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ands has been progressively increasing, and schools are rapidly advancing in Sumatra, Penang, Malacca, Batavia, Amboyna, and other places."

The Calcutta Committee have resolved to print, without delay, 4,000 copies of the Gospels and Acts, and 1,000 of the whole New Testament in Bengalee; 2,000 of the Gospels and Acts, and 500 of the whole New Testament in Persian; 2,000 Gospels and Acts in the Arabic, and 500 New Testaments in the same language.

The number of copies of the Scriptures distributed by the Calcutta Society, during its eleventh year, amounted to more than 12,000, of which 4,000 were of Bibles and Testaments, in about twenty Asiatic languages; besides upwards of 900 copies of the English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Danish, and Greek versions. The income of this Institution amounted last year to 11,200 rupees, about 1,400l.

Your Committee have remitted to that Institution a debt of more than 1,500l, contracted by the purchase of Bibles and Testaments and

printing paper. They have also voted, in the first instance, the sum of 1,000l. to the Calcutta Committee, and subsequently, an additional grant of 3,000l.

Your Committee have also resolved to print, independently of the above-mentioned editions undertaken in the East, a new edition of 5,000 copies of Martyn's Persian New Testament, after the Calcutta impression; 2,000 copies of the Persian Psalter; 1,000 copies of the book of Genesis, in the same language; and 5,000 copies of the Arabic New Testament of Sabat.

That the translators at SEPAMPORE have pursued their important task with unremitting perseverance, will appear from a brief statement of the

progress of their various works.-Of the twenty-six versions of the Scriptures, in as many different languages and dialects, undertaken by that learned body, thirteen have been already carried through the press; eight are more than half printed; two are printed as far as the third Gospel; and in another the Gospel of St. Matthew is nearly finished. In aid of these efforts, your committee have voted two grants, one of 2,000l. and another of 3,000l. in the course of the last year.

The Committee of the MADRAS Auxiliary have pursued with diligence the various works which they had undertaken to execute or superintend.

The revision of the Old and New Testament in Tamul has considerably advanced. The Old Testament had been carried on to the book of Ezra, and it was expected that this version would leave the press before the end of 1823. The stock of the former edition of the Talmud New Testament having been completely exhausted, by the increasing demands for it from all quarters, the Madras Committee have resolved to print an edition of the old version, which is to consist of 2,500 copies of the whole New Testament, and of 2,500 extra copies of the Gospels and Acts; a supply which is thought to be sufficient till the publication of the revised version.

The book of Genesis, of the Canarese version, was completed, and the revision of the Four Gospels and Acts was considerably advanced. The Malayalim version of the New Testament will probably be ready for the press at the close of this year.

The second version into the Malayalim, undertaken by the Rev. Mr. Bailey, of the Syrian College at Cotym, in Travancore, intended particularly for the use of the Syrian

Christians, is considered a great desideratum. The Teloogoo version is still in progress.

The BELLARY Branch of the Madras Auxiliary had distributed 93 English Bibles and Testaments, and 1,665 copies of the whole Bible, or of portions of the Scriptures, in the languages of India.

The total number of copies of the Scriptures issued by the MADRAS Auxiliary, during the second year, amounts to 1,271 Bibles and Testaments, in European languages; and 3,059 copies of the whole Bible, or of portions of it, in the languages of India. The cash account of the Society presented a balance of 18,453 rupees in favour of its income; a sum sufficient to carry through the press the works at present in hand.

From the BOMBAY Auxiliary the following information is received: The Holy Scriptures, or parts of them, are now printed in two native languages, which are spoken over extensive districts, in this presidency.

The Gospel of St. Matthew, in Mahratta, has been in circulation for more than two years; and the whole New Testament has been printed in the Guzerattee language, and is now in extensive circulation. The Old Testament, in the same language, has advanced to the end of the historical books.

The number of copies of the Scriptures distributed in the English and in other languages, since the formation of the Society, amounts to 2,086 Bibles and 4,410 Testa


The total receipts of the Society, since its last Report, amounted to upwards of 1,900 rupees, and the balance in the hands of the Treasurer to 13,471.

Your Committee have further aided the printing of the Scriptures in the Guzerattee, by a grant of 500l. towards defraying the expenses incurred in translating, and procuring the necessary types.

The tenth Report of the COLOMBO Auxiliary affords gratifying information respecting the progress made in the translation and printing of the Cingalese Bible. The book of Genesis has excited the attention of the Cingalese to such a degree, as to occasion an extraordinary demand for another edition of 1,000 copies. Of the new edition of the Cingalese Testament, nearly 500 copies have been issued during the past year.

