Table 76. [71]. 1. Oxford 2. Cambridge 3. Durham 4. London 5. Manchester 6. Birmingham 7. Liverpool 8. Leeds 9. Sheffield 10. Bristol 11. Reading 12. Wales 13. Total Table 77. [72]. ENGLAND AND WALES. 2.-STATE SCHOLARSHIPS. State Scholarships held during the Academic Year, by University attended. State Scholarships held during the Academic Year, by 3.-MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION AWARDED BY LOCAL EDUCATION AUTHORITIES. Table 79. [74] Maintenance Allowances: Summary of Awards, by type of (i)-Pupils in Preparatory Classes, Pupil-Teachers and Student-Teachers. Pupils in Preparatory Classes, Pupil-Teachers and StudentTeachers, by Sex. Table 80. [75] 1. 1. Preparatory Class Pupils 5. Total .. Table 81. [76] Pupil-Teacher Centres, by type and by Sex of Pupils. 1927-28. ENGLAND AND WALES. Table 82. [77] Full-time Teachers on staff of separately organised Centres, by Sex, Qualification and Training. (See Explanatory Notes, page 222.) 1. 1. Graduates : (a) Trained (b) Not trained 2. Non-Graduates : (a) Trained (b) Not trained 3. Total Table 83. [78] Pupil-Teachers, by Sex and by Organisation of Instruction. Table 84. [79] 1927-28. ENGLAND AND WALES. Pupil-Teachers appointed for the first time during the year, by Sex and by type of School last attended as a pupil. Table 85. [80] After-careers of Pupil-Teachers whose appointment terminated during the year ended 31st July, 1926. Table 86. [81] After-careers of Student-Teachers whose appointment terminated during the year ended 31st July, 1926. |