Sivut kuvina

the payment of debts; and the reasons given on the former determination were said to be insufficient.*

Another inconvenience was found to attend this new method of conveyance by devise; in that creditors by bond and other specialities, which affected the heir provided he had assets by descent, were now defrauded of their securities, not having the same remedy against the devisee of their debtor. To obviate which, the statute 3 & 4 W. & M. c. 14. hath provided, that all wills, and testaments, limitations, dispositions, and appointments of real estates, by tenants in fee-simple or having power to dispose by will, shall (as against such creditors only) be deemed to be fraudulent and void: and that such creditors may maintain their actions jointly against both the heir and the devisee.

A will of lands, made by the permission and under the control of these statutes, is considered by the courts of law not so much in the nature of a testament, as of a conveyance declaring the uses to which the land shall be subject:† with this difference, that in other conveyances the actual subscription of the witnesses is not required by law, though it is prudent for them so to do, in order to assist their memory when living and to supply their evidence when dead; but in devises of lands such subscription is now absolutely necessary by statute, in order to identify a conveyance, which in it's nature can never be set up till after the death of the devisor. And upon this notion, that a devise affecting lands is merely a species of conveyance [see note 71, page 581] is founded this distinction between such devises and testaments of personal chattels; that the latter will operate upon whatever the testator dies possessed of, the former only upon such real estates as W See pag. 307.

5 Previously, "adjudged."

* Cited, 3 Har. & McH. 531; 12 Gratt. 248.
† Cited, 8 Leigh, 474.

were his at the time of executing and publishing his will.** Wherefore † no [379] after-purchased lands will pass under such device [see note 72, page 583], unless, subsequent to the purchase or contract, the devisor republishes his will.†

We have now considered the several species of common assurances, whereby a title to lands and tenements may be transferred and conveyed from one man to another. But, before we conclude this head, it may not be improper to take notice of a few general rules and maxims, which have been laid down by courts of justice, for the construction and exposition of them all. These are,

1. That the construction be favourable, and as near the minds and apparent intents of the parties, as the rules of law will admit. For the maxims of law are, that "verba intentioni debent inservire;" and "benigne interpretamur chartas propter simplicitatem laicorum." And therefore the construction must also be reasonable, and agreeable to common understanding."?

2. That quoties in verbis nulla est ambiguitas, ibi nulla exposito contra verba fienda est:a but that, where the intention is clear, too minute a stress be not laid on the strict and precise signification of words; nam qui hæret in litera, hæret in cortice. Therefore, by a grant of a remainder a reversion may well pass, and e converso. And another maxim of law is, that "mala grammatica non vitiat chartam; neither false English

[blocks in formation]

-* Quoted, 35 Ga. 153. Cited, 3 Jones Eq. 289; 5 N. Y. 311.

+-+ Quoted, 6 Binn. 154. Cited, 15 Conn. 289.

- Quoted, 14 Ga. 550; 6 Hill, 192; Busb. 347; 59 Am. Dec. 560. Cited, 4 Fla. 278; 8 Conn. 32; 11 Fla. 76; 35 Ind. 119; 2 Yeates, 397; 3 Yeates, 238; 6 Jones Eq. 378; 13 Gratt. 123; 94 N. C. 342.

- Quoted, 14 Ga. 550; 5 Watts & S. 114; Busb. 347; 59 Am. Dec. 560. Cited, 29 N. H. 498; 3 Yeates, 232.

nor bad Latin will destroy a deed. Which perhaps a classical critic may think to be no unnecessary caution.*

3. That the construction be made upon the entire deed, and not merely upon disjointed parts of it. "Nam ex antecedentibus et consequentibus fit optima interpretatio." And [880] therefore that every part of it, be (if possible) made to take effect; and no word but what may operate in some shape or other." 'Nam verba debent intelligi cum effectu, ut res magis valeat quem pareat." t."it


4. That the deed be taken most strongly against him that is the agent or contractor, and in favour of the other party.‡ "Verba fortius accipiuntur contra proferentem." As, if tenant in fee-simple grants to any one an estate for life, generally, it shall be construed an estate for the life of the grantee.j5 For the principle of self-preservation will make men sufficiently careful, not to prejudice their own interest by the too extensive meaning of their words: and hereby all manner of deceit in any grant is avoided; for men would always affect ambiguous and intricate expressions, provided they were afterwards at liberty to put their own construction upon them.? But here a distinction must be taken between an indenture and a deedpoll: for the words of an indenture, executed by both parties, are to be considered as the words of them both; f 10 Rep. 133. Co. Litt. 223. 2 Show. 334.

g 1 Bulstr. 101.

h 1P. Wms. 457.

i Plowd. 156.

