45 per cent. 6c 60 60 66 5c per sq. foot. " 60 per cent. 160 $1 dz. not less than 50 p. c. $1.50 66 $2.50 $2.50 50" 50" 504 50" Lead, pigs, bars 66 20 per cent. 80 10 35 135 66 35 66 20 25c per gallon. Free. 20c per bushel. 35 per cent.. per cent. 6c per 100 lbs. 50 per cent. 55 15 32c per gallon. 2c per lb. 45c per bushel. 10c per gross. 8c per sq. ft. 6c per sq. yd. 60 per cent. 35 70 Lead, type metal Leather manufactures' Lime.. Linen manufactures*. Linen, wearing apparel.. Linen thread. Linseed oil.. Macaroni Malt Matches, friction, boxed.. Mats, cocoa and rattan.. Matting, jute. Mathematical instruments, glass. Meerschaum pipes Mica, ground.. Milk, fresh.. Milk, condensed. Molasses. Muffs, fur.. Musical instruments, metal. Music boxes 4c and 8c per gallon... Free (after Apr. 1,'91). 30 per cent.. Old Tariff (1883) Rate. New Tariff (McKinley) 1890. 1c per lb. 4c 25c 1c per lb. 4c Free. Free. Free... 1⁄2c per lb. 25 25 66 10 66 40 25 66 35 per cent. 45 66 160 UNITED STATES CUSTOMS DUTIES.-Continued. Articles. Nails, cut... Nails, horseshoe. Newspapers, periodicals. Needles, sewing. Oatmeal Oil-cloths for floors, value over 25c sq. yd. 40 per cent. Oil, olive.. Oil, whale and seal. Onions. Opium, liquid preparations.. Paintings, by American artists.. Organs.. Paintings, by foreign artists. Paper manufactures... Paper stock, crude. Pepper, cayenne, unground Perfumery, alcoholic. Personal effects (see note)... Phosphorus.. Photograph Albums. Pianofortes. Photograph Slides. Pickles.. Pins, metallic. Pipes of clay, common. Plants* Poultry, dressed. Potatoes.. Pulp, wood, paper-makers' use, ground. Quicksilver Quilts, cotton.. Quinine, sulphate and salts.. Railroad ties, cedar Robes, buffalo, made up. Roofing tiles, plain... Rope, bale, of hemp. Rope, bale, of cotton. Rugs, oriental.... Salmon, dried or smoked. Salmon, pickled and salted.. Salt, in bulk. Salt, in bags. Sauces*. Sausages, Bologna... Sausages, all others Sealskin sacques. Seeds, garden.. Sheetings, linen... Shirts, in whole or part linen.. Shoe-laces, cotton.. Shoe-laces, leather. Shoes, leather.. Shoes, India-rubber. Silk, raw.... Silk, spun in skeins. Silk, laces, embroideries, handkerchiefs, and all wearing apparel.. Skins, uncured, raw. Skins, tanned and dressed. Slates, porcelain, plain.. Soap, Castile. Spelter in blocks. Statuary, marble.. Smokers' articles, except clay pipes. Spirits, except bay rum. Steel ingots Slabs, etc., value 7c to 10c per lb.. 60 50c per lb. 20 per cent. $2 per proof gallon. 50c per lb. |