During the year upwards of 1,300 Bibles, Testaments, Psalters, and integral parts of the New Testament, have been issued in the English, Portuguese, Cingalese, Malay, Hindostanee, Arabic, and Tamul languages.

By the departure of the late Lt. Governor, Sir Edward Barnes, the Colombo committee lost another zealous and active President, who, deeply sensible of the importance of the Cingalese Bible, had relieved the Society, during the pressure of recent difficulties, by a loan from the public treasury of 2,000 rixdollars. His place has been filled by the Governor, His Excellency Sir Edward Paget, one of whose first measures was the communication of His Majesty's most gracious command, not to receive payment from the Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society of the above mentioned loan."

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Your Committee lament that the successful progress of the translators at CANTON and MALACCA, in preparing a version of the whole Bible in the Chinese language has recently sustained a sudden interruption from the death of the Rev. Dr. Milne, one of the two valuable Missionaries who had undertaken the execution of that important work. This long-expected version will probably soon leave the press, under the direction of the Rev. Dr. Morrison, who has communicated to your Committee the cheering information, that 1.000 Chinese New

Testaments had just been applied for by the Missionaries of anew settlement, formed at Sincapore in the year 1819..

The SUMATRAN Auxiliary has presented to the Baptist Missionaries at that place the sum of 800 rupees, to enable them to print the Gospel of St. John in the Malay. The Rev. Mr. Robinson had previously translated the Gospel of St. Matthew, "many copies of which (writes the Secretary) have been distributed among the natives in this neighbourhood. I am happy to say that they are readily received, and by some, I have reason to believe, are read with considerable attention."

It appears from the last Report of your Auxiliary in the colony of NEW SOUTH WALES, that its funds were in a flourishing state; that it had received large contributions from the Branch Society at VAN DIEMEN'S LAND, and the Bible Association at CASTLEREAGH, CAMPBELL TOWN, LIVERPOOL, WINDSOR, SYDNEY, and PARAMATTA. The total of its remittances to your Institution since its formation is 1,350l. and 3,773 copies of Bibles and New Testaments had been circulated in the colony by its exertions.

With regard to the activity and success with which the operations in aid of your Society in the GEORGIAN and SOCIETY ISLANDS have been conducted, simple but unequivocal evidence has been conveyed to your Committee, by the transmission of the Gospels of St. Matthew, St. Luke, and St. John, translated into the Taheitan language, and printed by the Missionaries in those islands. The Acts of the Apostles were in the press, and the Epistles to the Romans and Ephesians, together with several books of the Old Testament, were under revision.



At the two principal stations occupied by Auxiliaries of your Society; on the continent of AFRICA, no opportunities for distributing the Scriptures have been neglected by your zealous associates.

The SIERRA LEONE Auxiliary has pursued its exertions, during five years, with undiminished activity. Since its last Anniversary Meeting its Secretary had been busily employed in collecting the subscriptions, and in dividing the remaining stock of English Bibles, among the inhabitants of the town and adjoining villages. The offer of the Scriptures to the soldiers of the 4th West

India Regiment, had excited on their part a great disposition to learn to read, for the purpose of obtaining a knowledge of their contents.

The second Report of the SOUTH AFRICAN Auxiliary has reached your Committee. That the object of that Institution is appreciated by the mingled population of that colony, will appear from the following statement: "So great (observes your correspondent) is the demand for Bibles and Testaments, that all the stock in our depository would not be more than sufficient to last a fortnight, without proper attention being paid to the real wants, the circumstances, and dispositions of the applicants. Many of our countrymen, both among the Dutch and English colonists, and many among the slaves and Hottentots, are without the word of God, but are desirous of possessing it.'

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At BUENOS AYRES a small Auxiliary has been instituted, which has made a remittance, amounting to 411. 9s. 6d.


which countries supplies of the Scriptures had been transmitted, the most gratifying communications have been received. The following is an extract of a letter from a correspondent at Bona Vista, who had distributed copies of the Scriptures among the poor labourers in the salt works in the vicinity of that place. "I was highly gratified, (says he) next day, to see these poor people seated on the sand at noon, when resting in the shade, from the heat of the sun; and one of them reading most devoutly to about twenty who surrounded him.'

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At PERNAMBUCO a number of Portuguese Bibles were distributed "to crowds of applicants.' To this station 1,000 Bibles and 1,500 New Testaments have been subsequently transmitted.

At LIMA, 500 Spanish Bibles and as many New Testaments were sold in two days; and your correspondent states, that had their number amounted to 5,000, they would have been disposed of, so eager was the demand for them. To this station also, fresh supplies of the New Testament have been despatched.

