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" He was of an advanced age, and I was only not a boy; yet he never received my notions with contempt. He was a Whig, with all the virulence and malevolence of his party; yet difference of opinion did not keep us apart. I honoured him, and he endured me. "
The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: Comprehending an Account of His Studies ... - Sivu 36
tekijä(t) James Boswell - 1791 - 516 sivua
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Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of the English Poets ...

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 328 sivua
...only not a boy ; yet he never received my notions with contempt. He was a Whig, with all the virulence and malevolence of his party ; yet difference of opinion...cultivation of his mind ; his belief of Revelation was unmaken ; his learning preferved his principles ; he grew firft regular, and then pious. His ftudies...

preface biograpical and critical, to the works of the english poets

samuel johnson - 1779 - 336 sivua
...He was a \yhig, with all the virulence and malevolence of his party; yet difference of opinion. $4 not keep us apart. I honoured him, and he endured me., ; ,.. He had, mingled, with the .gay wojld,, without e?cemjption from 5ts^jc(?s ,,9.1; ^, follies, but, had neyer negk&ed thq cultivation...

Dryden. Smith. Duke. King. Sprat. Halifax. Parnell. Garth. Rowe. Addison ...

Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 476 sivua
...only not a boy ; yet he never received my notions with contempt. He was a Whig, with all the virulence and malevolence of his party ; yet difference of opinion...exemption from its vices or its follies, but had never neglefted the cultivation of his mind ; his belief of Revelation was unfhaken j his learning preferred...

The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets;: Dryden. Smith. Duke. King ...

Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 484 sivua
...only not a boy ; yet he never received my notions with contempt. He was a Whig, with all the virulence and malevolence of his party ; yet difference of opinion...him, and he endured me-. He had mingled with the gay worldi without exemption from its vices or its follies* but had never neglected the cultivation of...

The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets;: With Critical ..., Nide 2

Samuel Johnson - 1783 - 456 sivua
...only not a boy ; yet he never received my notions with contempt. He was a Whig, with afi the virulence and malevolence of his party ; yet difference of opinion...he endured me. , He had mingled with the gay world, exemption from its vices or its follies, bujt had never neglected the cultivation of his mind ; his...

The lives of the most eminent English poets

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 494 sivua
...a ' • boy ; yet he never received my notions with contempt. He was a Whig, with all the virulence and malevolence of his party; yet difference of opinion...cultivation of his mind; his belief of Revelation was unfhaken; his learning preferved his principles; he grew firft regular, and then pious. His ftudies...

The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

John Hawkins - 1787 - 632 sivua
...boy ; yet, he never received my notions with con* tempt. He was a whig, with all the virulence and f malevolence of his party ; yet difference of opinion...* did not keep us apart : I honoured him., and he en* dured me. ' He had mingled with the gay world, without ' exemption from its vices or its follies,...

The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: The life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 642 sivua
...boy; yet, he never received my notions with con1 tempt. He was a whigy with all the virulence and 1 malevolence of his party ; yet difference of opinion ' did not keep us apart : I honoured him, and he en' dured me. ' He had mingled with the gay world, without * exemption from its vices or its follies,...

The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

John Hawkins - 1787 - 640 sivua
...party ; yet difference of opinion f did not keep us apart : I honoured him, and he en' dured me* f He had mingled with the gay world, without ' exemption from its vices or its follies, but had ne' ver negleccted the cultivation of his mind ; his belief ' of revelation was unfhaken ; his learning...

The life of Dr. Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 640 sivua
...boy; yet, he never received my notions with con1 tempt. He was a whig, with all the virulence and c malevolence of his party; yet difference of opinion ' did not keep us apart : I honoured him, and heen1 dured me. ' He had mingled with the gay world, without * exemption from its vices or its follies,...

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