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" Marble, in the rough or dressed, for fountains, gravestones, and building purposes. 20. Tools and implements for agricultural and horticultural purposes. 21. Wagons, carts, and handcarts. 22. Iron and steel, in rails for railroads and other similar uses,... "
Bulletin - Sivu 136
tekijä(t) International Bureau of the American Republics - 1892
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Hand Book of Nicaragua

Bureau of the American Republics (Washington, D.C.) - 1892 - 204 sivua
...crude or manufactured in blocks. 13. Quicksilver for mining purposes. 14. Coal, mineral or animal. 15. Fertilizers for land. 16. Lime and cement. 17. Wood...for fountains, gravestones, and building purposes. 20. Tools and implements for agricultural and horticultural purposes. 21. Wagons, carts, and handcarts....

Nicaragua a Handbook

International Bureau of the American Republics - 1892 - 224 sivua
...other vegetables, fresh or dried. 8. Fruits, fresh or dried. 9. Hay, bran, and straw for forage. 10. Cotton-seed oil and all other products of said seed....for fountains, gravestones, and building purposes. 20. Tools and implements for agricultural and horticultural purposes. 21. Wagons, carts, and handcarts....

Bulletin, Numero 50

International Bureau of the American Republics - 1893 - 698 sivua
...11. Tar, resin, and turpentine. 13. Quicksilver for mining purposes. 14, Coal, mineral or animal. 15. Fertilizers for land. 16. Lime and cement. 17, Wood...and horticultural purposes. 21. Wagons, carts, and hand carts. zz. Iron and steel, in rails for railroads and other similar uses, and structural iron...

Handbook of the American Republics

International Bureau of the American Republics - 1893 - 692 sivua
...or manufactured in blocks. ^: 13. Quicksilver for mining purposes. 14. Coal, mineral or animal. 15. Fertilizers for land. 16. Lime and cement. 17. Wood...for fountains, gravestones, and building purposes. 20. Tools and implements for agricultural and horticultural purposes. 21. Wagons, carts, and hand carts....

Nouveau recueil général de traités et autres actes relatifs aux ..., Nide 20

1896 - 952 sivua
...Coal, minéral or animal. 15. Fertilizers for land. 16. Lime and cément. 17. Wood and lumber, in thé rough, or prepared for building purposes. 18. Houses of wood or iron. 19. Marblo, in thé rough or dressed , for fonntains, gravsetones and building purposes. 20. Tools and...

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Prepared Under ...

United States. President - 1897 - 538 sivua
...crude or manufactured in blocks. 13. Quicksilver for mining purposes. 14. Coal, mineral or animal. 15. Fertilizers for land. 16. Lime and cement. 17. Wood...dressed, for fountains, gravestones, and building pur. poses. 20. Tools and implements for agricultural and horticultural purposes. 21. Wagons, carts,...


United States. President, James Daniel Richardson - 1897 - 840 sivua
...crude or manufactured in blocks. 13. Quicksilver for mining purposes. 14. Coal, mineral or animal. 15. Fertilizers for land. 16. Lime and cement., 17. Wood...dressed, for fountains, gravestones, and building pur. poses. 20. Tools and implements for agricultural and horticultural purposes. 21. Wagons, carts,...

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1907, Nide 9

United States. President, James Daniel Richardson - 1897 - 828 sivua
...crude or manufactured in blocks. 13. Quicksilver for mining purposes. 14. Coal, mineral or animal. 15. Fertilizers for land. 16. Lime and cement. 17. Wood...rough or dressed, for fountains, gravestones, and buildmg pur. poses. 20. Tools and implements for agricultural and horticultural purposes. 21. Wagons,...

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897, Nide 9

United States. President, James Daniel Richardson - 1897 - 822 sivua
...blocks. 13. Quicksilver for mining purposes. 14. Coal, mineral or animal. 15. Fertilizers for land. 1 6. Lime and cement. 17. Wood and lumber, in the rough...for fountains, gravestones, and building purposes. 20. Tools and implements for agricultural and horticultural purposes. 21. Wagons, carts, and handcarts....

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897: 1889-1897

United States. President - 1897 - 830 sivua
...crude or manufactured in blocks. 13. Quicksilver for mining purposes. 14. Coal, mineral or animal. 15. Fertilizers for land. 16. Lime and cement. 17. Wood...lumber, in the rough or prepared for building purposes. 1 8. Houses of wood or iron. 19. Marble, in the rough or dressed, for fountains, gravestones, and building...

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