Sivut kuvina
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Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1845, by


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the

Southern District of New York.




THE object of the present work is clearly announced in its title. It is to collect within a small compass the instructions of unerring wisdom upon a great variety of subjects which relate to the present and eternal interests of men, and comprising the doctrines and duties of a super natural revelation. A reference to the list of subjects which the work contains, will show that the author's researches have been extensive; while a comparison of the work with others of the same general character evinces patient labor, and cannot fail to give it pre-eminence. While the track pursued is not new, it is more thorough, and more easily followed than that marked out by any previous compiler known to myself. The work contains not merely the proof texts on the subjects to which it refers; but, what appears to my own. mind one of its excellences, the texts that illustrate these great subjects. The work is truly an epitome of the Bible, presenting its great truths in hat order in which they will be most easily found by the reader. Though the arrangement of the subjects is alphabetical, in the illustration of the subjects themselves the author has observed that connection between one truth and another which gives to each its proper place. To ministers, Sabbath School teachers, Sabbath Schools, and families the work is of great value. It is fit on every account that the author should be encouraged in this production; but chiefly for its own intrinsic worth. The work is an unpresuming, yet dignified tribute to the word of God, worthy the acceptance of the church, and one which every man may prize.


From Rev. Dr. Ide, of Medway, Mass.

I am glad to see a second stereotype revision of the Scripture Manual. A work of so much intrinsic value ought to be brought as near perfection as the industry and skill of man can bring it. To make the word of God speak truly and appropriately on all the leading subjects of Christian doctrine and duty, is a great undertaking, which requires much study and care. The past revisions of this work have been more valuable than anything of the kind which I have seen before. But the author, it seems, was not satisfied with past attainments. His untiring efforts to carry forward his book unto perfection, and the sacrifice he has made to incorporate the important additions and improvements secured during the past five years into his work, are worthy of great commendation. I hope the present revision of the Manual will meet with as ready and extensive sale as the preceding one.

From Rev. Dr. Park, of Andover Theol. Seminary.

The Scripture Manual, which has been carried by the Compiler through a second stereotype revision, evinces much perspicacity in the proposal of questions, and discrimination in the selection of answers. The arrangement of the topics is so logical, and the citations from Scripture are so numerous, so emphatical and in the main so pertinent, as to make the general impression of the Bible obvious even to a cursory reader. The Manual may, in my opinion, be very profitably used not only by religious teachers, but also by the pupils in our Sabbath Schools, and by the most humble as well as the most learned Christians. If benevolent persons would circulate this book throughout the infant settlements of our own land, and send copies of it to our foreign missionaries, they would render thereby an important service to the church.

From Rev. Albert Barnes, of Philadelphia.

Rev. and dear Sir - I have just received the new Edition of your Manual, for which I thank you. I have derived much aid from the copy you sent me of the previous revision, and wish you continual success in its circulation. I apprehend that the work is now so well known, and its character so well established, that it will find its own way, and needs no further notice from me.

From the Congregationalist.

This work has become too widely known, to need our commendation. It is far more copious and reliable than any other work of the kind, and. the "bracket references" of this edition are of great value. The index is greatly improved also, and scarcely any topic can suggest itself, which will not be readily found. Few books have reached so high and well deserved a popularity. Nor is it an ephemeral popularity. It will increase. A better help in the study of the Bible is not accessible.

From the American Baptist.

This work presents, under an alphabetical and systematic arrange ment, the teachings of the Bible in reference to such topics as have special prominence in the sacred volume. The arrangement is eminently judicious, and the execution evinces much industry, and for the most part a wise discrimination. Ministers, Sunday School teachers, and indeed all who are seeking a familiar acquaintance with the Scriptures, will find it valuable for reference


From Dr. Woods.

DEAR SIR-After attending very carefully to your Scripture Manual, I am free to say, that the work appears to me to be one of uncommon inportance; and I shall be much gratified, if the thought and time I have devoted to it may contribute to render it more acceptable to the public, and more permanently useful. I consider your Text Book to be remarkably well suited to the object in view, and likely to be the book which will satisfy not only common people, but ministers, and all men of logical minds and a cultivated taste. It is my confident opinion, that it will take the place of all other works of the kind, and that nothing else will be called for or attempted for a great while to come. LEONARD WOODS.

Theol. Seminary, Andover, Feb. 3, 1845.