JCo. Litt. 42.

*Cited, 37 N. H. 313.

+-+ Quoted, 14 Ga. 551; Busb. 347, 59 Am. Dec. 560; 93 N. C. 218; first sentence, 7 Hill, 192; Winst. Eq. 27. Cited, 14 Ga. 568; 6 Hill, 207; Dall. Append. xvi; 29 N. H. 499; 36 N. H. 524; 1 Fla. 253; 2 Yeates, 65.

1- Quoted, 6 Hill, 192. Cited, 2 Conn. 81; 7 Am. Dec. 246; 13 How 86; 23 N. J. L. 127.

- Quoted, 10 N. J. Eq. 134, 64 Am. Dec. 452; 24 III. 343.


for, though delivered as the words of one party, yet they are not his words only, but the other party hath given his consent to every one of them. But in a deed-poll, executed only by the grantor, they are the words of the grantor only, and shall be taken most strongly against him. And, in general, this rule3 being a rule of some strictness and rigor, is the last to be resorted to, and is never to be relied upon, but where all other rules of exposition fail.1

5. That, if the words will bear two senses, one agreeable to, and another against, law; that sense be preferred, which is most agreeable thereto.m* As if tenant in tail lets a lease for life generally, it shall be construed for his own life only, for that stands with the law; and not for the life of the lessee, which is beyond his power to grant.

[381] 6. That, in a deed, †if there be two clauses so totally repugnant to each other, that they cannot stand together, the first shall be received and the latter rejected:" wherein it differs from a will; for there, of two such repugnant clauses the latter shall stand. Which is owing to the different natures of the two instruments; for the first deed, and the last will are always most available in law. Yet in both cases we should rather attempt to reconcile them.P‡

7. That a devise be most favourably expounded, to pursue if possible the will of the devisor, who for want of advice or learning may have omitted the legal or

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1 Bacon's Elem. c. 3. m Co. Litt. 42.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

5 Previously, "However, this."

9 Ninth edition reads, " to have and to hold during."

8 Previously, "and."

**Quoted, 14 Ga. 551.

+ Quoted, 6 Hill, 207. Cited, 59 Md. 226; 43 Mass. 202; 2 Yeates, 527;

4 Whart. 396.

‡ Cited, 6 Peters, 84; 13 N. Y. 284.


proper phrases. And therefore many times the law dispenses with the want of words in devises, that are absolutely requisite in all other instruments. Thus a fee may be conveyed without words of inheritance; and an estate-tail without words of procreation. By a will also an estate may pass by mere implication, without any express words to direct it's course.* As, where 'A' devises lands to his heir at law, after the death of his wife: here, though no estate is given to the wife in express terms, yet she shall have an estate for life by implication; for the intent of the testator is clearly to postpone the heir till after her death; and, if she does not take it, nobody else can. So also, where a devise is of black-acre to A and of white-acre to B in tail, and if they both die without issue, then to C in fee; here A and B have cross-remainders by implication, and on the failure of either's issue, the other or his issue shall take the whole; and C's remainder over shall be postponed till the issue of both shall fail.t† But, to avoid confusion, no 5 such cross-remainders are allowed between more than two devisees" [see note 73, page 584]: ‡and, in general, where any implications are allowed, they must be such as are necessary (or at least highly [382] probable) and not merely possible implications." And herein there is no distinction between the rules of law and of equity; for the will, being considered in both courts in the light of a limitation of uses, is See pag. 108.


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2- Quoted, 18 Mass. 31; last sentence, 2 McCord, 86; 62 Ala. 209; 6 Johns. 190; 5 Am. Dec. 215. Ref. 3 Yeates, 232, Cited, 2 Binn. 21; 16 N. J. L. 186.

+ Cited, 13 Rich. L. & Eq. 474.

2 BLACKST. - 49.

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