it may exactly be said, what Dr. Johnson has said of the play of Richard the Third viz: "This is one of the most celebrated of our author's performances; yet, I know not, whether it has not happened to him, as to others, to be praised most, when praise is not most deserved." KING RICHARD III. ACT THE FIRST. SCENE I. A Garden in the Tower. Enter LIEUTENANT and OFFICER. Lieut. Has King Henry walk'd forth this morning? Offi. No, sir; but it is near his hour. Lieut. At any time, when you see him here, Let no stranger into the garden; I would not have him star'd at-See, who's that, Now ent'ring at the gate? [Knocking within. [Eril OFFICER. Enter LORD STANLEY. My noble lord, you're welcome to the Tower: Stanley. Yes, sir; and I am proud to be the man, That first brought home the last of civil broils: Like bloody brothers, fighting for a birthright, them: Edward now sits secure on England's throne. Lieut. Near Tewksbury, my lord, I think they fought; Has the enemy lost any men of note ? Lieut. That brave young prince, I fear, 's unlike his father, Too high of heart, to brook submissive life: Stanley. King Henry and ill fortune are familiar; He ever threw with an indifferent hand, Lieut. As one whose wishes never reach'd a crown; Stanley. Were it not possible to see this king? Lieut. This is his usual time of walking forth [They retire. Enter KING HENRY. K. Hen. By this time the decisive blow is struck; Either my queen and son are bless'd with victory, Or I'm the cause no more of civil broils. 'Would I were dead, if Heav'n's good will were so; For what is in this world but grief and care? What noise and bustle do kings make to find it; When life's but a short chase, our game content, Which, most pursu'd, is most compell'd to fly; And he, that mounts him on the swiftest hope, Shall often run his courser to a stand; While the poor peasant, from some distant hill, Undanger'd and at ease, views all the sport, And sees content take shelter in his cottage. Stanley. He seems extremely mov'd. Lieut. Does he know you? Stanley. No; nor would I have him. Lieut. We'll show ourselves. [They come forward. K. Hen. Why, there's another check to proud am bition! That man received his charge from me, and now Lieut. A gentleman, that came last night express From Tewksbury-We've had a battle. K. Hen. Comes he to me with letters, or advice? come, sir; Not less because you are King Edward's friend, |