From Dr. Weeks.

Having spent considerable time in a careful examination of the third edition of Mr. Simmous's Scripture Manual, I am happy to state, that I think it contains important improvements upon the former editions. The statement and arrangement of the great subjects of doctrine and duty, and the selection of the most appropriate texts on each subject, cannot fail, I think, to render this work highly acceptable and useful. Ministers of the gospel, instructors in Sabbathi Schools, and all who make the Bible their study, will find their labors greatly facilitated by it. As a family book, I know of no work of human compilation so fuil of instruction, admonition, and consolation, and so worthy of a place in every house. WM. R. WEEKS.

Newark, Feb. 1845.

From a Notice by Dr. Ide of Medway, Ms.

The diligent author of the Scripture Manual deserves the thanks of the Christian public, for his seasonable and valuable work, so well suited, not only to aid Christians and ministers in the investigation and defence of the truth, but to meet and counteract a host of destructive errors. now prevalent in our land. It is hoped that he will receive the libera' patronage of the public in this very commendable effort to do good.

From a Notice by Dr. Storrs, Braintree, Ms.

The Scripture Manual is a work of unquestionable value. None of the questions it proposes are unimportant, and the answers given to them in the words of the Holy Spirit are select, full, and judicious. I know of no other compilation of God's truth, prepared by uninspired nind, that I should so heartily rejoice to find in the hands of every family of my charge-indeed, in every family in te land.

From Dr. Pond

As a

I have run my eye over your Scripture Manual, and think it an excellent book of reference for ministers and private Christians. help in the selection of proof texts, on almost any subject in the Bible, I know of nothing of equal value. ENOCH POND

Theo. Seminary, Bangor Me.

From Dr. Nott, President of Union College.

A work in which the teaching of the Bible, on the great questions of faith and practice are fully and impartially presented, has long been desideratum. The Scripture Manual (so far as I have been able to examine it) appears in an eminent degree to be such a work; and presuming that it is so throughout, I do not hesitate to recommend it as a useful Manual, to all who desire to become acquainted with the teachings of unerring wisdom on questions of this sort; especially to Ministers of the Gospel, to Sabbath School teachers, and heads of families. From Dr. Humphrey, late President of Amherst College, April 14, 1845.

I have looked over the Rev. Charles Simmons's Scripture Manual with some care, and am free to say, I consider it eminently adapted to the use for which it is designed. I have seen no Scripture "help" of this class, which I regard as so happily conceived and admirably arranged. It bears the marks throughout, of great industry and good judgment, in the selection and arrangement of appropriate texts, under their proper heads.

I do not know where to find any young Timothy, who has "known the Holy Scriptures so well from a child," as not to be aided and benefited, by keeping this Manual upon his table. Nor ought the help which it affords, to be confined exclusively to ministers' studies. Teachers of Bible Classes and Sabbath Schools, as well as other pious laymen in the church, who love to study the word of God, ought to possess it.

From Rev. Albert Barnes, of Philadelphia, April 11, 1845.

I have examined with some care Mr. Simmons's "Scripture Manual," and regard it as a very valuable work. It is evidently composed with great care, and much judgment has been evinced in the arrangeinent of the topics, and in the selection of texts of Scripture. It is incomparably superior to any thing of the kind with which I am acquainted, and its extensive circulation and use cannot but have a happy influence. It is in itself an admirable system of theology, in which there can be no error, and in which Christians may learn, in a short compass, what are the leading doctrines of religion, and what are their own duties and privileges. I have no doubt that the work will soon supersede every other of the kind, as I am clearly of the opinion that it should.

From Rev. Dr. Eddy, of Newark, N. J., April 8, 1845.

I have examined the "Scripture Manual," by the Rev. Charles Simmons, and can most cheerfully recommend it as unquestionably the best work of the kind that has been published. It will be found useful, not only to clergymen and Sabbath School teachers, but to all who seek to make themselves familiar with the truths of the sacred Scriptures.

From Dr. Cogswell, of Gilmanton, N. H.

The Scripture Manual, by Rev. Charles Simmons, is the best work of the kind I have ever seen. The subjects which it presents are important; and are well illustrated by the passages of Scripture selected. This book should be the companion of all, as it affords great facility for ascertaining the mind and will of God on the greatest subjects in morals and religion.

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