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W to practice Law in the Sup continue;

to attend to cases before Congress; to prosecute Claims and settle accounts against the Departments and Boards of Commissioners to procure Patents at home and abroad; to ob


Printing Establishment, No. 35 Locust street between Main and Second, St. Louis, Mo.

HARLES & HAMMOND, Book and Job

Printers, Main street, St. Louis, Mo.


tain Pensions and Bounty lands; to collect debts, dividends. legacies and inheritances in any part of the United States and in foreign countries; to make investments of funds in Loans and Stocks and on Bonds and Mortgage, and to negociate the purchase and sale of Loans, Land and Patent-rights in any State of the Union. Particular attention paid to A St. Louis, Mo., Wanzer Minor & Co., California Land Title cases coming up to the 126 Pearl street, New York, Moses Wanzen U. S. Supreme Court on appeal. and Henry J. Minor, New York, Archibald Young, t. Louis.

Communications prepaid. addressed to W. G. SNETHEN, 5, Carrol Place, Capitol Hill, Washington, D. C., will meet with prompt attention.


Manufactory, corner of Third and Pine

"MURRAY & DORMAN, Iron Railing

streets, continue to manufacture at the above establishment, all kinds of plain and ornamental iron railing, balconies, bank and jail doors, book safes, fire-vaults, iron window shutters, iron awnings, lightning rods, bedsteads, gratings, and in fact, any thing which can be formed of iron.

RCHIBALD YOUNG & CO., 99 Main st.,

N. B.-We manufacture all of our own

goods, and sell by wholesale at the lowest pos

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The Prairie Dog, by ALFRED S. WAUGH, Esq., St. Louis, Mo.
Greatness of Character-Random Thoughts, by an Occasional Writer, 65, 135
Germany. Influence of Enthusiasma on Happiness, from the French of
Madame de Staël. By BERNARD A. PRATTE, Esq., St. Louis, Mo.
Our Country's Good, by - of Kentucky,

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The public lands and western improvements, by K. of Mo.
Predestination, by Hon. A. BEATTY of Ky.
The Western Railroad Improvements in connection with the Interest of
the Eastern and Middle States, by K. of Mo.

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Notes on Ruffin's Essays on Calcareous Manure, by Hon. A. BEATTY
of Ky.

[ocr errors]

Friendship, a vision-Random thoughts, by an Occasional Writer,
The Trade of the Southwest, by Lieut. M. F. MAURY, U. S. Navy, -
Who are Oppressors, and who the Oppressed? By Mrs. MARY R.
HALL, Keokok, Iowa

Twilight Musings, by A. M. B., of Ala.,

What is a Minister like?

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Agricultural interests-National Igno-
rance of, in the United States, 182.
Agricultural science

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manures, influ-
ence of the atmosphere saline and
earthy matter, bones &c. 309.
Aliments. Constituents of the blood, fi-
brine, albumen &c. 81.
American art, foreign opinion respect-
ing, 291.

Alton, a tabular statement of exports,
in 1851, 406.

Animal and vegetable organism, 81.
Growth of animals, Tissues, Food,
&c. 84. Animal and vegetable king-
doms, Circulation of matter &c. 309.
An Incident, 50.

A Declaration, 202.

A Hint. 202.

A Thought, 134.

A Free Spirit, 416.

Atala, 51, 123, 204, 279, 349, 418.
Banks, Condition of the New Orleans
banks in 1851, 195.

Bank of the State of Missouri, Report
of its condition, 31 Dec. 1851, 334.
Bread stuffs, value exported from the U.
S. annually from 1831 to 1851, 193.
Burlington, Iowa, Convention, Resolu-
tions and Memorial respecting the
Improvements of the Upper Mis-
sissippi, 93.

Calcareous manures, Notes on Ruffin's
essays, 247.

Cañon of Chelly & the Navajos, 102, 218.
Capitol of Missouri, 435.
Chateaubriand, anecdote of, 203.
Cincinnati, tabular statement of its
commerce for 1851, 39.

Civic and rural embellishments, 75.
Coffee, and the coffee trade, production
and consumption of coffee in different
countries, 301.

Coin and bullion imported and exported
annually from 1821 to 1851, 403.
Commerce of the Mississippi valley,
outlines of a system, 1.
Commerce of Cincinnati, tabular state-
ments, 39, 44.
Commerce of New Orleans, tabular
statement of exports, imports, ship-
ping &c., 113 to 115.
Commerce of the Gulf of Mexico, 219.
Commerce of St. Louis, tabular state-
ments of imports, domestic and for-
eign, steamboat arrivals, &c., 264 to
269. Prices of leading articles of pro-
duce. Imports of liquors, oils. Lumber
trade &c., 322 to 329.
Commerce between the United States
and Mexico, tabular statement, 270.
Commerce of Para, 389.
Commerce of Alton, 406.

STATES. Statement of the value of
the dutiable merchandise re-exported
annually from 1821 to 1851, 400, For-
eign merchandise imported, re-export-
ed and consumed from 1821 to 1851,
and the rate of consumption per ca-
pita, 401. Statement of the value of
imports consumed, value of domestic
and foreign exports exclusive of spe-
cie, tonnage. &c., from 1821 to 1851
inclusive, 402. Statement of coin and
bullion imported and exported annu-
ally from 1821 to 1851, 403. State-
ment of the consumption of iron in
the U. S. from 1842 to 1851, and the
rate per capita, 403. Statement of
bar iron &c. imported annually from
1821 to 1851, 404. Statement of quali-
ty and value of iron imported annually
from 1843 to 1851. Average cost per
ton and duties paid at different peri-
ods, 405.
Temple, 348.
Cotton trade, vide commerce of NewOr-
leans, 114. Statistics of growth and
con umption in all countries, by C.
F. M'CAY, 234.
Criticism, 416.

