CALL FOR THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION. ON November 24, 1891, the Republican National Committee called the next National Convention, to meet at Minneapolis on June 7, 1892. The call announces that each State will be entitled to four delegates-at-large, and for each Representative in Congress-at-large, two delegates; and each Congres sional District, each Territory and the D. C., two delegates. The delegatesat-large are to be chosen by State conventions, called on not less than twenty days' public notice, and not less than thirty days before the National Convention; the Congressional District delegates at conventions called by the Congressional Committee of each district in the same manner as the nomination for a Representative in Congress is made in the district; provided that in any Congressional District where there is no Republican Congressional Committee, owing to the redistricting of the State under the next Congressional apportionment, the Republican State Committee shall appoint from the residents of the district a committee to call a district convention to elect district delegates. "The Territorial delegates are to be chosen as the nomination of a delegate in Congress is made, and the delegates of the D. C. at a convention constituted of members elected in primary district assemblies held under the call and direction of the Republican Central Committee of the D. C., which committee is to be chosen, one from each Assembly District, on the first Tuesday of January, 1892, at 7 P. M., at a place of meeting in each Assembly District, to be designated by a joint call with not less than ten days' notice, signed by the member of the National Committee for the D. C., and the chairman of the Republican Central Committee of the district. Alternate delegates are to be elected in the same manner and at the same time as the delegates." REPUBLICAN NATIONAL AND STATE COMMITTEES. Chairman. J. S. Clarkson Des Moines,Ia|Minnesota............. Secretary. Alabama. Arizona... Birmingham Geo. Christ.. Eureka Spr'gs P. Clayton... Nogales California.. M. II. De Arkansas.. Young. S. Francisco Dakota... Delaware. Missouri. Nevada... R. G. Evans.. Minneapolis C. I. Filley... St. Louis son Madison day Florida. Georgia Idaho.. Illinois.. Indiana.. J. K. Russell. Olustee F. F. Putney. Hardaway bell Chicago J. C. New.... London, Eng. Kentucky.... W.O. Bradley Lancaster Iowa Kansas Louisiana Maine Maryland.. P. B. S. Pinch back.. New Orleans J. M. Haynes Augusta Michigan.. J. P. Sanborn Pt. Huron Ohio. Oregon. Wilmington A. L. Conger. Akron J. Bourne........... Portland Pennsylvania. L. E. Watres. Harrisburg Texas N. W. Cuney. Galveston Vermont nagh.... Olympia W. Virginia N. B. Scott Wheeling Wyoming *For changes in names, if any, up to the moment of going to press, see Addenda, preceding Index. This note applies to all committee and similar lists, which are liable to constant alteration REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEES. Chairmen and Secretaries of the Committees appointed by the last Republican State (and Territorial) Conventions: ALABAMA.-Rep. State Com., Robert A. Moseley, Jr., Montgomery, Chairman; Harvey A. Wilson, Birmingham, Secretary. ARKANSAS.-Rep. State Com., Henry M. Cooper, Little Rock, Chairman; M. W. Gibbs, Little Rock, Secretary. CALIFORNIA.-Rep. State Central Com., Irwin C. Stump, San Francisco, Chairman; Chas. F. Bassett, San Francisco, Secretary. COLORADO.-Rep. State Com., E. M. Ashley, Denver, Chairman; N. H. Meldrum, Denver, Secretary. CONNECTICUT.