period in which to arrive at general conclusions in regard to the value of the treatment. The results in certain cases appear to have been encouraging. Grants. The grant paid under the Maternity and Child Welfare Regulations in the financial year 1927-28 amounted to £57,755, of which £52,241 was paid to Local Authorities and £5,514 to voluntary agencies. The actual net expenditure of Local Authorities during the year 1926-27 may be allocated among its various purposes as follows :- The grant to voluntary agencies undertaking Maternity and Child Welfare work is calculated on the net expenditure during the previous year, after deducting contributions by Local Authorities and payments by or on behalf of patients or inmates, and in the year 1927-28 was distributed as follows: During the financial year 1927-28 grant amounting to £300 in aid of the training of midwives was paid under the conditions laid down in Memorandum 102/M.C.W. BLIND PERSONS ACT, 1920. During the year 1927, 94 cases were referred to the Welsh Regional Medical Officers for examination and report under the Act. This is an increase of nine as tompared with the previous year. Of the 94 cases referred, 71 were found by the Regional Medical Officer to be blind, and 23 not blind, within the meaning of the Act. Under the Act every blind person who has attained the age of fifty is entitled to receive such pension as, under the Old Age Pensions Acts, he would be entitled to receive if he had attained the age of seventy, provided that he is so blind as to be unable to perform any work for which eye-sight is essential. A claimant who has been refused the pension because the evidence furnished on the question of blindness is insufficient has the right of appealing to the Department. |