9. Schools recognised under Section 25 of the Education Act 10. Certified Efficient Schools, Poor Law Schools and Canal Boat 3. Ages of Pupils and Length of School Life 4. Staffing and Size of Classes 5. Advanced Courses 6. Pupils proceeding from Secondary Schools to Universities 7. Abolition of Duplication of Grant 8. Miscellaneous 9. Schemes under the Charitable Trusts Acts and Endowed 10. Secondary Schools Examinations Council CHAPTER III. CONTINUATION, TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS 2. Improvement of Accommodation, etc. 3. Establishment of new Full-time Schools 4. Part-time Day Classes for Apprentices, etc. 5. Recent Developments in Part-time Instruction 6. Further Education in Yorkshire 7. Examinations for Part-time Students CHAPTER IV. THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF ART, ART SCHOOLS, ART EXAMINATIONS AND ART SCHOLARSHIPS CONTENTS continued. CHAPTER V.-ADULT EDUCATION, THE ADULT EDUCATION COMMITTEE CHAPTER IX.-THE SCHOOL MEDICAL SERVICE AND ITS ALLIED ACTIVI 1. General Survey 2. The School Medical Service in Public Elementary Schools 3. The School Medical Service of Higher Education 4. Special Schools for Children under 16 6. Organisation of Physical Training 7. Evening Play Centres 8. Nursery Schools 9. Provision of Meals CHAPTER X.-WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE A. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 1. School Supply and Number of Pupils 2. Improvement of Premises.. 3. Size of Classes 4. Practical Instruction 5. Teaching Establishments.. B.-SECONDARY SCHOOLS PAGE 5. Vocational Courses for Blind, etc., Students over 16 C.-TECHNICAL EDUCATION 79 4. Mining Education in South Wales and Monmouthshire D.-ADULT EDUCATION 80 81 6. Pupils proceeding from Secondary Schools to Universities 8. Welsh Intermediate Schools CHAPTER XI.-OFFICE OF SPECIAL INQUIRIES AND REPORTS 1. Imperial Education Conference, 1927 2. Assistance given to Colonies and Dominions 3. Educational Pamphlets .. 4. The Library of the Board of Education 5. Scheme for the Exchange of Modern Language Teachers 6. Appointment of German Assistants CHAPTER XII.-SUPERANNUATION OF TEACHERS 1. Teachers (Superannuation) Act, 1928 .. 4. Organisers .. .. 5. Home-Training Centres aided by Grants under the Empire 6. Employers' Contributions 7. The Account PAGE 84 84 85 85 86 PART II. STATISTICS FOR 1927-28. [Note :—Tables which did not appear in the volume for 1926–27 are shown below in italics.] No. in 1926-27 Table Vol. 1. 2. 36052 I-STATISTICAL TABLES. A-GENERAL TABLES. 1. Areas of Local Education Authorities as existing on 31st 2. Elementary and Junior Technical Schools, etc., 3. 3. Summary Figures of Schools, Departments, Accommo- 110 4. 4. Number on Registers by Age and by type of School 111 2.-PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS MAINTAINED BY LOCAL (i)-Schools. 5. 5. Council Schools and Voluntary Schools by Denomination: Summary Figures of Schools, Departments, Accommodation, Average Number on Registers, Average Attendance and Average Size (ii)-Pupils. 112 6. 7. 7. 6. Number on Registers, by Age and by type of Area 113 114 8. Pupils who left (a) for Full-time Further Education 9. 9. Full-time Teachers in Schools (by type of Area) and in 10. 11. Pensionable Teachers entering or leaving teaching service 10. Staff per 1,000 Pupils by Sex and Grade of Teacher 115 116 117 118 (a) by type, Head Teachers in charge and Number (b) by Size (Average Attendance) and by Number 119 121 17. Provision for Practical Instruction for pupils of 125 TABLE OF CONTENTS-continued. B-PUBLIC AND OTHER ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS-continued. No. in 1926-27 3-PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, NON LOCAL. Table Vol. PAGE 19. 20. Number of Pupils on Registers, by Age and Sex and by 126 Teachers, by Grade and Sex 127 23. Pupils who left (a) for Full-time Further Education, 127 128 Number of Pupils on Registers by Age and Sex and Number of Pupils on Registers, by Age and Sex and 132 29. 23. 30. 24. Average Number on Registers and Average Attendance 132 134 26. Schools, by type of Responsible Body, Summary 40. 34. Full-time Pupils, compared with Population and with Pupils in Public Elementary Schools.. 41. 35. Full-time Pupils, by Sex and Age .. (36052) 141 141 A 4 |