-Rep.State Central Com., Erastus S. Day, Colchester, Chairman; R. Jay Walsh, Greenwich, Secretary. DELAWARE.-Rep. State Central Com., John Pilling, Newark, Chairman; J. Frank Bacon, Georgetown, Secretary. FLORIDA. Rep. State Com., Dennis Eagan, Jacksonville, Chairman; Joseph E. Lee, Jacksonville, Secretary. GEORGIA. State Central Com., Alfred E. Buck, Atlanta, Chairman. IDAHO.-Rep. State Central Com., Joseph Pinkham, Boise City, Chairman; Sam'l J. Pritchard, Boise City, Secretary. ILLINOIS.-Rep. State Central Com., A. M. Jones, Warren, Chairman; Daniel Shepard, Chicago, Secretary. INDIANA.- Rep. State Central Com., John K. Goudy, Rushville, Chairman; Frank M. Milliken, Indianapolis, Secre tary. IOWA.-Rep. State Central Com., Edgar E. Mack, Storm Lake, Chairman; E. D. Chassell, Des Moines, Secretary. KANSAS. Rep. State Central Com., Henry Booth, Larned, Chairman; Bion S. Hutchins, Hutchinson, Secretary. KENTUCKY.-Rep. State Central Com., John W. Yerkes, Danville, Chairman; W. E. Riley, Louisville, Secretary. LOUISIANA.-Rep. State Central Com., P. F. Herwig, New-Orleans, Chairman; William Vigers, New-Orleans, Corresponding Secretary. MAINE.-Rep. State Com., Joseph H. Manley, Augusta, Chairman; Frank E. Southard, Augusta, Secretary. MARYLAND.-Rep. State Central Com., H. M. Clabaugh, Westminster, Chairman; H. Clay Naill, Baltimore, Secretary. MASSACHUSETTS.-Rep. State Com., Joseph O. Burdette, Hingham, Chairman; J. Otis Wardwell, Haverhill, Secretary. MICHIGAN. Rep. State Central Com., James McMillan, Detroit, Chairman; Wm. R. Bates, Detroit, Secretary. MINNESOTA.-Rep. State Central Com., Joel P. Heat wole, Northfield; James Bixby, St. Paul, Secretary. MISSISSIPPI. - Rep. State Executive Com., J. M. Matthews, Winona, Chairman; William H. Gibbs, Jackson, Secretary. MISSOURI.-Rep. State Com., Chauncey I. Filley, St. Louis, Chairman; James T. Beach, St. Joseph, Secretary. MONTANA.-Rep. State Com., A. J. Selig. man, Helena, Chairman; James B. Walker, Helena, Secretary. NEBRASKA.-Rep. State Central Com., Dr. S. D. Mercer, Fremont, Chairman; Walt M. Seeley, Bennett, Secretary. NEVADA. Rep. State Central Com., E. D. Boyle, Virginia, Chairman; F. C. Lord, Virginia, Secretary. NEW HAMPSHIRE.-Rep. State Com., F. C. Churchill, Lebanon, Chairman; S. S. Jewett, Laconia, Secretary. NEW JERSEY.-Rep. State Com., John Kean, Jr., Elizabeth, Chairman; John Y. Foster, Jersey City, Secretary. NEW MEXICO.-Territorial Rep. Com., William W. Griffin, Santa Fé, Chairman; J. D. Woodyard, Socorro, Secretary. NEW YORK.-Rep. State Com., William Brookfield, New-York, Chairman; John S. Kenyon, Syracuse, Secretary. NORTH CAROLINA.-Rep. State Executive Com., John Baxter Eaves, Statesville, Chairman; F. T. Walser, Asheville, Secretary. NORTH DAKOTA.-Rep. State Com., B. F. Spaulding, Fargo, Chairman; W. B. Pattín, Fargo, Secretary. ОнIо.-Rep. State Central Com., William M. Halin, Mansfield, Chairman; W. S. Matthews, Columbus, Secretary. OREGON.-Rep. State Central Com., L. T. Barin, Oregon City, Chairman; J. T. Gregg, Salem, Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA.-Rep. State Com., Louis A. Watres, Scranton, Chairman; Frank Willing Leach, Washington, D. C., Secretary. RHODE ISLAND. Rep. State Central Com., A. K. Goodwin, Pawtucket, Chairman; Isaac L. Goff, Providence, Secretary. SOUTH CAROLINA.-Rep. State Executive Com., Ellery M. Brayton, Columbia, Chairman; John A. Barre, Columbia, Secretary. - SOUTH DAKOTA. Rep. State Central Com., A. E. Clough, Madison, Chairman; W. O. Allen, Groton, Secretary. TENNESSEE.-Rep. State Com., J. W. Baker, Nashville, Chairman; J. C. Napier, Nashville, Secretary. TEXAS.