real reign and dominion of Antichrist then commenced.


The period of the reign of Antichrist and its effects, illustrated by the concurrence of ecclesiastical history, and proved by the prophetic times of the prophet Daniel.

1. Great pains have been taken, and much labor bestowed by learned expositors and ecclesiastical writers, to fix the period of the

See Mosheim's Eccle. Hist. Vol. i. page 312, &c., and Lardner's, Vol. iv. 172 to 176.

reign of Antichrist, and to find the time of its commencement: and many periods have been assigned to that event. But this, to say the least, shows the uncertainty of their calculations. This difficulty arises from the various periods in the declension of the church, that are noted in history, in which Antichrist gained an increasing ascendancy. But it ought to be understood that these were particular eras in the progress of his victorious career, to the ultimate supremacy of his power, and the establishment of his reign.

2. There are also periods marked in the Old Testament which various writers, with some appearance of propriety, have considered as the commencement of certain prophetic events, which in the view of others, leaves the whole uncertain. Yet one thing is certain, that is, there can be but one true period from which to commence the calculation of any prophetic event; all other calculations, tho' never so plausible, may be nullified by others equally plausible; but the true period, when found, cannot be disannulled.

3. Certain it is, that neither the most learned nor the most wise among mortals, that ever existed under the veil of antichristian darkness, never did and never can, fully comprehend the mysteries and times which Divine Wisdom has veiled in typical figures and prophetic numbers. For the nature of these events being concealed from the view of man, those who have attempted to make the calculation, were unable to discern "those times and seasons which God put in his own power:" and hence they have always failed in their attempts. Even the prophet Daniel himself was unable to comprehend the nature and event of those things which were represented to him in the vision. This appears evident from his own testimony.

4. "And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, "what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way "Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the "end. Many shall be purified and made white, and tried; but the "wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall under"stand; but the wise shall understand.—But go thou thy way till "the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of "the days."*

5. Thus it appears that these things were "closed up and sealed till the time of the end." It was therefore impossible that the predictions relating to these events, should be understood, as to their nature and substance, or the period of their accomplishment, till the time of God's appointment; and even then, they could be known only by the revelation of God. When the seals were taken off, and the book of Divine Revelation was opened, then these predictions which were delivered to the prophet Daniel, and afterwards renewed by

Dan. xii. 8, 9, 10 & 13.

Jesus Christ, and again confirmed by the angel to John, could be clearly seen and understood, but not before. And it is but reasonable to suppose that this revelation would first be made to those who were in the real work of God, and whose minds were enlightened by the Divine manifestations which succeeded these events. These things having now been revealed by the light of Divine Truth, and the events clearly seen and understood, they may be pointed out and illustrated, agreeable to ancient predictions, and confirmed by the events recorded in history.

6. Tho' the spirit of Antichrist began to manifest itself in the apostles' days, as appears evident from their writings; yet it was many ages before it gained so much ascendancy as to exclude the true and faitful witnesses of God and followers of Christ from the temple. When this was effectually done, then the disciples of Antichrist, with great zeal, set about modeling the precepts and doctrines of Jesus Christ and his apostles to suit their own carnal views. And as the practical doctrines of the cross of self-denial were the most obnoxious to the spirit of Antichrist, the first object was to pervert these doctrines in such a manner as to render the cross of Christ ineffectual.

7. This was done by substituting the form of a wooden cross in the place of practical self-denial, and making the show of religion supply the place of the reality. Hence when the Emperor Constantine assumed the christian name, he formed such a cross for his standard, under which he prosecuted his bloody wars, and fought his way to the throne. Similar devices were formed to supplant every thing that bore the mark of christian purity and simplicity, till the views of Antichrist were fully accomplished, and the sanctuary itself, with every thing belonging to it, was completely trodden under foot.

8. By recurring to ecclesiastical history, we find the year 457. marked as the period in which the real reign of Antichrist commenced. For in the year 451, the emperor Marcianus yielded to the demand of Leo, bishop of Rome, and called a general ecclesiastical council, which a former emperor had refused. In this council the decrees of a former general council were abrogated, and an epistle of Leo was adopted as a rule of faith, which (says Mosheim) is at this time, almost generally received, and was then inculcated upon those called Christians, but who, in reality, were the subjects of Antichrist. This epistle taught, as a rule of faith, that " In Christ, two distinct natures were united in one person, and that without any change, mixture or confusion."

