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"the action, but it was the motive to act; "it was the authority upon which the Gen❝tiles did, and not the faculty or power by

" which they learnt, the things of the law. "And this distinction shows, that the apos"tle neither means the light nor the law of "nature, but he uses the word', as indeed "its derivation imports", for that which

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grows up with us, our frame and consti"tution; and such habit or custom is even " to a proverb. And in this sense it is al66 ways used either for nature, as the frame "and constitution of any thing, or what by "habit becomes such"." This custom of sacrificing, testified against them that they were sinners, that they wanted redemption, and that this redemption could be procured only by blood. The conviction of these truths, was" the work of the law written in "their hearts," the necessary result of their habit of sacrificing, which they had derived by tradition from God's own appointment. Their conscience bore them witness, whether they conformed to this law, whose d From 4vo, (nascor.)

ο φυσιι.

Romaine's Works, vol. i. Serm. entitled, "No Justification by the law of Nature," where the reader will find much information on this subject.

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"works were written in their hearts," and "their thoughts," through this medium," the meanwhile," were "accusing, or else excusing, one another." Thus then we see, that the great truth which constitutes the essence of revelation, righteousness through the blood of a Redeemer, though grossly corrupted and obscured, still operated through their sacrifices, upon the hopes and fears of these Heathen, and by its influence produced their exaltation.

Further proof in support of the text as explained, might be adduced, in comparing the Persians and other nations, who did not pay this attention to animal sacrifices, nor consider them of such importance, with the Greeks and Romans. But it is time to proceed to the historical evidence which those nations, who have enjoyed the light of revelation, afford, on this subject. We will, therefore, dismiss the Heathen with the

f A history of animal sacrifices among the Heathen nations, showing their conformity to divine appointment, and the character and state of the nations most conformable, contrasted with those who were the furthest removed from the original pattern, is a desideratum in theology. If the learned Dr. Magee would turn his attention to the subject, he would do a real benefit to religion.

remark, that wherever Atheism, or a species of refined Theism, superseded, in whole or part, the sacrifices of animals, there we find political degradation, and a deterioration in intellectual and moral worth. The former has but few, and those few, feeble supporters, whose speculations are absurd, and who have the mass of evidence which facts afford, opposed to them. The latter, as it does not include in it the incontrovertible truth of our fearful apostacy, and the necessity of a Redeemer, cannot affect our hearts or regulate our lives.

Let us now for a moment attend to the state of the Jewish nation. A mere sketch will be attempted. Whilst I am offering it to your consideration, let it be remembered, that it is information of the actual state of this people, furnished by authentic writers.

We shall first examine their laws, confining ourselves, however, to a few general


In these laws, the great principles of moral duty are promulgated with a solemnity suited to their high pre-eminence.

Love to God with the most unceasing solicitude, and love to our neighbour, as extensively and forcibly as the peculiar design of the Jewish economy, and the peculiar character of the Jewish people would permit, are enjoined. They studiously inculcate the truth, that God requires not merely external observances, but heartfelt piety, well regulated desires, and active benevolence. They teach that sacrifice could not obtain pardon without a genuine and universal repentance for all sin; that circumcision itself, and by necessary consequence, every other legal rite, was designed to typify and require internal holiness, which alone could render men acceptable to God. They represent the love of God as designed to act as a practical principle, stimulating to the constant and sincere cultivation of purity, mercy, and truth.

In these laws, we find idolatry, with its train of profanations and crimes; adultery and impurity in all its pollutions; murder; obstinate disobedience to parents; presumptuous defiance of the law; and resistance to 14

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the supreme authority of the state, capitally punished. While they allowed no asylum. for atrocious criminals, they provided with admirable wisdom for the fair trial of those who were guilty only of manslaughter. They punished inferior offences, whether against the person or property, with mildness and equity. They protected the slave as well as the freeman. In a word, in the judges who held their authority under these laws, the form of the trials appointed by them, and their regulations as to witnesses, they were admirably calculated to promote justice, and to guard innocence.

These laws, moreover, " provided for the "settlement of 600,000 freeholders, with independent properties, derived not from

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any human superior, but held in fee from "the Sovereign of the Jewish state, even "God himself. This distribution of pro"perty was guarded by preventing the

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accumulation of debt, and, if alienated "for a time, securing its reversion to the family of the original proprietor, at regu"lar periods. The distribution of this body "of freeholders through the land, by their

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