At receiving-ship, Boston, New York and Philadelphia.. Clerks to Paymasters At navy-yard, Mare Island.. At navy-yards, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington.. At other stations.. At receiving-ship, Mare Island.. $2,500 1,800 1,500 1,200 1,800 1,500 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,300 1,600 1,800 On vessels of the second rate and to fleet-paymasters. At other receiving-ships, on vessels of the first rate, at the Naval 1,500 On vessels of the third rate and supply vessels and store ships.. 1,100 At other inspections... To Inspectors in charge of provisions and clothing at navy-yards, Boston, 1,000 1,600 1,300 NOTE. From and after July 1, 1870, the spirit ration is totally abolished, and in lieu thereof the Navy ration, under the appropriation of provisions for the Navy, is 30 cents per day. No officer on the retired list of the Navy shall be employed on active duty except in time of war. And those officers on the retired list, and those hereafter retired, who were, or who may be, retired after forty years' service, or on attaining the age of sixtytwo, in conformity with section 1 of the act of December, 1861, and its amendments, dated June 25, 1864, or those who were or may be retired from incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injuries received in the line of duty, from sickness or exposure therein, shall be entitled to seventy-five per centum of the present sea-pay of their grade or rank at time of retirement. The rear-admirals provided for in the act of June 5, 1872, shall be considered as having been retired as rearadmirals. (Act 3d March, 1873.) UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY. STUDENTS AND COURSE.-The students of the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., are styled Naval Cadets. One cadet is allowed for every member or delegate of the House of Representatives, one for the District of Columbia, and ten at large. No more than ten appointed at large are allowed in the Academy at any one time. The course of study is six years, four years at the Academy and two at sea, at the end of which time the Cadet returns to the Academy for final graduation, and the district then becomes vacant. NOMINATIONS.-The Secretary of the Navy, as soon after March 5 in each year as possible, notifies in writing each member and delegate of the House of Representatives of any vacancy in his district. The nomination of a candidate to fill the vacancy is made on the recommendation of the member or delegate, if such recommendation is made by July 1 of that year: but if not the Secretary of the Navy fills the vacancy. The candidate allowed for the District of Columbia and all the candidates appointed at large are selected by the President. Candidates allowed for Congressional districts, for Territories and for the District of Columbia must be actual residents of the districts or Territories from which they are nominated. And all candidates must, at the time of their examination for admission, be between the ages of fifteen and twenty, physically sound, well formed, and of robust constitution. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION.-Candidates nominated in time to enable them to reach the Academy by May 15, receive permission to present themselves on that date to the Superintendent for examination for admission. Those not nominated in time to present themselves at the May examination are examined on the first of September following. When either of the above dates falls on Sunday the candidates present themselves on the Monday following. Candidates are required to enter the Academy immediately after passing the prescribed examinations. No leave of absence is granted to cadets of the fourth class. GRADUATE APPOINTMENTS.-Appointments to fill all vacancies that may occur during a year in the lower grades of the Line and Engineer Corps of the Navy and of the Marine Corps are made from the Naval Cadets, graduates of the year, at the conclusion of their six years' course, in the order of merit as determined by the Academic Board. At least fifteen appointments from such graduates will be made each year. To surplus graduates who do not receive such appointments will be given a certificate of graduation, an honorable discharge, and one year's sea pay, as provided for Naval Cadets. THE Navy Appropriation Act, 1890, provided for the construction, by contract, of three sea-going coast-line battle-ships to carry the heaviest armor and most powerful ordnance upon a displacement of about 8,500 tons, with a coal endurance of about 5,000 knots on the total coal capacity at the most economical rate of speed, and to have the highest practicable speed for vessels of their class, to cost, exclusive of armament and of any premiums that may be paid for increased speed, not exceeding $4,000,000 each; one protected cruiser of about 7,300 tons displacement, at a cost, exclusive of armament, not to exceed $2,750,000, to have a maximum speed of not less than twentyone knots; one swift torpedo cruiser of about 750 tons displacement, at a cost, exclusive of armament, not to exceed $350,000, to have a maximum speed of not less than twenty-three knots; and one torpedo boat, at a cost not to exceed $125,000. The contracts to be made subject to the Act of August 3, 1886. One of these vessels to be built on or near the Pacific Ocean or the waters connecting therewith, one of them on or near the Gulf of Mexico or the waters connecting therewith, and two of them on or near the Atlantic *For most recent legislation under this heading, up to the moment of going to press, see Addenda, preceding Index. |