Sivut kuvina
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Electoral Vote.-In 1872 Grant (R.) received 10 votes; 1876, Tilden (D.), 10; 1880, Hancock (D.), 10; 1884, Cleveland (D.), 10; 1888, Cleveland (D.), 10. There will be 11 votes in 1892.

Total State Vote.-1872, 169,716; 1876, 170,232; 1880, 151,507; 1884, 153,489; 1888, 174,100; 1890 (Gov.), 183,841.

Pluralities.-1872, 10,828 (R.); 1876, 33,772 (D.); 1880, 34,509 (D.); 1884, 33,829 (D.); 1888, 61,123 (D.); 1890, 97,470 (D.).

Increase in the Popular Vote.-The increase in the popular vote since 1872 is 14, 125.

New Counties.-Chilton, Cullman and Lamar Counties have been formed since 1872.

Variations in County Vote, 1884-1888.-The following variations are noted:







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.746 (D.)

20 (R.). .2,623 (R.).

Variations in County Vote since 1888.-Variations as under are recorded, considering only the vote for President in 1888 as compared

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196 (R.).

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.1,535 (D.)

From the above it may be noted that five counties changed sides in 1888 and four in 1890-Franklin County having changed twice. Choctaw has given a gradually increasing Democratic plurality since 1872, as follows: 506, 516, 530, 597, 760, 769. Although many counties have given Democratic pluralities without a break, no other county than the one mentioned has a gradually ascending record since 1872.

No. of Counties.-The total number of counties, 1890, is 66.

Population. The population of the State, 1880, was 1,262,505; 1890, 1,513,017.

The five most populous counties are: Jefferson (88,501); Montgomery (56,172); Mobile (51,587); Dallas (49,350); and Madison (38,119).

For Congressional and city figures see Appendix.

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Electoral Vote.-In 1876 Tilden (D.) received 6 votes; 1880, Hancock (D.), 6; 1884, Cleveland (D.), 7; 1888, Cleveland (D.), 7. There will be 8 votes in 1892.

Total State Vote.-1872, 79,300; 1876, 96,740; 1880, 106, 229; 1884, 125,580; 1888, 155,941; 1890 (Gov.), 191,448.

Pluralities.-1872, 3,446 (R.); 1876, 19,113 (D.); 1880, 18,828 (D.); 1884, 22,032 (D.); 1888, 27,210 (D.); 1890, 21,086 (D.).

Increase in the Popular Vote.-The increase in the popular vote since 1872 is 112,148.

New Counties.-Baxter, Clay, Cleburne, Cleveland, Dorsey, Faulkner, Garland, Greene, Howard, Jackson, Johnson, Lee, Logan, Lonoke, Miller, Poinsett, Scott, Stone and Yell Counties have been formed since 1872.

Variations in the County Vote, 1884-1888.-The following variations are


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.215 (D.)

Variations in County Vote since 1888.-Variations as under are recorded,

considering only the vote for President in 1888 as compared with

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.1,398 (D.).

71 (R.)

From the above it may be noted that, practically eight counties changed sides in 1888, and eight in 1890. Drew and Lee Counties changed sides twice.

Jefferson County has given a gradually increasing Republican plurality since 1872, as follows: 1,804, 2,300, 2,311, 2,431, 3,508, 4,442, being the only county having that record.

Columbia County has given a gradually increasing Democratic plurality since 1872, as follows: 432, 550, 591, 709, 948, 1,119.

On the Democratic side, Washington and Franklin Counties came within 11 and 8, respectively, of a gradual increase since ⚫ 1872.

The figures as under will show the counties next in order having a gradually increasing Democratic plurality at presidential elections:

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No. of Counties.-According to the latest reports, there are seventy-five coun

ties in Arkansas.

Population. The population of the State, 1880, was 802,525; 1890, 1,128,179. The five most populous counties are Pulaski (47,329); Jefferson (40,881); Sebastian (33,200); Washington (32,024), and Benton (27,716).

For Congressional and city figures see Appendix.

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