Hints of Swift and

[blocks in formation]

Financial and commercial prospects of
1852, 367.

Fine arts, 73, 147, 217, 290.
Flow of soul, 203.

Food, vide division of, 306.
Friendship, a vision, 361.
Galena, Lead Statistics, 399.
Germany, by Madame de Staël, 138.
Girls, 144.

Goethe, a sonnet to, 144.
Greatness of Character, 65, 135.
Great Britain, Tonnage of, compared
to that of the U. S., 193. Mercantile
marine of Gr. B. and the U. S., 194.


Gulf of Mexico, its commerce, 219,
383, 4.

Hannibal, Commencement of Railroad,

Harpies and Hyenas, 49.
Hint, 202.

Henderson & Nashville railroad, 409.
Human food, division of, 306.
Humanity, its progress, 69.
Hungary, its present condition and pol-
icy, 340.

Ideal beauty, 64.

Ingham, S. D., Observations on the
currency of the U. S., 92.
Independence, 345.

International Language, Description of
some of the Signs used by the Prairie
Indians, as an, 430.

Iron, imports, poduce and comsump-
tion, 403 to 405.

Iowa, description of the northern coun-
ties, 319.

Kossuth, Louis, 345.

Lead mines of Wisconsin, 394.
Lead, Statistics of Galena, 399.
Legal wit. 278.

Love and Hate, 217.

Lumber trace of St. Louis, 329.
Marcy, Capt. R. B., Report of route
from Fort Smith to Santa Fé, and
from Doña Anna to Fort Smith, 23.
Mercantile marine of Great Britain and
the U. S., 194.

Mississippi river, Improvement of the
Rapids and of the channel at its
mouth, 6.

Mississippi and Atlantic Railroad, Sur-
vey &c., 408.
Narrow-minded Uncharitableness and
Comprehensive Earnestness, 417.
New Orleans, decline of its commerce,
4. General statement of its commerce
for the year 1851, 113, 114, 115. Con-
dition of its Banks, 195. Internal
improvement convention, 407.
Northern Missouri Railroad Charter,

Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, Report
Commencement at
of Engineer, 12
Illinoistown, 408.
Ohio river illustrated, 289.

Oppressors. Who are Oppressors, and
who the Oppressed? 411.

Our country's good, 152. Note, 219.
Para, its commerce, 389.

Periodical Literature, 147.

Public Improvements, and the Press in
Arkansas, 189.
Ohio & Mississippi,
report of survey, 12. Commencement
of, at Illinoistown, 408. Hannibal and
St. Joseph, commencement of, 110.
Railroad share and stock market 115.
Pacific Railroad, amended charter,
stock subscription &c., 186. New
Albany railroad, progress of the work
&c., 187. Railroad improvements of
the West, in connection with the in-
terests of the Middle States, 225.
North Missouri Railroad charter 258.
Railroad from St. Louis to New Or-
leans, 293. Railroads in operation and
course of construction in the U.S.,Jan.
1st, 1852, 330 to 333. Railroad litera-
ture 348. Southwestern Railroad, 407.
Mississippi & Atlantic railroad, 408.
Henderson & Nashville railroad, 409.
Railroad decision in case of Kennard
vs. New Jersey Railroad Co., 410.
St. Louis, Sales of Real estate in 1851, 31.
St. Louis, Commercial Statistics for
1851, 264, 322.

St. Louis, Railroad to New Orleans 293.
Genevieve and Iron Mountain
Plank Road, 408.
Satire, 290.

Scene on the Ohio river, 289.
Schiller, sonnet to, 213.
Song of the people, 201.
Song of the mechanic, 291.
Southwest, Trade of, 375.
Southwestern route to the Pacific, 23.
Spirit glory, 45, 118, 196.
Steam carriages on Plankroads 250, 315.
Steamboats of the Upper Mississippi,
history of, 397.

Steamboat arrivals at St. Louis, New
Orleans, and Cincinnati, vide com-
merce and commercial statistics.
The Missouri Statehouse of Jefferson
City, 435.

Toby & Anderson's Plow factory at
Peoria, Ills., 338.

Tonnage of Great Britain and the U. S.
compared, 193.
The Bud, 122.

Tribute to Labor, 271.
Trade of the Southwest, 375.
Twilight Musings, 428.

Valentine, Influence of a devotional
spirit, 360.

Voice of Life, 200.

Plank Road from Ste. Genevieve to the Vivific Arts, 68.

Iron Mountain, 408.

What a Minister is like, 435.

Poesy, from the German of Schiller 145. Wheat, arrivals at St. Louis from the

Prairie Dog, 33.

Predestination, 214.

Progress of Humanity, 69.

Public lands and western improvements


Missouri, Mississippi, and Illinois
rivers, respectively in 1851, 266.
Wheeling Bridge Case, Judicial Deci-
SION, 410.

Youth, a gleam of, 134.

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