For the present fiscal year the revenues are estimated as follows: The expenditures for the same period are estimated as follows: The following is a statement of the probable condition of the Treasury at the close of the present fiscal year, June 30, 1892: Cash in the Treasury July 1, 1891, including gold reserve.. Deposits during the year for redemption of national bank notes. Total amount available..... Less Redemption of national bank notes during the year.. $16,000,000.00 currency to November 1, 1891. Redemption of same items during remainder of year. Cash balance available June 30, 1892.. 20,911,163.00 4,254,500.00 $41,165,663.00 $139,728,145.83 Fiscal year 1893. It is estimated that the revenues of the government for the fiscal year 1893 The estimates of appropriations required for the same period, as submitted by the several Executive Departments and offices, are as follows: Total estimated appropriations, exclusive of sinking-fund... $441,300,093.61 Or an estimated surplus of.. $14,036,256.83 AN INTERESTING DOCUMENT SHOWING THE ITEMS OF RECEIPT AND EXPENDITURE IN THE FEDERAL OFFICES, ETC., FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1891. Money received on account of deceased passengers $198,599,088.42 132,169.05 5,970.69 275,021.95 860.00 Money received from sale of old material, public documents, etc 158,617.48 Miscellaneous receipts.. 750,432.98 Treasurer of the United States for moneys received. Mint and assay offices. 666,965,384.93 113,154,195.88 Accounts of the collector of taxes for the District of Columbia for taxes Second Auditor, repairing rolls, bounty pay of Indians, soldiers, etc. 21,483.23 Second Auditor, accounts of Soldiers' Home. Third Auditor. Fourth Auditor. Fifth Auditor. Sixth Auditor. Treasurer of the United States Treasurer (national currency, reimbursable, permanent). 6,113.53 188,528.13 68,831.95 47,288.65 531,822.48 269,299.54 63,716.00 173,583.43 102,237.67 369.92 Comptroller of Currency, national currency, reimbursable,permanent 16,317.36 Life-Saving Service.. 46,602.84 Lighthouse Board. 35,150.79 Office of Supervising Surgeon-General, Marine-Hospital Service Office of Supervising Inspector-General, Steamboat Inspection Service... 31,747.40 12,671.77 Office of Standard Weights and Measures. 2,320.45 Contingent expenses, Office Standard Weights and Measures.. 605.43 218,765.33 Contingent expenses Steamboat Inspection Service (permanent).. Salaries and expenses of special inspectors, foreign steam vessels (permanent).. Rent Horses, wagons, etc. Ice.. File holders and cases. Fuel, etc... Gas, etc... Carpets and repairs. Furniture, etc Miscellaneous items (permanent) Contingent expenses, national currency, Treasurer's Office, reimbursable Sealing and separating United States securities, 1890-'91. Distinctive paper for United States securities Transportation of silver coin Pay of assistant custodians and janitors Fuel, lights, and water for public buildings. Furniture and repairs of same, public buildings. Inspector of furniture, etc Heating apparatus for public buildings. Vaults, safes, and locks for public buildings. 5,459.99 3,983.86 2,550.03 2,169.09 8,090.95 13,683.90 2,823.82 9,859.63 8,965.54 21,799.14 1,678.67 23,108.31 48,580.57 218,701.69 783,511.51 297,297.83 3,972.28 86,291.19 32,210.88 4,454.40 |