Parliamentary Papers, Nide 6H.M. Stationery Office, 1929 |
Kirjan sisältä
Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 8
Sivu 7
... Kathiawar and elsewhere , declined to be represented by Sir Leslie Scott and preferred to state their own case in written replies to the questionnaire . We can , however , claim that we have done our best to ascertain , so far as this ...
... Kathiawar and elsewhere , declined to be represented by Sir Leslie Scott and preferred to state their own case in written replies to the questionnaire . We can , however , claim that we have done our best to ascertain , so far as this ...
Sivu 11
... Kathiawar amounting in extent to a few acres only , and even , in certain cases , holdings which yield a revenue not greater than that of the annual income of an ordinary artisan . It includes also states economically , politically and ...
... Kathiawar amounting in extent to a few acres only , and even , in certain cases , holdings which yield a revenue not greater than that of the annual income of an ordinary artisan . It includes also states economically , politically and ...
Sivu 13
... Kathiawar and Gujerat , numbering 286 of the total of 327 in the third class , are organised in groups called thanas under officers appointed by the local representatives of the Para- mount Power , who exercise various kinds and degrees ...
... Kathiawar and Gujerat , numbering 286 of the total of 327 in the third class , are organised in groups called thanas under officers appointed by the local representatives of the Para- mount Power , who exercise various kinds and degrees ...
Sivu 25
... Kathiawar case ( 1864 ) Sir Henry Maine refers to the relationship of divided . sovereignty between the Paramount Power and the States . " Sovereignty , " he wrote , " is a term which , in international law , indicates a well ...
... Kathiawar case ( 1864 ) Sir Henry Maine refers to the relationship of divided . sovereignty between the Paramount Power and the States . " Sovereignty , " he wrote , " is a term which , in international law , indicates a well ...
Sivu 26
... Kathiawar is not within the Dominions of the Crown . Those declarations were no mere expressions of opinion . They were rulings of those who were for the time being entitled to speak on behalf of the sovereign power , and rulings ...
... Kathiawar is not within the Dominions of the Crown . Those declarations were no mere expressions of opinion . They were rulings of those who were for the time being entitled to speak on behalf of the sovereign power , and rulings ...
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31st March Acts of Parliament Administrative Counties agreement amount approved Art Schools Average Attendance average number awarded Benefices Board of Education Boys British India CASH cent centres Certificated Teachers Chamber of Princes Church of England Commissioners Committee council schools County Boroughs Crown Day Schools defective Department Domestic Subjects Education Act Education Authorities Education Scotland ENGLAND AND WALES examination expenditure Explanatory Notes figures Full-time Fund Further Education Girls Government of India increase industrial institutions Junior Technical Schools Kathiawar local education authorities London ment Monmouthshire number of children number of pupils Number of Schools number of students Number on Registers organised Paramount Power paramountcy part-time Percentage Princes Public Elementary Schools Pupil-Teachers Pupils who left railways recognised Regulations relations schemes scholars Scholarships Secondary Schools Section Securities sovereignty Stock Table teaching Technical College tion total number Training Colleges transferred treaties type of Area Uncertificated University voluntary schools Welsh Intermediate Schools Women