9. "Many of the ecclesiastical doctors opposed this doctrine; but the Roman pontiff, far superior to them all, in wealth and power, daily added new degrees of influence to the Roman See, rendered it everywhere respected, and thus imperceptibly established its supre

macy." Here we find the origin of this antichristian doctrine of two distinct natures in Christ, so generally maintained by the reputed orthodox professors of Christianity, not from Christ, but from Leo, the first sovereign prince of Antichrist.

10. Historians assert that in the year 456, the Roman empire was overrun by the Barbarians. It appears, however, that this event was no obstacle to the rising dominion of the Roman pontiff; but rather contributed to its advancement. "For when the barbarian kings, who had invaded the empire, perceived the subjection of the multitude to the bishops, and the dependence of the bishops upon the Roman pontiff, they resolved to reconcile this sovereign ruler to their interests, hy loading him with benefits and honors of various kinds." By this means they designed to strengthen their own powers and influence.

11. To this we may add that in the year 457, the emperor Marcianus died. Hence it must appear evident that there remained no power in the empire, that could rise in the public estimation to an equal degree of dignity and power with the artful Roman pontiff. But it took several years to complete this professed system of faith; the time may be dated about 460. For it will readily be perceived that his ecclesiastical power and influence was almost unlimited. And the barbarian kings whose power and dominion had risen up by the conquest of the empire, were in process of time, brought under the power of the papal authority, and acknowledged its supre


12. Thus the reign of Antichrist commenced in the supremacy of the papal power. For it is generally agreed and cannot be disputed that his real reign began at that period. And this is indeed the only period which, upon critical examination, will bear the test of its beginning and end; and which can be proved by a consistent calculation of the prophetic times noticed in the scriptures. All other calculations are liable to be disputed; but the truth will stand, and the better it is understood, the more clearly will the evidence of it appear.

13. From this period the papal power was so far established, that it continued to grow and increase from one degree to another, until it arrived at unlimited supremacy. But it appears that the bishop of Rome, did not at that time, nor till many years afterwards, receive the title of Universal Bishop, for the bishop of Constantinople long disputed this title with him; and at times his power received a temporary check, and was, in some degree, controlled by the emperors.

14. But in the end, all these adverse events served only to elevate the dignity and confirm and establish the power of the Roman pontiff. They were indeed but the natural struggles between the ci

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vil and ecclesiastical powers, and between the ministers of Antichrist who, Diotrephes-like, were struggling for the preeminence.

15. But the popes finally gained the victory in every struggle; of course their power gradually gained the ascendancy, until they finally rose to the full supremacy, both in civil and ecclesiastical power, higher than any power on earth. The pope was acknowledged as universal bishop by the highest civil powers on earth, who yielded obedience to him in that capacity. Hence his power and influence was gradually increased, till at length he also became a temporal sovereign, and ruled both church and state with unlimited sway.


16. From this period, "The Man of Sin” was established under the profession of Christianity, and sat in the temple of God, showing that he was the god of mankind, yea, of those who had been called by the gospel of Christ, and united as members of his Church, to be the temple of the living and true God. Thus the temple of Christianity on earth became defiled;† therefore God in Christ forsook it, and cast off this polluted temple. Then was "the abomination of desolation set up, which stood where it ought not," for the space of 1260 years. This was foretold by Jesus Christ. Here he gave a special caution: "Let him that readeth understand."

17. Some have supposed that this alluded to the destruction of the Jewish temple, and to the desolation of their state by the Romans. But whoever justly considers the rebellious wickedness of that nation, and their sacrilegious persecution of Jesus Christ and his true followers, must at once see that their judgment was just upon them, and that their desolation, instead of standing where it ought not, did, in strict justice, stand where the desolation of such co-workers necessarily must stand.

18. But if it was, in this manner to be literally fulfilled, why was this caution given, "Let him that readeth understand?" which evidently shows that it would be something that would be liable to be misunderstood when the events should take place, which proved indeed to be the case. For when the abomination of Antichrist was set up in the church, very few understood it; and those few who did understand, and who testified against these abominations, were obliged to flee from this corrupt city and temple, to the mountains, and into the wilderness, as did those Jews who understood the time of the desolation of Judea and the destruction of the temple. As stated by Josephus.

19. This was figurative of the events which had been predicted by Christ and the prophets, and were to take place in spiritual Judea, and in the temple or church of Christ's first appearing. When this was effected, and those who understood the Savior's warning had

See 2 Thes. ii. 3, 4.

+ 1 Cor. iii. 16, 17.

+ See Mark xiii. 14.

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