Sivut kuvina

"I once heard a story of a man at a hotel who could not sleep because the man in the room above walked the floor all night. At last the man below, in despair, asked his friend above why he continued to walk the floor throughout the night. The friend replied: "I owe $10,000, and it is due next week. I think it is about time to walk the room all night.' 'But my friend, why don't you go to sleep and let the other man do the walking?'

"Now, a great many people seem to think that the candidate must do all the walking of the floor and all the fighting. But this is your fight. It is more important to the people that they should select their officers than it is to the candidate that they should elect themselves. It is for you to say who your hired man will be. The officers of the people are their servants.

"Why should you not be careful in selecting the man who serves you in a public capacity, when you give great care in selecting those who serve you in a private capacity? I want you to go home and feel that this cause is your cause. It is the cause of the people, the plain people. If we fight as we should, we shall deserve to win. I thank you my friends."

Mr. Bryan's nomination drew a variety of comment from his party. The silver men regarded it as eminently fitting, and as calculated to lead to certain victory. The gold men did not withhold their admiration for his private worth and great forensic ability, but they bitterly denounced the platform which had been adopted, and expressed in unmeasured terms their hostility to the principles therein incorporated. They regarded them as unDemocratic and revolutionary, and as impossible for sup port. This, however, had evidently been anticipated and

discounted, for Mr. Bryan took the optomistic view that as soon as the passions of the hour had cooled the full party strength would rally to his support. In this he was encouraged by the number and character of the congratulations that poured in upon him by telegraph and letter from men of all factions and parties, without regard to geographic limits.

Space does not permit the printing of these congratulations, nor a setting forth of the character of the criticisms mentioned in connection with the platform. One char acteristic of the latter, however, is consonant with impartial history, and that was the confession that Democratic leaders were not blameless for the situation with which they found themselves confronted. For the three Cleveland campaigns they had sowed dragon's teeth, in sending speakers to the country to tell the people that they were being ground down by oppressive laws which protected monopolies and which made the rich richer and the poor poorer. Cleveland himself it was said made this mistake, never losing an opportunity to say to the masses that they were being frightfully burdened by unjust taxation. These campaign arguments and plausible and ponderous pleas of Cleveland created much discontent, and added to that which already existed, but the great mistake, as admitted by some of those who were in part responsible for it, was that which was made in 1892.

After Mr. Bryan's departure from Chicago, and on his way home to Lincoln, he visited Salem, his birthplace. The journey was a continuous series of ovations, hardly less enthusiastic than those that awaited him at Salem, and again on his arrival at Lincoln, where the populous turned out irrespective of party to proclaim their satisfaction over his nomination. These occasions gave him

opportunity for eloquent and stirring speeches, in which he fully sustained the reputation for oratory he had so splendidly confirmed in the Convention and before the party that had honored him with the nomination for President.


ARTHUR SEWALL, nominee of the Democratic Party for Vice-President, sprang from an old and distinguished family on both sides of the Atlantic. His ancestors came to this country in 1654, and his grandfather, Dummer Sewall, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. He was settled at York, Maine, and moved thence to Bath, Maine, in 1762, where he purchased the tract of land on which to this day is located the Sewall mansions and shipyards.

William D. Sewall, the father of Arthyr, entered upon the business of ship-building at Bath, in 1835, and his shipyards soon became famous the world over for the staunch, fleet and beautifully modeled vessels it turned out. From its first product, the pretty little sail-ship, Diana, launched in 1825, to the exquisitely lined monster, the steel steamer, Dirigo, launched in 1894, the Sewall shipyards have easily led the country in designs for merchantmen, and, at this writing, the Sewall ship-building firm can boast that it owns the largest sailor merchantman afloat.

Arthur Sewall was born in Bath, Me., Nov. 25, 1835, He was liberally educated, and at once entered the ship building business with his father, in the early fifties. This step meant that his future destiny was to be inseparable from the creation and sailing of American ships, for the Sewalls made ships not only for others

but for themselves, and out of the great number they have built since the establishment of their plaut, they have owned and sailed ninety five.

Arthur Sewall succeeded to his father's business in conjunction with his brother, under the firm name of E. and A. Sewall. Since then the firm has been changed and expanded by the introduction of his son, William D. Sewall, and his nephew, Samuel S. Sewall, the firm name being A. Sewall & Co.

Through natural taste for his business, aided by full acquaintance with its details and an interest in maritime affairs, Arthur Sewall has made a conspicuous success in his calling. But the prominence it has given him in a business way, not only in the merchant marine but among home associates, measures but little in comparison with the high place he has attained in the world of affairs outside of his shipbuilding occupation.


No single occupation, however, intricate and taxing, could limit energy and ability such as his. He extended his business prowess to various other enterprises and became successful in all, adding greatly to his civic and political influence as well as to his material means. time he came to rank among Maine's most substantial capitalists and his advice and managerial powers were in request by nearly every important corporation in his county and vicinity. He was for nine years president of the Maine Central Railroad, and resigned in 1893, but only to give place to a successor who fully represented his business policy respecting the management of the road, and who shared his tact in carrying it out.

He is a director in many railroads of his own, and adjoining states, and was at one time prominent in the management of the Mexican Central and Sonora Railway. He

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