Sivut kuvina
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ese prices, as well as all others quoted, are in Nicaraguan ncy, which averages from 30 to 35 per cent less in value he United States gold dollar, consequently reducing prices orresponding ratio as compared with United States currency. journeying through the country, the traveler has to depend ch fare as he may be able to obtain at native houses and such as he may carry with him, but in the principal towns and there are hotels where fair accommodations and good rations e rule. Hotel charges throughout the Republic are from $2.50 per day, the latter rate only at those of the higher and in the principal cities. There are places where board e obtained for less, but they are frequented by the lower class tives only and would not be very attractive, especially to ners. The rates usually charged by the meal at the best are: Early coffee, 25 cents; breakfast, 75 cents; dinner, 80 to $1. Board by the month is from $25 to $30, without An extra charge of $5 per month is usually made when are sent to the house of the boarder. Tea is rarely used = only prepared at special request. Coffee and chocolate are sual beverages, and both are invariably excellent. Beer, both Dean and American, can be obtained, but costs from 30 to 50 per pint bottle. California wines, 80 cents per pint bottle. r is rarely seen on hotel tables, and is not usually palatable obtained. Meat is generally good. Chickens, turkey, and on are usually served at dinner, and in the lake cities espefish is abundant and good. Eggs, cooked in omelets and ery other way, are staple articles of food. Frijoles (beans) ice are the usual vegetables, occasionally varied by potatoes, ge, squash, and pease, but as a rule, vegetables are not served at variety.

Ladies' shoes, from $3 up per pair. The shoes found in are invariably of American manufacture and come largely ton. It is very rarely that shoes of European make can be the stores of Nicaragua. Dressmakers charge for makin as follows: Ordinary calico house dress, $2; street cost to $7; ball dress, $10 to $15. Ladies' hats, trimmed, $4 to $20, but there is little demand for millinery, as the and reboso are used in preference to the hat or bonnet.

Labor is plentiful in Nicaragua, at least so far as prese are concerned. But to carry out any great public wo develop the immense resources of the country on the s will be required whenever the facilities for transportation proved, it will be necessary to import laborers and encoura gration.

The following is a statement of the wages received by ferent classes of labor. It also shows the salaries paid Government to those employed in the railroad, steam telegraphic service. The amounts are stated in Nicarag rency:

Clerks, mercantile :



Stone masons..



Journeymen tailors

Bull. 51-6


.per month.. 20.0 50. .per day.. I. .do... I. .do.... I. .do....

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