Sivut kuvina
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.074 .029

. 184

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. II 221



Artículos varios-Continua.

Instrumentos para banda, como timbales, tambores, platillos, triángulos, y otros semejantes.

Jabón ordinario

Jabón fino perfumado de tocador Jarcia de cabulla, manila ó sisal. Juegos de ajedrez, damas, dominó, ruleta, lotería, y otros semejantes...

Juguetes de toda clase para niños, no siendo de caucho... Juguetes de caucho para niños.. Junco sin manufacturar ó manufacturado..

Lacre de toda clase

Ladrillos de toda clase y materia,
no especificados...
Lámparas de toda clase, no espe-

Lápices de toda clase
Lapiceros y mangos para plu-

mas, no siendo de oro ni plata. Libros con hojillas de oro ó plata, finos ó falsos para dorar ó platear.....


. 10

.02 . IO




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Plows, harrows, and rakes for agricul- Arados y peines para agricultura.

tural purposes.


Winnowing and sorting machines for cof

fee and other seeds.

Mercury for mines.

Drills for mining purposes.

Water pumps of metal of any kind.

Surveyors and nautical compasses.

Lime and cement.

Iron tubing, with the cocks or faucets.
Coal and animal charcoal.
Crucibles for melting metals.

Machines for ginning, hulling, and shelling.

Dynamite for mines (by special permission of Government).

Buildings and houses of wood or iron. Vessels and boats of all kinds, fitted together or in parts.

Passengers' personal baggage, excluding effects which have not been used and furniture, which must pay duty according to its class.

Geographical or astronomical spheres or globes.

Iron water tanks. Forges.

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