TABLE OF CONTENTS-continued. C-SECONDARY AND PREPARATORY SCHOOLS ON THE 2.-SECONDARY SCHOOLS ON THE GRANT LIST-continued. No. in 1926-27 Table Vol. (ii)-Pupils continued. Distribution, by type of Area, of full-time pupils, showing : (a) Free pupils. (b) Boarders. (c) Age distribution. (d) Proportion of pupils over 16 to those between (e) Admissions during the School year. (g) Proportion of admissions of ex-Public PAGE 142 43. 144 44. 38. Ages on 31st March of all Full-time Pupils in the 146 45. 39. School Life and Leaving Age of Full-time Pupils who left during the School Year, by type of Area 148 46. 40. School Life and Leaving Age of Full-time Pupils (fee- 150 50. 154 43. First and Second Examinations (vi)-Output to Universities. : 45. Pupils who left during the School Year and proceeded Summary of work in Colleges for Further Education, by 157 48. Schools, by Sex of Pupils and by type of Area .. Pupils, by Age and Sex and by type of Area Pupils who left during the School Year, by Age at Schools, and Pupils (Girls) by Age, by type of Area Schools, and Pupils by Age and Sex, by type of Area.. Schools, and Students by Age and Sex, by type of Area 60. Schools and Students (excluding pupils in Junior Art Departments) by Age and Sex, by type of Area TABLE OF CONTENTS-continued. D.-TECHNICAL AND FURTHER EDUCATION-continued. No. in 1926-27 Table Vol. 69. 70. (a)-COURSES under the REGULATIONS FOR 9-EVENING INSTITUTES AND EVENING 64. Schools, Students by Age and Sex and Student-hours 10-FULL-TIME TEACHERS. 71. 66. Full-time Teachers in Schools recognised under the Regulations for Further Education, by type of School and grade of Teacher .. (b)-Schools of NAUTICAL TRAINING. 72. 67. Schools and Pupils (Boys) PAGE 168 169 73. 74. (c)-CLASSES UNDER THE ADULT EDUCATION REGULATIONS. 68. Courses and Students, by type of Responsible Body E.-SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED BY THE BOARD AND MAINTENANCE 179 180 181 182 1-SCHOLARSHIPS, ETC., AWARDED BY THE BOARD. 75. 70. Entrants, and Scholarships etc. awarded, in 1928 183 2-STATE SCHOLARSHIPS. State Scholarships held during the academic year : (a) by University attended (b) by course of study taken 78. 73. Degrees obtained by State Scholars in 1928 184 184 185 3-MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCES. 79. 74. Summary of Awards, by type of Institution at which TABLE OF CONTENTS-continued. 1-PRELIMINARY EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF TEACHERS. Pupil-Teacher Centres, by type and by Sex of Pupils (a) by Sex and by Organisation of Instruction (b) appointed for the first time during the year, by Sex and by type of School last attended (c) whose appointment terminated during the 86. 81. Student-Teachers whose appointment terminated during the year ended 31st July, 1926, by After (b) by previous Status as Teachers and by Sex (c) by Sex and by previous education |