The Army ration, provided by law, has been increased by the addition thereto of one pound of vegetables, the proportion to be fixed by the Secretary of War. DETAIL OF OFFICERS TO COLLEGES. The act of Jan. 13, 1891, amends Section 1,225, Revised Statutes, concerning details of officers of Army and Navy to educational institutions, so as to permit the President to detail not to exceed 75 U. S. Army officers. The maximum number of Army and Navy officers to be detailed at any one time under the act passed Sept. 26, 1888, amending Section 1,225, Revised Statutes, is increased to 85. No officer shall be detailed to or maintained at any of the educational institutions mentioned where instruction and drill in military tactics is not given; and nothing in the act shall be construed to prevent the detail of officers of the Engineer Corps of the Navy as professors in scientific schools or colleges as now provided by act of Congress approved Feb. 26, 1879. CERTIFICATES OF MERIT TO ENLISTED MEN. The act of Feb. 9, 1891, amends Section 1,216, Revised Statutes, to read that when any enlisted man of the Army shall have distinguished himself in the service the President may, at the recommendation of his commanding officer, grant him a certificate of merit. It also amends Section 1,285, Revised Statutes, to read that a certificate of merit granted to an enlisted man for distinguished service shall entitle him to additional pay at the rate of $2 per month while he is in the military service. TRANSFER OF OFFICERS TO UNLIMITED LIST. The act of Feb. 16, 1891, provides that when officers placed on the retired list shall have attained the age of 64 they shall be transferred to unlimited list. The limited retired list hereafter is to consist of 350 instead of 400, as now fixed by law. Officers who have been placed on the retired list by special authority of Congress are not to form part of the limited retired list established by this act Miantonomah New York Built..... Iron. 3,815 10.5 20 16,500 5,400 9,000 9,000 1,600 4 10 in., 2 R F, 4 M G. 2 12 in., 2 10 in., 6 6 pdrs., 4 3 pdrs., 7 2 RF, 2 MG. 4 13 in., 8 8 in., 4 6 in., 28 R F and M G. 4 13 in., 8 8 in., 4 6 in., 28 RF and M G. 4,500 14 4,030 Same as Boston. Baltimore Philadelphia.. San Francisco. Cruiser No. 6. 3,893 19 2,000 17 4,800 Not yet settled. 5,084 (48 in., 8 6 in., 2 5 in. B LR, 12 1 RF. 4,030 2 8 in., 6 6 in. BL R, 12 R F. 8,500 12 6 in. B LR, 16 R F. 7,520 2 8 in., 6 6 in. B L R, 4 RF, 4 M G. 10,064 4 8 in., 6 6 in. BLR, 14 RF. 10,400 12 6 in. B LR, 17 R F. 8,815 Same as San Francisco. 13,500 4 8 in., 10 5 in. B L R, 24 R F. 10,000 1 6 in., 10 4 in. B L R, 14 R F. 10,000 1 6 in., 10 4 in. BLR, 14 RF. 5,400 2 6 in., 8 4 in. B L R, 10 R F. 5,400 Same as Mobile. 5,400 Same as Mobile. (1 8 in., 2 6 in., 12 4 in. BLR, 28 RF. 3,660 6 6 in. BLR, 9 RF. 3,400 6 6 in. BLR, 4RF, 5 MG. 2,240 1 6 in. BLR, 8RF. Not settled. * Torpedo boats. RF, Rapid Fire Gun. BL R, Breech-Loading Rifle. M G, Machine Gun. THE OLD NAVY. In addition to the above, the Navy possesses 59 iron and wooden sailing and steam vessels, tugs, school-ships, etc. Of these, 30 are in commission. + For revisions and additions to this list, up to the moment of going to press, see Addenda, preceding Index. 181. Medical and Pay Directors and Medical and Pay Inspectors, and Chief Engineers, having the same rank, at sea Fleet-Surgeons, Fleet-Paymasters, and Fleet-Engineers.. 1,800 1,500 1,200 2,000 1,700 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 1,400 1,200 1,000 500 500 500 900 700 500 First five years after date of appointment.. 2,000 1,800 1,500 2,200 2,000 1,700 2,450 2,250 1,900 2,700 2,350 1,950 1,700 1,400 1,000 1,900 1,600 1,200 3,200 2,200 1,300 1,600 1,300 1,000 1,800 1,600 1,200 *After leaving Academy, at sea, in other than practice-ships, $950 per annum. |