Glost. Oh, Catesby, I have had such horrid dreams! Catesby. Shadows, my lord!-below the soldier's heeding. Glost. Now, by my this day's hopes, shadows, to night, Have struck more terror to the soul of Richard, Glost. Perish that thought!-no, never be it said SCENE VI. A Wood. Enter RICHMOND, OXFORD, SIR W. BRANDON, SIR R. BRACKENBURY, BLUNT, SOLDIERS, &c. Rich. Halt! Sold. Halt!-halt! Rich. How farinto the morning is it, friends? Rich. "Tis well I am glad to find we are such early stirrers. Sir W. Brand. Methinks the foes less forward than we thought them; Worn as we are, we brave the field before them. Rich. Come, there looks life in such a cheerful haste. If dreams should animate a soul resolv'd, Sir W. Brand. A good omen, sir.-[Trumpets sound a distant March.] Hark! the trumpet of The enemy! it speaks them on the march. Rich. Why, then, let's on, my friends, to face them; In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, Enter GLOSTER, CATESBY, &c. Glost. Who saw the sun to-day? [Exeunt. Catesby. He has not yet broke forth, my lord. Glost. Then he disdains to shine-for, by the clock, He should have brav'd the east an hour ago. That frowns on me, looks low'ring upon him. Enter NORFOLK, with a Paper. Nor. Prepare, my lord; the foe is in the field. Glost. Come, bustle, bustle! caparison my horse; Call forth Lord Stanley, bid him bring his power; Myself will lead the soldiers to the plain. [Exit CATESBY. Well, Norfolk, what think'st thou now ? This morning early, was this paper found. Enter CATESBY. What says Lord Stanley? will he bring his power ? Catesby. He does refuse, my lord-he will not stir. Glost. Off with his son George's head! Nor. My lord, the foe's already past the marshAfter the battle, let young Stanley die. Glost. Why, after be it then. A thousand hearts are swelling in my bosom: Draw, archers, draw your arrows to the head! Spur your proud horses hard, and ride in blood! And thou, our warlike champion, thrice renown'd, St. George, inspire me with the rage of lions! Upon them!-Charge! follow me! [Exeunt. SOLDIERS driven across the Stage, by GLOSTER, &c. I hate thee, Harry, for thy blood of Lancaster! |