Parliamentary Papers, Nide 6H.M. Stationery Office, 1929 |
Kirjan sisältä
Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 98
Sivu 12
... part in imperial history . Their loyalty at the time of the mutiny ; their response to all patriotic calls upon them ; their noble services in the Great War ; their splendid devotion to the Crown and the person of the King - Emperor and ...
... part in imperial history . Their loyalty at the time of the mutiny ; their response to all patriotic calls upon them ; their noble services in the Great War ; their splendid devotion to the Crown and the person of the King - Emperor and ...
Sivu 22
... time in history could look back on more than a century of action without ... part of the Paramount Power . One of the greatest of these , that the rights ... time con- cerned ! We have heard comments from some of the Princes ...
... time in history could look back on more than a century of action without ... part of the Paramount Power . One of the greatest of these , that the rights ... time con- cerned ! We have heard comments from some of the Princes ...
Sivu 35
... part of the scheme to establish a supreme court with powers to settle disputes between the new council and ... time to be ruler in his own state ; and many Princes would object to be placed under other Princes or ministers of their ...
... part of the scheme to establish a supreme court with powers to settle disputes between the new council and ... time to be ruler in his own state ; and many Princes would object to be placed under other Princes or ministers of their ...
Sivu 48
... time was inadequate then and has become still more inadequate now . We are ... part of the corres- pondence within the state is carried by the local post ... part of India , but not overseas , while the stamps of the other ten ...
... time was inadequate then and has become still more inadequate now . We are ... part of the corres- pondence within the state is carried by the local post ... part of India , but not overseas , while the stamps of the other ten ...
Sivu 60
... time , or by change of circumstances . Although the treaty , in any individual case , may have been modified , or ... part of the ruler's sovereignty has been transferred to the Crown . To the 60.
... time , or by change of circumstances . Although the treaty , in any individual case , may have been modified , or ... part of the ruler's sovereignty has been transferred to the Crown . To the 60.
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
31st March Acts of Parliament Administrative Counties agreement amount approved Art Schools Average Attendance average number awarded Benefices Board of Education Boys British India CASH cent centres Certificated Teachers Chamber of Princes Church of England Commissioners Committee council schools County Boroughs Crown Day Schools defective Department Domestic Subjects Education Act Education Authorities Education Scotland ENGLAND AND WALES examination expenditure Explanatory Notes figures Full-time Fund Further Education Girls Government of India increase industrial institutions Junior Technical Schools Kathiawar local education authorities London ment Monmouthshire number of children number of pupils Number of Schools number of students Number on Registers organised Paramount Power paramountcy part-time Percentage Princes Public Elementary Schools Pupil-Teachers Pupils who left railways recognised Regulations relations schemes scholars Scholarships Secondary Schools Section Securities sovereignty Stock Table teaching Technical College tion total number Training Colleges transferred treaties type of Area Uncertificated University voluntary schools Welsh Intermediate Schools Women