Sivut kuvina

life, I may escape those fiery whips and scourgings of the spirits of vengeance, which are the portion of the disobedient and impenitent in the other life".

3. It was at this hour of the day the Holy Ghost descended upon the holy Apostles and disciples of Christ, and by His celestial influences replenished them with extraordinary gifts and graces, for the propagation of His holy Gospel, and the plantation of His Church through the world. And,

Vouchsafe, Holy God, vouchsafe unto me also, Thy unworthy servant, the guidance of the same Spirit; by Whose illumination and sanctification I may both perceive and know what things I ought to do: and also may have grace and power faithfully to perform the same, through Jesus Christ.

"And the earth was with

out form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the watersg."

Such was thy condition, O my soul, in thy state of nature, without form or comeliness; the image of God, wherein thy beauty consists, was defaced by original corruption: void, both of grace and truth: an abyss of darkness, and in the shadow of death; till the all-quickening Spirit of God, moving upon the hallowed waters of Baptism, caused the light to appear. But still the dregs of thy natural corruption remain, and the darkness of ignorance ever hovers upon the face of the deep: but where the Spirit of God is, there is liberty, both rightly to understand, and acceptably to perform His


Come, Holy Ghost, Eternal God,
Proceeding from above,

Both from the Father and the Son,
The God of Peace and Love,

Visit my mind, and into me

Thy heavenly Grace inspire,

That in all truth and godliness

I may have true desire.

O Holy Ghost, into my mind Send down Thy heavenly light,

Ecclus. xxxix. 28.

f Acts ii. 15.

8 Gen. i. 2.

Kindle my heart with fervent love
To serve God day and night.

Strength'n and stablish all my weakness,
So feeble and so frail,

That neither Flesh, the World, nor Devil,
Against me do prevail.

And grant, O Lord, that Thou being
My Leader, and my Guide,

I may eschew the snares of sin,
And from Thee never slide.

Almighty God, unto Whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from Whom no secrets are hid; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts, by the inspiration of Thy holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love Thee, and worthily magnify Thy holy Name, through Jesus Christ, &c.

h Glory be to God on high, on earth peace, good will towards men.

We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we worship Thee, we glorify Thee, we give thanks to Thee, for Thy great glory, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty.

O Lord, the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us: Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us : Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayers: Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us.

For Thou only art holy, Thou only art the Lord: Thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

This Hymn is prescribed to be used in the morning, by the Apostolical Constit. 1. vii. c. 47, and at the third hour of the morning, because then the Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles, and replenished them with glory, exultation, and joy.-Dur. Rat. 1. iv. c. 13.


Legem pone. Psalm cxix. part 5.

Hord tertid Psalmus [Legem pone] dicitur, quia tunc lex nova data est Apostolis. Dur. Rat. 1. v. c. 6,

Ver. 1. "Teach me, O Lord, the way of Thy statutes, and I shall keep it unto the end."

2. "Give me understanding, and I shall keep Thy law: yea, I shall keep it with my whole heart." The understanding must first be enlightened, that the affections of the heart may be inflamed with love and obedience.

3. "Make me to go in the path of Thy commandments: for therein is my desire." And because all holy desires are the influences of God's Holy Spirit, therefore it follows, "Incline my heart."

4. "Incline my heart unto Thy testimonies, and not unto covetousness." God is to be obeyed, not for any earthly ends and therefore a sincere obedience is inconsistent with covetousness.

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is that Way which is also the Truth and the Life.

6. "O stablish Thy word in Thy servant, that I may fear Thee." God's word must not be slightly heard; but deeply settled in the heart, to beget therein the true fear of God.

7. "Take away the rebuke that I am afraid of; for Thy judgments are good." We would fear reproach for our sins, did we seriously consider the righteousness of God's judgments.

8. "Behold, my delight is in Thy commandments: O quicken me in Thy righteousness. The more active we be in all holy obedience, the greater delight shall we find therein.

Glory be to the Father,
As it was in the begin-
ning, &c.

The Prayer.

It is the desire of my soul, O Lord, to know and obey Thy commands, as being the way of true delight: Oh, give me a right un

derstanding thereof, with a firm adhesion, and obedience thereunto. Mortify the exorbitant lusts of mine eyes, and of mine heart, whose issue is shame and reproach: Leave me not to their counsels, and let me not fall by them; but turn away from me vain hopes and

concupiscence, and Thou shalt hold him up who is desirous always to serve Thee, through Jesus Christ.


Ver. 1. "Let thy loving mercy come also unto me, O Lord; even Thy salvation according to Thy word." In the word of God, mercy and salvation are promised to His people.

2. "So shall I make answer to my blasphemers; for my trust is in Thy word." The manifestation whereof shall stop the mouths of all evil-speakers.


3. O take not the word of thy truth utterly out of my mouth for my hope is in Thy judgments." He that hopes for mercy in the day of judgment, must now profess the truth in the day of trial and temptation.

4. So shall I alway keep Thy law; yea, for ever and ever." Charity, which is the

end, or love, which is the fulfilling of the law, continues for ever.

5. "And I will walk at liberty: for I seek Thy commandments." The love of God diffused in the heart, doth enlarge our steps in the ways of obedience to His laws.

6. "I will speak of Thy testimonies also even before kings: and will not be ashamed." And animate us undauntedly to profess the truth before the greatest powers upon earth.

7. "And my delight shall be in Thy commandments which I have loved." These are inseparably united, the love of God, and the love of whatsoever He commands.

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i Eclus. xxiii. 1. 5.

trust in Thee: let this Thy i fort." To remember the mercy and truth appear in joys of eternity, supports my salvation. Set my heart the pious soul in the greatat liberty from all extra-est of temporal afflictions. vagant lusts which tyran- 5. "I am horribly afraid nize there and grant, that for the ungodly, that forsake Thy laws may be so much Thy law." The impiety of my delight that I fear not others doth more terrify a to profess the same even godly person, than his own before kings, when called sufferings by their injusthereunto. Let Thy holy tice. will revealed be my daily study, and my hands lift up carefully to perform the same all the days of my life, through Jesus Christ.


Ver. 1. "O think upon Thy servant as concerning Thy word, wherein Thou hast caused me to put my trust." A holy confidence in the promises of God, is a good ground of prayer to be made partakers thereof.

2. "The same is my comfort in my trouble: for Thy word hath quickened me.' And of consolation in the greatest extremities.

3. "The proud have had me exceedingly in derision: yet have I not shrinked from Thy law." And of perseverance, in spite of all the scoffs and contradictions of sinners.

6. "Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage." The equity of the Divine precepts is the most proper subject of melodious poesy upon earth.

7. "I have thought upon Thy Name, O Lord, in the night season, and have kept Thy law." Night meditations do much conduce to the right ordering all the actions of the day.

8. "This I had, because I kept Thy commandments.” Obedience is rewarded with grace for grace."


Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was, &c.

The Prayer.

O think upon Thy servant, in great mercy, O Lord, and let no external troubles, no reproaches of the proud and scornful, withdraw my heart from that love and obedience

4. "For I remembered Thy everlasting judgments, O Lord, and received com- which I owe unto Thee: but

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