It is here due to the AMERICAN and the PHILADELPHIA Bible Societies to state, that your Committee have been aided by the kindness of those Institutions, in pointing out to them proper correspondents in these quarters.

At VALPARAISO, COQUIMBO, and HUASCO, 200 Testaments had been distributed by a captain, to whose care they had been confided by your Committee: of these 146 were sold, and their value, 191. 6s. placed in the hands of your Treasurer, The following is the captain's Report: "I assure you the inhabitants seemed very desirous of religious instruction. I found the copperminers, in particular, most anxious to possess and read the Holy Scrip


At DEMERARA, ESSEQUIBO, BERBICE, and TRINIDAD, the distribution of the Scriptures has been attended with good effects.

On two estates in the Island of Leguan, the plan of appointing catechists for the purpose of reading the Scriptures to the negroes at weekly meetings, has been adopted, and the benefit resulting from it on one of them, is thus described by a correspondent: "A manager of one of these estates informed me that the negroes do three times the work they formerly did, and are quite cheerful and happy. I was first requested to visit this estate, by the proprietor, on account of the prevalence of obiah or witchcraft; which rendered the negroes wretched, and had been the death of some, from its miserable influence upon their minds. But the truths of the Bible banished this from the estate; and I will venture to say, that while the Bible remains in their hands, and the love of it in their hearts, no obiah will be found among them."

In the Eastern part of the Island of Jamaica, a very promising Auxiliary was formed on the 13th of November last. About 601. were subscribed at the close of the meeting, which has since increased to the amount of nearly 3001. currency: a part of this sum has been contributed by the free coloured inhabitants.

In the Bahama islands, the demand for the Scriptures has continued to be great. "On my receiving the Spanish Bibles and Testaments, (says a correspondent) a Spanish vessel came into this port. The persons on board bought the whole of the Bibles, at two dollars and a half and three dollars each."

"A gentleman who visited the ship informed me, that he saw the Spaniards, with apparent pleasure, collected round one of their shipmates, who was reading the Bible to them."

The BERMUDA Auxiliary states, that more Bibles and Testaments "are yet wanted to supply the necessities of the island, particularly among the Black population, in consequence of their increased ability to read." The Treasurer of this Society has informed your Committee, that he has 150l. waiting to be remitted,should the exchange prove more favourable.

The Reports received during the last year, from the AMERICAN Bible Society, give pleasing evidence of the rapid growth of that Institution.

That the liberality of the supporters of the American Society has kept pace with the extension of its system, appears from the simple fact that its net receipts during the last year exceed those of the preceding. Many seamen have exhibited much interest in the objects of the Society, and derived benefits from them. "On one occasion, at a meeting appointed by a Marine Bible Society, all the seamen in port were requested to attend, and the request was very generally complied with. An address was delivered to them, and the immediate consequences were, that in the two following days 150 seamen applied to be furnished with the Scriptures, and 80 became members of the Society.'

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The Female Bible Associations have contributed materially to aid the operations of the American Society.

The PHILADELPHIA Bible Society distributed, during the last year, 5,541 Bibles and Testaments. Its funds were recently enriched by a legacy of 1,100 dollars.

The issues of the MONTREAL SOciety in the third year of its institution, approached nearly double the number circulated in the two former years. One result of their labours was received with real satisfaction

by your Committee, the discovery that, excepting in one single instance, all vessels from the mother country were adequately supplied with the Scriptures.

The following is an extract of a letter from your Montreal correspondent: "By a distribution made last winter, particularly in one township, much good has been done. The inhabitants, who formerly employed the Sabbath in hunting, shooting, quarrelling, now meet together to read the Scriptures, and send their children to the Sunday schools, which have been lately established."

By the seventh Report of the NoVA SCOTIA Bible Society, it appears that 588 Bibles and Testaments had issued from the depository at Halifax, during the year.

The Ladies Society at MIRAMICHI has transmitted to your Committee ,an interesting report of its proceedings, accompanied with a remittance of 50l.

The HUDSON'S BAY Auxiliary celebrated its first Anniversary at York, on the 25th of August last. This Society has remitted a second contribution, amounting to961.9s.6d.

From LABRADOR your Committee have received most satisfactory intelligence respecting the benefits which the Esquimaux converts have derived from the perusal of the Scriptures, transmitted to that coun try for their use.


Under this head, the Committee pay a deserved tribute of respect to the memory of their late Secretary, the Rev. John Owen, the amount of which was given in the third number of our last volume.

They also announce the appointment of the Rev. ANDREW BRANDRAM, late of Oriel College, Oxford, as Mr. Owen's Successor.

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