Contingent expenses, War Department. 62,634.23 Salaries of employees, public buildings and grounds, under Chief of Engineers.. 58,515.59 Postage to Postal Union countries.. 1,430.00 Repairs to water pipes and fire plugs. Telegraph to connect the Capitol, Departments, and Government Printing Office... 2,768.11 1,172.42 Contingent expenses. 442.59 War, civil, miscellaneous. Salaries, office of superintendent State, War, and Navy Department building.. 117,925.02 Fuel, lights, etc., State, War, and Navy Department building.. 43,199.32 7,758.42 Completion of the Washington Monument. 1,015.61 Care and maintenance of the Washington Monument.. 10,925.70 Monument at Washington's headquarters, Newburg, N. Y 31,888.43 Support and medical treatment of destitute patients. 17,510.76 18,112.12 Statue to the memory of General LaFayette and compatriots.. Contingent and miscellaneous expenses, Hydrographic Office. 44,649.75 Expenses of special land inspectors, Department of the Interior. 2,278.26 534,622.20 Salaries special examiners, Pension Office.. 204,807.70 Investigation of pension cases, special examiners, Pension Office. 173,793.46 Government Hospital for the Insane, Buildings and Grounds. 46,929.52 67,660.59 Contingent expenses. 1,155.37 Investigation of Industrial and Technical school systems of the United States and Foreign countries.. 383.54 Expenses settling title to Greer Co., claimed by Texas.. 240.35 Defending suits in claims against the District of Columbia. 205.25 7,785.00 Oil portraits of Chief Justices Rutledge, Ellsworth, and Waite. 1,500.00 190.00 1,500.00 Rent and incidental expenses, office of marshal of Alaska. 1,133.60 496.00 51,367.09 Payments of judgments United States courts.. Justices and judges supreme court, District of Columbia. 24,500.00 [Audits all Accounts for Payment of Interest on the Public Debt, both Registered Stock and Coupon Bonds, Interest on District of Columbia Bonds, Pacific Railroad Bonds, Louisville and Portland Canal Bonds, Navy Pension Fund, Redemption of United States and District of Columbia Bonds, Redemption of Coin and Currency Certificates, Old Notes and Bounty Scrip, and Accounts for Notes and Fractional Currency destroyed.] Interest on United States securities... Miscellaneous securities... Interest on District of Columbia securities.. Redemption of U. S. bonds-retired.. $35,583,955.56 28,598.15 1,039,313.65 31,643,560.10 26,480,186.62 35,677,097.84 22,592,449.58 319,457.78 63,550,203.72 142,632,937.65 $359,547,760.65 POPULATION, NET REVENUE, AND NET EXPENDITURES OF THE GOVERNMENT FROM 1837 TO JUNE 30, 1891, AND PER CAPITA OF THE REV ENUES AND PER CAPITA OF EXPENDITURES. *This includes $8,270,842.46 of " premiums on purchase of bonds." NOTE. This statement has been revised and corrected according to the census report of 1890. |