-Rep. State Executive Com., J. C. De Gress, Austin, Chairman; J. E. Wiley, Dallas, Secretary. VERMONT.-Rep. State Com., Frederick W. Baldwin, Barton, Chairman; —, Secretary. VIRGINIA. Rep. State Com., William Mahone, Petersburg, Chairman; Asa Rogers, Petersburg, Secretary. WASHINGTON.-Rep. State Central Com., John F. Gowey, Olympia, Chairman; 0. A. Bowen, Olympia, Secretary. WEST VIRGINIA.-Rep. State Executive Com., Augustus Pollack, Wheeling, Chairman; G. W. Atkinson, Wheeling, Secretary. WISCONSIN.-Rep. State Central Com., Henry C. Payne, Milwaukee, Chairman; John M. Ewing, Milwaukee, Secretary. WYOMING.-Rep. Central Com., Joseph M. Carey, Cheyenne, Chairman; C. N. Potter, Cheyenne, Secretary. ORGANIZED at Chickering Hall, New York, December 17, 1887. Headquarters 202 Fifth avenue, New York. President, James S. Clarkson, Iowa; secretary, Andrew B. Humphrey, New York; treasurer, Phineas C. Lounsbury, Connecticut; chairman subexecutive committee, James A. Blanchard, New York; national organizer, Timothy E. Byrnes, Minnesota. Sub-executive committee-Joseph H. Manley, Maine; J. Henry Gould, Massachusetts; James A. Blanchard, New York; Edward P. Allen, Michigan; William E. Chamberlain, California; Stephen B. Elkins, West Virginia; E. C. Little, Kansas; R. W. Austin, Alabama; Horace M. Deal, Ohio; W. W. Tracy, Illinois; T. E. Byrnes, Minnesota; W. A. Hamill, Colorado; J. S. Clarkson, president, and A. B. Humphrey, secretary, ex officio. THE Democratic National Committee met at Washington during January, 1892, to appoint a time and place for holding the next National Convention. Chairmen and Secretaries of the Committees appointed by the last Democratic State (and Territorial) Conventions: ALABAMA. State Executive Committee of the Democratic and Conservative party, Henry C. Tompkins, Montgomery, Chairman; Reuben C. Shorter, Montgomery, Secretary. ARIZONA.-Democratic Territorial Central Committee, L. M. Jacobs, Tucson, Chairman; J. E. Walker, Phoenix, Secretary. ARKANSAS.-Democratic State Central Committee, J. E. Williams, Little Rock, Chairman; W. J. Terry, Little Rock, Secretary. CALIFORNIA. - Democratic State Central Committee, Russell J. Wilson, San Francisco, Chairman; A. T. Spotts, San Francisco, Secretary. COLORADO.-Democratic State Central Committee, Frank P. Arbuckle, Denver, Chairman; Rod S. King, Leadville, Secretary. CONNECTICUT.-Democratic State Committee, Clinton B. Davis, Higganum, Chairman; J. H. Swartwout, New Haven, Secretary. DELAWARE.-Democratic State Committee, W. H. Stevens, Seaford, Chairman: R. H. Taylor, Wilmington, Secretary. Democratic DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Central Committee, John Boyle, Washington, Chairman; James F. Brown, Washington, Secretary. INDIANA.- Democratic State Central Committee, Chas. L. Jewett, New Albany, Chairman; Joseph L. Reilly, Indianapolis, Secretary. IOWA.-Democratic State Central Committee, Chas. D. Fullen, Fairfield, Chairman: Thos. H. Lee, Red Oak, Secretary. KANSAS. - Democratic State Central Committee-W. C. Jones, Iola, Chairman; Charles Howard, Hays City, S Secre tary. KENTUCKY.-Democratic State Central Committee, John B. Castleman, Louisville, Chairman; W. B. Haldeman, Louisville, Secretary. LOUISIANA. Democratic State Central Committee, John S. Lanier,Baton Rouge, Chairman; Geo. W. Flynn, New Orleans, Secretary. *For change in names, if any, up to the moment of going to press, see Addenda, preceding Index. This note applies to all committee and similar lists, which are liable to constant alteration. |